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Clash of Clans best clan capital base layouts june 2023 Clash of Clans best clan capital base layouts june 2023

Clan Capital Base Layouts (January 2025) – Updated Links

With the new Clan Capital and the new game mode, there are new maps that require layouts as well. With all the different parts of the Clan Capital and levels there are I have experimented a lot to come up with this guide here to help you choose the right one for your Clan Capital.

In this guide you will find them grouped by section and level so you can choose the correct one – please mind, Supercell messes up the base copy links in the recent updates in a way they never did before, so if you see base links NOT working please contact us so we can update them.

clash of clans best clan capital layouts december 2022

Info: please mind that recently even small hotfixes disabled the copy links. If you encounter a link that doesn’t work please reach out to me so I can generate a new one.

Also, check out my new base designs for the new Town Hall 16, Town Hall 15, Town Hall 14, Town Hall 13, Town Hall 12, Town Hall 11, Town Hall 10 and Town Hall 9 – they also got freshly updated + the new BB2.0 bases for Builder Base 10, Builder Base 9, Builder Base 8, Builder Base 7 & Builder Base 6.

Best Clan Capital Peak Layouts (Ordered By District & Level)

Please use the search to find the Level or district:


Capital Peak

level 1 (capital peak)
Level 1 (Capital Peak)
level 2 (capital peak)
Level 2 (Capital Peak)
level 3 (capital peak)
Level 3 (Capital Peak)
level 4 (capital peak)
Level 4 (Capital Peak)
level 5 (capital peak)
Level 5 (Capital Peak)
level 6 (capital peak)
Level 6 (Capital Peak)
level 7 (capital peak)
Level 7 (Capital Peak)
level 8 (capital peak)
Level 8 (Capital Peak)
level 9 (capital peak)
Level 9 (Capital Peak)
level 10 (capital peak)
Level 10 (Capital Peak)

Barbarian Camp

level 1 (barbarian camp)
Level 1 (Barbarian Camp)
level 2 (barbarian camp)
Level 2 (Barbarian Camp)
level 3 (barbarian camp)
Level 3 (Barbarian Camp)
level 4 (barbarian camp)
Level 4 (Barbarian Camp)
level 5 (barbarian camp)
Level 5 (Barbarian Camp)

Wizard Valley

level 1 (wizard valley)
Level 1 (Wizard Valley)
level 2 (wizard valley)
Level 2 (Wizard Valley)
level 3 (wizard valley)
Level 3 (Wizard Valley)
level 4 (wizard valley)
Level 4 (Wizard Valley)
level 5 (wizard valley)
Level 5 (Wizard Valley)

Balloon Lagoon

level 1 (balloon lagoon)
Level 1 (Balloon Lagoon)
level 2 (balloon lagoon)
Level 2 (Balloon Lagoon)
level 3 (balloon lagoon)
Level 3 (Balloon Lagoon)
level 4 (balloon lagoon)
Level 4 (Balloon Lagoon)
level 5 (balloon lagoon)
Level 5 (Balloon Lagoon)

Builders Workshop

level 1 (builders workshop)
Level 1 (Builders Workshop)
level 2 (builders workshop)
Level 2 (Builders Workshop)
level 3 (builders workshop)
Level 3 (Builders Workshop)
level 4 (builders workshop)
Level 4 (Builders Workshop)
level 5 (builders workshop)
Level 5 (Builders Workshop)

Dragon Cliffs

level 1 (dragon cliffs)
Level 1 (Dragon Cliffs)
level 2 (dragon cliffs)
Level 2 (Dragon Cliffs)
level 4 (dragon cliffs)
Level 4 (Dragon Cliffs)
level 5 (dragon cliffs)
Level 5 (Dragon Cliffs)

Golem Quarry

level 1 (golem quarry)
Level 1 (Golem Quarry)
level 2 (golem quarry)
Level 2 (Golem Quarry)
level 3 (golem quarry)
Level 3 (Golem Quarry)
level 4 (golem quarry)
Level 4 (Golem Quarry)
level 5 (golem quarry)
Level 5 (Golem Quarry)

Skeleton Park

level 1 (skeleton park)
Level 1 (Skeleton Park)
level 2 (skeleton park)
Level 2 (Skeleton Park)
level 3 (skeleton park)
Level 3 (Skeleton Park)
level 4 (skeleton park)
Level 4 (Skeleton Park)

Goblin Mines

level 1 (goblin mines)
Level 1 (Goblin Mines)
level 2 (goblin mines)
Level 2 (Goblin Mines)
level 3 (goblin mines)
Level 3 (Goblin Mines)
level 4 (goblin mines)
Level 4 (Goblin Mines)

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I hope you enjoy the layouts and I’m sorry that you have to manually copy them from the images – Supercell doesn’t seem to make a copy base link available for Clan Capital bases and I really hope they will do that very soon. If you have questions, please drop a comment below.

  1. I can’t seem to find ANY of the base links for ANY of the Layouts presented.

    I click and it just brings up an image of the base. I don’t see links anywhere except in the comments. Need designs for Capital 3, Barb 2 and Wizard 1

        1. I do understand if that is frustrating and please don’t get that the wrong way, but as someone who sees the visitor statistics here I can assure you that less than 1% of the players look for a Capital Hall 7 or lower base. In sum. So “a lot” is a subjective view because you do, but in the bigger picture more like a drop in a bathtub. Again, no mean to disrespect. The reason why we don’t maintain them anymore is not just the effort designing, it’s also because players (more specifically clans) advance through those lower levels super quickly and the amount of clans actually that low are diminishing. On the other hand, Supercell now super randomly kills off base links so we would need at least two account with full clans on that low level all the time to be able to make a base and re-generate the base links frequently enough and that is, for us when looking at less than 1% of players actually looking at them, a small number that isn’t worth it.

    1. Just did CH9, CH10 and the max districts for December. Will do the Level 4 districts in the next days. Sorry but the way the links become unavailable is just unheard of, I try the best i can to keep them active and maintained 🙂

  2. Great insights on the new layouts! I appreciate the updated links and the detailed breakdown. Can’t wait to try out these strategies in my clan capital. Keep up the good work!

  3. Why is there no links next to the capital hall or districts how am I supposed to use them if there’s no link…. ???

  4. Barbarian camp level 3. Image is slightly cut off and 3 buildings are not placed. 1 hidden tesla, 1 army camp and 1 thatched hut. Please update thanks.

  5. Level 3 Wizard Valley is missing a Multi-Cannon. Maybe cut off in corner, hard to tell because image is blurry

  6. Your Balloon Lagoon level 3 is missing new buildings like the two new inferno towers that you get when you update your district hall to level 3

    1. Yeah they were from 2023 but I just updated with new ones so feel free to check the new one out 🙂

  7. Balloon Lagoon DH 3 layout is the same as DH 2, but the description seems to explain it’s something different. My guess it’s the wrong image because it doesn’t show any of the new buildings unlocked at District Hall 3 (the top north corner ruins). If you could reupload, that’d be great! Thanks!

  8. Your new setups are to compact. One Frost spell covers to many defenses.
    All districts can be won with 2 attacks. Capital with 3 attacks. Many leftover troops at the end.

    1 Frost Spell (max level)
    2 Skelton spells (max level)
    9 Miners (max level)
    3 Wall Breaker
    2 Barbs

  9. Dragon Cliff level 3 layout is missing a Mine and Zap Trap placement. It is also not obvious you are leaving out a wall piece at the bottom center double wall line up, the one near the Air Defense.

  10. Hi there, I copied the Barb Camp 3, and I end up with 3 buildings w/o placement.

    1 hidden mega tesla
    1 army camp
    1 thatched hut

  11. dh5 barb camp gets two hit very easily to zap loon or any strat involving graveyard. The only other base I tested was cap peak but I suspect you will need a full redesign of most districts to be at all effective against graveyard.

  12. I’m not sure if my earlier comment actually posted but if so ignore this one. Most photos are cropped so they’re missing the corners and I find I have leftover buildings after copying the layouts meaning they are supposed to be in the cropped areas, is it possible to take a photo of the whole map? Also builder workshop has two lvl2 maps but the lvl1 map is missing 3 whole rebuild sets equalling several buildings, are they in the cropped corners or just not added in?

    1. Thanks Frank, I will update in the coming days. I actually did hope Supercell will finally add copy links so we can skip this whole copy-layout-from-images-like-2018 thing… Sorry for the trouble

      1. Thanks for the reply! It’s all good you’re definitely doing a great job considering how many bases you pump out every month.

  13. Hey, love your work, I sub to your patreon for your BH9 layouts especially but I notice most of these clan capital photos are missing the edges of the map and I find that I have buildings left over after copying the layout meaning there are buildings that are cropped out of the photo, could you please look into that?

  14. Hey Tim, I love the work you do on this guide. Ive been waiting for you to update wizard valley to a level 4 layout for about 1-2 weeks now. Im starting to wonder if the issue is that you cant find a clan that progressed that far. If you would like to join my clan for the purpose of creating this guide further. You can add my clash tag. My clan has done a good job at staying in the expected area of development, and i have noticed its usually one step ahead of your guide.

    Clash tag #90ROOOVY

  15. I love these designs as they’re very defensive, but it seems like we need some layout updates especially in Builder’s Workshop. For level 1, there still remain ruins that can be rebuilt, but unfortunately they’re not included on this guide. I always come back to posts by Tim and I hope he takes a look and update these Clan Capital layouts. Thanks!

  16. I am a bit confused here, I am Capital Hall level 5 photo to edit my base but then realized I have more buildings than what it in the photo, It seems I have the buildings available at level 6 though my Capital Hall is 100% only level 5. Am i missing something here or are these off?

  17. Why, in barb camp 3, do you have the super giant barracks inside walls? They can’t get out to help defend!

  18. These pictures are very low quality. Can you reupload them so that they can be copied visually since there are no links to them either? Thank you!

        1. Yes please request at Supercell there are no copy links possible for Clan Capital bases rn which I find highly annoying 🙁

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