Ultimate Attacking Strategies in Clash of Clans Ranking

There are literally tons of attacking strategies out there in Clash of Clans but the problem is: which one will work great for you? Do you search for an attacking strategy to farm or for Clan War? What’s your Town Hall level?

I get tons of requests frequently so I decided to build this overview here that will give you all the popular strategies in an overview and show you what Town Hall and what purpose they will work best – I want you to see directly which strategy you can use right now.

Of course I will update them frequently so you will always stay in touch with the meta.

Why Different Attacking Strategies?

The main problem is that an attacking strategy always relies to work on certain troops, but this will always change over time.
An attacking strategy can be OP one month and be not working half a year later when defenses got buffed or the main troops got nerfed.
Also, a strategy that will work great on Town Hall 10 can be pretty average or worst at Town Hall 11.

To now make this picture complete – war bases in Clan War require different attacking approaches for a 3-Star than what you would need to use to farm resources in regular attacks. And what if that strategy you use works but is too expensive to farm resources?

All those questions are part of the overview below of the different attacking strategies and I always want to keep this as updated as possible with the latest balance changes and meta in Clash of Clans – all you need is to check the row for your Town Hall level and what purpose you look for an attack (Clan War/CWL, Trophy Pushing or Farming).

I also have linked detailed guides for every attacking strategy to show you how to execute that strategy properly.

Best Attacking Strategies Ranking

This table here will give you a rough ranking but if you look at each strategy you will see how well it performs at the different Town Hall levels.
I have here three different rankings so pay close attention to what you want to do with that strategy:

War_Leagues-96x96 War: This is for war attacks of any kind, reason for this is that war bases try to prevent a 3-Star and give away the 2-Star quite easily and you have plenty of time to scout a base before you attack.

Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 Trophy: pushing cups in normal multiplayer battles where you only have little time to scout and need a more general attacking strategy.

unnamed-96x96 Farming: main purpose is getting the resources with an army that is not too expensive to make a profit in resources long-term.

Updated With April 2020 Update

S = Extremly Strong; A = Very Well Working; B = Average Working; C = Only Use If No Other Option

TH13 TH12 TH11 TH10 TH9 TH8 TH7.
War_Leagues-96x96 S+ S+ S+ S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 S+ S+ S+ S
unnamed-96x96 A* A* A* A*

Queen Charge Hog/Miner

This is one of the strongest strategies right now and will totally wreck bases if you have the skills and the troops at a decent/max level. Important is your Queen and Healers at possible max level to take out a big portion of the base, including cc and heroes. Then build a proper funnel and let the Hogs and Miners do the rest of the job.

*You can also use this strategy for farming but it’s quite expensive, but if you switch the Hogs with all Miners you can farm Dark Elixir quite effectively.

⚔️ Full Queen Charge Hog/Miner Strategy Guide ➜

???? Full Queen Charge Mass Miner Farming Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 S+ S+
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 S+ S+
unnamed-96x96 A A

Yeti Smash

This attacking strategy is not only super effective, it’s also really simple to use as the healer focus won’t switch and you can easily go through every base with it. The only downside here, you will need your Grand Warden at a high level for a Warden Walk to make it superior at TH13.

⚔️ Full Yeti Smash Strategy Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 S S S+ S+
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 A A A B
unnamed-96x96 C C B C

Electrone LavaLoon

You send in one Electro Dragon with a Balloon in a Battle Blimp to the center of the base and clone the Balloons and pull everything and get some nice destruction done. It requires some training to get the timing right but can be really strong, especially at TH11. Needs time for scouting so not really viable for Trophy Pushing and too complicated/expensive for farming

⚔️ Full Electrone LavaLoon Strategy Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 A S S S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 S S S S
unnamed-96x96 B B C C


This was actually my favorite attacking strategy in 2019 and it’s still alive – the reason for that is that I find executing PEKKA BoBat is like a piece of art. You use the PEKKA’s on the outside so they will kind of self-funnel themself to the main entry point. Now they will do the tanking and damage along with the heroes in the center of the base to flatten the way for the bats that will swarm the base to the 3-Star smoothly. It doesn’t require that much planning ahead so you can also use this attacking strategy for trophy pushing. For farming resources, it’s a little bit too expensive in Dark Elixir, in my opinion (you can use it in the highest leagues so the league bonus will cover the costs).

⚔️ Full PEKKA BoBat Strategy Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 A A S S S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 S S S S S
unnamed-96x96 A A A A A


If you haven’t been living under a rock you have been using this attacking strategy at some point in your Clash of Clans career. It had good times and bad times but it always was present in the past years and is super viable. You can use it in war attacks but you need to use it against a base that works and it’s also useful for trophy pushing and even farming.

⚔️ Full LavaLoon Strategy Guide ➜

???? Full LavaLoon Farming Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 B A A S S S S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 B B B A S S S
unnamed-96x96 C C B A A B B

Witch Slap / Bat Slap

I grouped them up because they work quite similar but for different Town Hall levels. At Town Hall 9 to Town Hall 10 you will use Witch Slap and at Town Hall 10 you can start with Bat Slap when you have your Bat Spell leveled up.

The general idea is building a funnel and take care of the defenses that are strong against swarms of troops and then use the Witches with the Skeletons and the Bats to completely run over the rest of the base. This attacking strategy works so well because you use those troops with low hitpoints so the defenses that deal massive damage still won’t have that much effect. The bat or skeleton will die no matter if that’s 200 or 1,000 damage they get in one hit but until the second hit hits another skeleton or bat there are so many that dealt massive damage.

⚔️ Full WitchSlap Strategy Guide ➜

⚔️ Full BatSlap Strategy Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 B A A S S S S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 B B B A S S S
unnamed-96x96 A A A A A B B

DragLoon (DragStorm)

Also one of the oldest attacking strategies in Clash of Clans that still has a solid place in the meta, especially for lower Town Halls. The primary goal is to take out the Air Defenses with Lightning Spells and Heroes/Balloons and let the Dragons wipe out a basically defenseless base.

At TH11 and higher, this is also a viable strategy, but only if you find a base that this is working well against when it comes to Air Defense/Air Sweeper and Inferno Tower setup.

For farming though you can find better options unless you’re farming for Dark Elixir exclusively in a higher league where you have the league bonus covering the expensive costs. For TH12/TH13 this is a solid option.

⚔️ Full DragLoon Strategy Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 A S
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 A A


GoVaHo had a huge place in the mats when it first came out years ago but it’s making a comeback lately especially on Town Hall 8 but also viable on TH9 for Clan War attack if you find a base that suits well. Actually a nice way and a strategy that is here for a reason

⚔️ Full GoVaHo Attacking Guide ➜

Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 B B
unnamed-96x96 C B A S S


If you’re looking for a strategy that you can use for farming I really like BabyLoon a lot, especially for the lower Town Halls when you’re using air attacks for war anyway so you already have your Loons leveled up high enough.

You will go in with raged Balloons to take out defenses and let the Baby Dragons one-by-one take the storages. When they are raged, they deal a nice amount of damage and can give you a nice farming session especially when you don’t need to use the full army so you can get plenty of attacks in within a boosted hour.

???? Full BabyLoon Farming Guide ➜

War_Leagues-96x96 C B A A
Icon_Versus_Trophy-102x96 B B A A
unnamed-96x96 C C C A A A B

Giant Healer

A very solid combination for TH9 and lower where you can use the Giants with the Healers to tank and then come in with Wizards or Goblins to take loot or even the whole base. This is also a great way to learn how to break walls, how funneling works and how to get the timing right for more complex attacking strategies in Clash of Clans so in my opinion a must-use for TH7/TH8.

???? Full GiBarch Attacking Guide ➜

???? Full Goblin Knife Farming Guide ➜

unnamed-96x96 B A S S


I know, I know, you might probably shake your head now or dream of the “good old times” but this strategy is still alive and useful in mid-game and early-game as you can actually farm bases non-stop. You can keep cooking Barbarians and Archers all the time and go after bases that are worth sniping resources without caring about trophies or rewards from league bonus

???? Full BARCH Attacking Guide ➜


I hope I gave you a good overview about the current best attacking strategies you can use in Clan of Clans right now. Of course there are so many variations of each of them that this list could go on and on, but I think this is a nice point where to start and evolve what strategies you will be using. If you have a new strategy that should be in this list, please leave a comment below 🙂

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