builder hall 9 base design builder hall 9 base design

The Best BH9 Base Layouts (January 2025) for Builder Hall 9

If you look for a fresh and well-working base layout for your Builder Hall 9 base you’re in the perfect place.

I do frequently test, build and review base layouts for Builder Hall 9 and give them here ready for you so you can directly copy them without testing or building them yourself.

I really hate those sites or videos showing you dozens of bases they copied somewhere without making any deeper explanation why they work so for this reason you will only find bases here that I have tested myself.

Bases here are updated monthly so check back here to get the latest base layouts.

Best BH9 Base Designs

Are you also running accounts with other Builder Hall levels? Great, you can check out my Builder Hall 10 bases here, the Builder Base 8 layouts here, the Builder Base 7 ones are here and here are the Builder Base 6 layouts.

New: here are the new Town Hall 17 bases! Also, I update my Town Hall layouts every 2 weeks (War, Trophy and Farming) – so, if you’re in need of a fresh design for them as well check out my TH16 bases here,  TH15 bases here, my TH14 bases here, the TH13 bases here, find the TH12 bases here, my TH11 bases here and here are the TH10 bases.

Without wasting any more time, here are the bases:

PRO Bases

PRO Bases are exclusive for our Patreon Supporters for the first 30 days before they become Public. Support us on Patreon to use the bases before everyone else and gain a big advantage.

bh9 base (pro)
BH9 Base (Pro)
The PRO Bases are exclsuive for our Patreon Supporters for the first 30 days. Gain an advantage by supporting us on Patreon to use this base before it will be become free and popular and players start developing strategies against it..
Base Description:In the Stage 1 layout you have two big compartments with couple of side defenses to support against ground strategies, well balanced base where even Baby Dragons are no problem. The second base is a diamond format base, designed against any kind of troops the enemy have and the base is also designed to try defend BH10 rushed, mainly spams strategies like babies and pekkas.
Meta Defense:
custom base
Custom Base
I will design a custom base for you that will fit your account and your needs - custom bases are by far the strongest and most durable bases you can use if you want to play at the top of the ranks or if your base is not maxed..
How does it work?:After you signed up for the Custom Base Tier on Patreon I will contact you and ask for the details of your base. After that, I will design your base and test it in real defenses and finetune it (takes a few days) and once I am happy with the performance, I will send you your private custom base copy link on Patreon.
Limited Spots:Designing a custom base takes time as I always have to test it with my accounts in real defenses, so there are limited spots available and sign up will be closed when the spots are filled. Right now there are a few spots open.

FREE Bases

After 30 days the PRO Bases will become public and you can use them. Please mind, the bases get popular quite quickly so people start developing strategies against it. If you support us on Patreon you can use the bases 30 days without minding them getting burned.

bh9 base (12/2024)
BH9 Base (12/2024)
BH9 Base for 12/2024 - The Stage 1 layout of this new BH9 base has a 3-compartment format, focused on defending mostly BH9 but also rusehd BH10s, mainly against easy-to-use strategies like Baby Dragons and others spams. Two others compartments with strong defenses that can protect their central compartment, which is open to attract ground troops. The Stage 2 layout is separated into two compartments, it is usually very effective against babies, wallbreakers and some strong strategies in secondary base..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (11/2024)
BH9 Base (11/2024)
BH9 Base for 11/2024 - This new BH9 base for November 2024 is mainly designed to defend other BH9s, but as it is a layout for pushing, it is also intended to defend rushed BH10s as well as they will hit you here and there. The Stage 1 layout is separated into 3 main compartments, with strong defenses separated into them, and plenty of deadzone (areas within the layout without buildings). In the Stage 2 layout we also hava a 3-compartment format, my favorite for a second layout, it is balanced, it defends well several variations used, since its first layout is not focused on any one specific strategy..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (10/2024)
BH9 Base (10/2024)
In the Stage 1 layout, half of the base is open with the two Crushers waiting there ready to smash troops. This takes away a lot of value for Wallbreakers and ground troops, especially spam attacks. With the Lava Launcher on the opposite side as the strongest ground part of the layout. Well-distributed defenses will also defend well against air attacks like Baby Dragons which are very common in when defedning against early BH10 attackers with your BH9 base. Stage 2 has a very strong central compartment, and some lateral support to make it a poor-value-choice to use Wallbreakers. Archers and air troops can have a very hard time with both bases due the deadzones in the first and air defenses range at second one..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (09/2024)
BH9 Base (09/2024)
BH9 Base for 09/2024 - This Builder Hall 9 base is designed to defend not only BH9 but also rushed BH10 attackers, focusing to mainly defend spam attacks and easy-to-execute strategies like Baby Dragons and Pekkas, which are realistically 95% of the attacks hitting your base. The Stage 1 layout has a design with 3 main compartments and a side island, including some deadzones and side teslas. The idea here is to make troop pathing very irregular and mess with the attackers plan (if they even have one other than simply spamming troops) as much as possible and eat into their troops as much as possible. The Stage 2 layout is a 3-compartment
as well with the Builder Hall and two separate ones with thestrongest defenses to clear off the remaining troops effectively..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (08/2024)
BH9 Base (08/2024)
BH9 Base for 08/2024 - This months BH9 Push base is designed with the intention of defending Builder Hall 9 attackers and also rushed Builder Hall 10 attackers. The base style contains 3 separate islands, with a lot of deadzone (area within the base without building that makes troop pathing messed up. It does not contain strong defenses together, making it difficult to access great value at once, with a hall it should make ground pathing very bad & no value for wallbreakers Its second layout is in the format of 2 compartments + a side island that must be attacking troops from the side all the time, many possibilities of different teslas tend to confuse the opponent, enough for air troops as well, most probable strategy to use because of first base format..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (06/2024)
BH9 Base (06/2024)
This Builder Hall 9 Push Base is built focused to defend most used strategies to push trophies in this meta, mainly those which are easily to execute like PEKKAS, Baby Dragons and others spam attacks as they require little skill and often get still enough value for mediocre attackers out of many bases. Also as you likely going to be attacked by rushed BH10 players, this base will works well for this case as well with symmetrical and box layout. The Stage 1 is a box format, solid base format with good air/ground defenses distribution, no high value for archers and no value for wallbreakers. The 2nd Stage base is strong, have lot of strong defenses, separate in 3 compartments and also BH well protected. Both bases can be moved if you want to switch it up a bit..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (05/2024)
BH9 Base (05/2024)
BH9 Base for 05/2024 - This Builder Hall 9 trophy push base focuses on defending mainly BH9 attacker (all) and BH10 attacks (rushed), built to be as consistent as possible. The Stage 1 layout is very balanced, having 3 separate strong points (Mega Tesla, Air Bombs & Lava Roaster), making it more difficult for the attacker to choose one sector to get into the base. An effective deadzone (empty area inside the base to make troop pathing harder to predict), well distributed and with strong Air Defenses in all corners. The Stage 2 layout has the shape of 2 long compartments, it makes attacking with a centralized BH very tricky ofr the attacker and many fail here, so it will deal well with the remaining troops of the attacker. Both bases can be centralized if you want to switch it up a little bit..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (04/2024)
BH9 Base (04/2024)
BH9 Base for 04/2024 - This BH9 base is built for pushing trophies, with the intention of defending BH9 and some rushed BH10 that you must face as a Builder Hall 9 these days. The 1st Stage layout has a square format and taking advantage of a centralized deadzone (area within the layout with space), it should keep the troop pathing a little irregular, with bad value for wallbreakers and also low value for archers, but it can still be a boring strategy, mainly BH10 rushed. The focus of the base is to support mostly simple execution strategies such as spams, pekkas, babies... The 2nd Stage layout is based on high protection in BH, with 2 crushers guard post, and a second compartment with good defenses and difficult access. Both bases can be centralized if you want to alter a bit..
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bh9 base (03/2024)
BH9 Base (03/2024)
Base built to push with your BH9, trying to make the opponent fall into some error to be successful, mainly because it is not the biggest BH, this base must suffer attacks from the most varied just like BH10 rushed depending of your trophies. The first is a base box style, it contains good deadzones and strange areas like the teslas and double cursher, making it very punishing to use pekkas and giants in side attacks and babies to funnel upside. Its second base is intended to be balanced, so something was also built with a low wallbreaker value like the first base, protecting BH and with the least possible failures close to it, like archer or cannons value. Both bases can be centralized if you want to alter the layouts a bit..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (02/2024)
BH9 Base (02/2024)
BH9 Base for 02/2024 - Symmetric push base for Builder Hall 9. This kind base deals good against meta push strats, specially ground spams, for being a BH9 you may face rushed BH10 too, so symmetrical bases deal well against rushed BH10 as well (maxed heroes may be a really strong problem so). Second base is a solid 3 compartments base, great to defend any kind of rest troops. Both bases can be moved to the middle of the base, they are corner just to screenshot well, theres no different to be corner layout ou central layout. .
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (01/2024)
BH9 Base (01/2024)
BH9 Base for 01/2024 - First base of this Builder Hall 9 base is a box style base, using open positions for crusher with many bombs to burn some giants or pekkas Small value for archers, not good spots for cannon as well, the value is not enough 3 big defenses in the middle of the base, one to ground spam and two mainly air defenses on this base Best side to attack is opposite to BH, most of the players dont like attack opposite to BH thats a good point for the base Second base is a solid 3 compartments base, one of the best second layout in my opinion, good against air and bad for wallbreakers so also nerfing ground troops.
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (12/2023)
BH9 Base (12/2023)
BH9 Base for 12/2023 - Builder Hall 9 Push base solid against strategies widely used in push(also to try nerf as possible BH10 attacks), mainly babies and pekka spams, as theres nothing specific required i stuck to strategies that are easy to excuted and make them inconsistent, thos high success rate in high trophies strategies. Air bombs opposite to mega tesla to make hard for air troops. No wall breakers high value. Second base was built to be solid against any 2 stars strategies..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (11/2023)
BH9 Base (11/2023)
STAGE 1: Separated compartment style of base making sure it's hard to funnel troops both air and ground. 6 o'clock building forcing attacker to drop hero or troops otherwise there is big chance of time fail. That also means their troops will walk into both side crushers and with mega tesla and double canon dealing alot of damage, the troops will suffer. Air defenses covering all the base nearly. Wall breaker ability won't open the whole base. Air traps for baby dragons and Air hero. Long range defenses on each corner for canon carts and Baiting top side with push traps.
STAGE 2: Another separated compartments base.protecting Air defenses and Air bombs for air attacks nicely. Teslas for Hogs and canon carts. Post guard next to zappies which can deal alot of damage in core Spring traps for sneaky archers. Push traps for canon cart drops.
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (10/2023)
BH9 Base (10/2023)
BH9 Base for 10/2023 - Stage 1: Mega tesla the key to defend this base as it's super deep in the core but yet has access to all compartments specially when combined with crushers for the entrance of this base. Long range defenses covering all sides for canon carts except the baited side which we have push traps placed. Air traps for baby dragons and Air hero. Post guard infront of mega tesla to waste enemy time meanwhile mega tesla dealing damage. Air targeting defenses covering all the base.
Stage 2: Wide open base having a stacked core with alot of air and ground damage. Tesla farm on the double canon dealing alot of damage on enemy entrance or back end depending which side they chose to attack from. Teslas also for the Canon Cart drops which is the only side attacker most likely to drop as other long range defenses covering other angles. Spring traps for sneaky archers and Air bombs for baby dragons. Air defenses very hard to reach in the core and covering all the base for any Air attack.
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (09/2023)
BH9 Base (09/2023)
BH9 Base for 09/2023 - Stage 1 - Corner design to make sure attacker drops their ground hero or any type of troops on 12 o'clock. Starting attack from 12 will automatically draw the troops and hero into crushers and also mega tesla combination. Mega tesla can deal damage while those troops are on high hp buildings like storages and it's super tough to reach. Core Air bomb to be a nightmare for baby dragons. Post guard to help and keep ground troops on crushers and inside core while other point defenses also deal damage. Air defenses covered with defenses so they will be the latest defense to reach even if baby dragons are dropped right infront of them. Baiting the Canon Cart entry from 3 o'clock with push traps (only place available for the attacker to drop canon cart which means they will definitely get baited Air traps for baby dragons And Hog gliders.
Stage 2 - A design that it's separated compartments making it hard for ground strategies to move around the base easily and making it hard for attacker to funnel them. Spring traps for sneaky archers. Air traps for air hero and baby dragons. Air defenses cover nearly all the base and are decently protected. Teslas for possible canon cart drops. Combo of Otto hut, double canon and roaster can melt enemies in the core and its super tough to get through..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (08/2023)
BH9 Base (08/2023)
BH9 Base for 08/2023 - STAGE 1: Tricky design for ground and Air troops. 6 o'clock building making sure attacker drops something or drop their ground hero which then leeds to mega inferno and crushers. Baiting the Canon Cart entry with push traps. Air traps for baby dragons and Air hero. Air defenses and Air bomb spread out to cover more ground. The base wouldn't get fully open with wall breaker ability. STAGE 2: Air defenses spread out. Double canons in core to deal the most damage with zappies. Baiting canon cart entry with tesla farm. Spring traps for sneaky archers snipes. Air traps for baby dragons and Air hero. Mortar and archer tower covering other corners for canon carts. Tough snipes for Hog riders because double canons are no where to be reached easily with them..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (07/2023)
BH9 Base (07/2023)
BH9 Base for 07/2023 - STAGE 1: Diamond design for both ground and Air troops (balanced) which has crushers on a maze which directs ground hero and troops into them and waste their HP with help of core post guard. Long range defenses on each side of the base to cover canon cart drops. Push traps for canon carts. Air traps for baby dragons. Mega tesla protected from sides and front also storages close to it so it deals alot of damage while enemy wasting time on them. Core Air bomb for baby dragon and Air troops. STAGE 2: A design where it's tough for both ground and Air to triple because of the way the walls are very far from each other meaning wall breaker ability can't open the base fully which leads to troops staying behind closed walls. For air, air defenses are very hard to reach yet they cover all the base. Long range defenses covering for canon carts and push traps for areas that players will have 2 option only for canon cart drops. Spring traps for sneaky archers. Double canons and core Otto hut will deal insane damage to troops in core and waste alot of their time. Teslas for Hog riders and baby dragons.
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (jun 2023)
BH9 Base (JUN 2023)
Cornered base with backend roaster and air mines make this base anti nightwitch spam. Anti pekka spam due to dual crusher placement and isolated mega tesla. Overall hard to beat with ground. Base does decent against baby dragons, but we don’t see a whole lot of these at BH9. If the attacker does use baby dragons and passes stage 1, they will have a rough time in stage 2 due to the 5 spread out firecrackers. The main weakness of this base are strategically placed cannon carts, but then the opponent is likely to time fail with the troll army camp in corner..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (may 2023 v2)
BH9 Base (MAY 2023 v2)
BH9 Base for MAY 2023 v2 - My first premium base for Builder Hall 9 with the release of Builder Hall 2.0 update. Please mind the meta will change quuickly right now so make sure to get the latest version on my Patreon channel.
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bh9 base (may 2023 v1)
BH9 Base (MAY 2023 v1)
BH9 Base for MAY 2023 v1 - This is an early attempt to provide you with a solid base for the launch of the new Builder Base Multi-Stage attacking mechanics. Please mind I have a constantly-updated version on my Patreon Channel (link above in the Early Access Base).
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bh9 base (may 2023)
BH9 Base (May 2023)
BH9 Base for May 2023 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! .
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bh9 base (apr 2023)
BH9 Base (APR 2023)
BH9 Base for APR 2023 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Without the new Builder Base in close distance looks like we will have another month of the regular Builder Base and this is the base I have designed for you..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (mar 2023)
BH9 Base (MAR 2023)
BH9 Base for MAR 2023 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Looks like the new Builder Base 2.0 Update is a few more weeks down the road, so here's a fresh base for the new season..
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bh9 base (feb 2023)
BH9 Base (FEB 2023)
ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! An improved version with some more intersections that worked pretty well in my last tests..
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bh9 base (jan 2023)
BH9 Base (JAN 2023)
BH9 Base for JAN 2023 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Nothing too special here, just a tweaked version of the previous base that works well. I'm really excited what changes Supercell will come up with the Builder Base rework and how this will affect basebuilding in the upcoming big update....
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bh9 base (dec 2022)
BH9 Base (DEC 2022)
BH9 Base for DEC 2022 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! .
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bh9 base (nov 2022)
BH9 Base (NOV 2022)
BH9 Base for NOV 2022 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Large compartment and strong core make this base not win a creativity award but holding up strong against all popular attacking strategies is what you're looking for, right? This base works great, even in the high trophy ranges..
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bh9 base (oct 2022)
BH9 Base (OCT 2022)
BH9 Base for OCT 2022 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! The whirlwind-shaped perimeter helps align attacking troops better and funnel them effectively into the traps and defense hotspots so you will have better defensive success in your Versus Battles against common attacking strategies at Builder Hall 9..
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bh9 base (sep 2022)
BH9 Base (SEP 2022)
BH9 Base for SEP 2022 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! The open compartments in this base, combined with the pathways are a little different from what you see in many Builder Base 9 layouts but that helps a lot to force attackers to adapt and I've seen great results when I took this design to my tests in Versus Battles..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (aug 2022 v2)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v2)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v2 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Not so typical BH9 layout at the first look but it uses most of the defensive techniques you see today, just a little different to force the attacker to adapt scouting and selecting the entry point and in my tests this worked very well and did not get 3-Starer at all..
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bh9 base (aug 2022 v1)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v1)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v1 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Here's the new BH9 base that I've been designing and testing recently and after some experiments with symmetric ring bases, I have here a more classical approach but one that works really well against all the standard attacks that you will have to defend against as a Builder Hall 9..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (aug 2022 v2)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v2)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v2 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! We had a lot of the large core bases for BH9 recently, so here's a different approach with multiple smaller compartments that forces the attacker to switch up the strategy and attack differently and in my tests this went quite well as this base works really well against the common attacking strategies..
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bh9 base (aug 2022 v1)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v1)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v1 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! I have a new ring-style approach here for you with open sections. I was running into several of them and find they have a good thing so I designed this version myself and, I have to say, it performs quite well and maybe also makes attackers re-think here and there. Overall, had a good performance and most defenses have been lower-percentage 2-Stars. Enjoy the base..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (aug 2022 v2)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v2)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v2 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! I recently tested and experimented with different entry setups towards the core of the base to make it harder for higher BH9 attackers to funnel troops correctly and this is an approach that did very well in my tests and that I want to recommend you..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (aug 2022 v1)
BH9 Base (AUG 2022 v1)
BH9 Base for AUG 2022 v1 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! Here's the latest adjustments and you might notice that the first line of traps are more inside, this helps more defending in my experience in how attacks are currently performed at BH9 these days. Also, I fine-tuned the defense placement in the core for more effectiveness..
Meta Defense:
bh9 base (may 2022)
BH9 Base (MAY 2022)
BH9 Base for MAY 2022 - ATTENTION! THis base is for the OLD Builder Base and after the update useless! With this BH9 base, I wanted to put more focus on hardening the perimeter for the simple reason that bases with a strong core perform well in general but can get bypassed by more skilled players easily - this base will make it harder for them to get into the core and execute their attack as they intend..
Meta Defense:
  1. Great insights on the BH9 layouts! I’ve been struggling to find the right strategy for my Builder Hall, and your tips really helped clarify my options. The layout examples are super useful. Thanks for sharing!

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