All Magical Items & How To Get Them

Magical items got introduced along with the Clan Games in December 2017 and they are very powerful items that can boost your progress a lot and help you so much. In this article, you will find everything that you need to know about them, how to use them, what magical items you can get in Clash of Clans and finally also how to get them.

What Are Magical Items?

So let’s start off with the magical items themselves – they are consumable items that you can use to boost upgrades, resource collection, your army or army training or even finish upgrades or fill your resources completely. They are divided into books, potions, runes & rings and some of them also work for your Builder Base as well. If you’d like to know how much Gems each book worth is, please check out my guide here:
[irp posts=”44430″ name=”The Trader Guide – Good & Bad Deals”]

Book of Fighting

Filled with very efficient training Programs, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing troop upgrade. Works in both villages!

Worth: up to 1863 Gems

Book of Building

Supposedly authored by the Master Builder himself, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any building upgrade. Works in both villages!

Worth: up to 1863 Gems

Book of Spells

Written by unknown wizards, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing spell upgrade. Works only in Home Village (there are no spells in Builder Base anyway…).

Worth: up to 1863 Gems

Book of Heroes

Full of heroic tales and sound advice, this magical book can be used to instantly complete any ongoing hero upgrade. Works in both villages!

Attention! This will only finish ONE Hero upgrade, even if you have multiple Heroes upgrading at the time. Worth: up to 999 Gems

Book of Everything

This extremely powerful magical encyclopedia can be used to instantly complete any ongoing upgrade. Works in both villages!

Worth: up to 1863 Gems

Power Potion

This strong-smelling magical brew can boost your troops and spells to the maximum level allowed by your Laboratory for 1 hour. Works in both villages!
You will see blue flames on the level icon of your troop when using it.

Resource Potion

A haste spell turned into a potion, this magical elixir can greatly boost your resource collector efficiency for 1 day. Works in Home Village!

Worth: up to 230 Gems

Training Potion

This energetic elixir boosts your army production, increasing efficiency of barracks, spell factories and hero regeneration. Works in Home Village.
You can always see the available magical items inside your treasury of your Clan Castle.

Worth: up to 55 Gems

Builder Potion

Brewed by the Builder in case of emergency, this invigorating potion allows your Builders to work 10x faster for 1 hour. Works in Home Village.

Worth: up to 103 Gems

Clock Tower Potion

Activates the Clock Tower boost for 30 minutes, no matter if you have a cooldown or not. The net gain is between 2 hours and 5 hours 30 minutes, depending on your Builder Hall level.

Worth: up to 118 Gems

Hero Potion

All your heroes will gain 5 levels, if possible. If a hero is already max level or less than 5 levels below max level, it will get max level.

Worth can’t really be evaluated as this is a temporary buff.

Research Potion

Boost your laboratory production similar to the Builder Potion.

Worth: up to 103 Gems

Super Potion

Will activate a Super Troops which saves you basically 25,000 Dark Elixir activating a Super Troops with resources.

Worth: 1000 Gems (but who would buy 25,000 Dark Elixir with Gems, right?)

Wall Ring

Punching a Wall Piece with this Ring on will instantly upgrade it, though higher level walls require multiple rings to upgrade. Works in both villages.
Read here more about how many Rings you need.

Worth: up to 468 Gems

Rune of Gold

Seemingly providing an endless stream of Gold, this magical items allows you to completely fill your Elixir Storages in the Home Village.

Worth: up to 3000 Gems

Rune of Elixir

Seemingly providing an endless stream of Elixir, this magical items allows you to completely fill your Elixir Storages in the Home Village.

Worth: up to 3000 Gems

Rune of Dark Elixir

Seemingly providing an endless stream of Dark Elixir, this magical items allows you to completely fill your Gold Storages in the Home Village.

Worth: up to 3467 Gems

Rune of Builder Gold

Seemingly providing an endless stream of Gold, this magical items allows you to completely fill your Gold Storages in the Builder Base.

Worth: up to 3467 Gems

Rune of Builder Elixir

Seemingly providing an endless stream of Elixir, this magical items allows you to completely fill your Gold Storages in the Builder Base.

Worth: up to 3000 Gems


The most valuable magic items as they will not only save you the full upgrade costs, they will also skip the upgrade time sou you can (when compared with pure gem prices), save yourself up to 10,000 with a hammer. Use it wisely, especially in situations when you just spend all resources on another upgrade so you will get the full boost.

You can always see the available magical items inside your treasury of your Clan Castle.

Also, keep in mind that you can only have a limited amount of magical items in your Clan Castle!

  • Books: 1 of each kind
  • Potions: 5 of each kind
  • Runes: 1 of each kind
  • Ring: 25

Exceeding The Cap

Your Clan Castle can store 1 Book & 5 Potions of each kind, that’s it. You can’t collect more via Clan Games, but there’s an option to get more than that. As you can see, it’s possible.

This happens when you already have one book in there but you purchase either a Value Pack from the shop or you finish an Event that also rewards a book.

Selling Magical Items

You can also sell magical items, but that doesn’t make much sense as their value is a lot higher than the price you can sell them for – if you can’t use it rather save it up for the future.

You will get Gems for selling them:

  • Potion: 10 Gems each
  • Books & Runes: 50 Gems each
  • Book of Everything: 100 Gems

How To Use Magical Items

When you have a book available that you can use, you will see it directly when selecting an upgrade – here as an example the upgrade of the Barbarian King when I have one Book of Heroes available:

This will automatically skip the whole upgrade time and you can use the Hero right away instead of paying the Gems to finish the upgrade. Of course, you will need to have the corresponding book depending if you want to skip the upgrade time of a spell upgrade, troop upgrade, hero upgrade or building upgrade.
Using spells are a global buff that you can start right out of the Magical Items section of your treasury and once you use it you have the power active for the time the potion offers (max troops levels, much more resource production or faster training times).
You can also do that when you have selected a building (in this case boost hero regeneration with a Training Potion)

How To Get Magical Items

The only way to get magical items is by unlocking them in the highest reward tiers of the Clan Games or getting them from the Trader (TH8+).

Still, if you have a somewhat-active clan it’s not that difficult to unlock the highest reward tier and get yourself some nice magical items next to resources and gems.

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