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Ultimate Loot Farming Strategies

Talking about farming strategies might seem odd these days, but I still come accross many people who use wrong compositions to farm resources or simply use the wrong farming method and make not that much profit as they possibly could.

I know there are tons of videos and guides out there that promise “millions of loot in a few minutes” and showcase some raids that don’t really represent reality, so I know from many emails that I get that many of you out there still have problems with farming and often there are only a few adjustments needed – I can promise you, it’s easily possible to have all your Builders & Laboratory constantly upgrading with no loot problems and only a few attacks every day needed.

Farming Correctly in Clash of Clans

I know there are several different approaches, but in my opinion there are some things that are viable for farming and getting the maximum out of it in 2018 and I want to share them with you first before taking a look at the different farming setups.

(1) Focus! Your army costs resources and there you can already make the first big mistake. If you need Dark Elixir, you can’t use an army that costs 2k Dark Elixir as this will melt down your Dark Elixir profit by up to 50% – and that means you will need to farm double the time for the same amount.

Also, it’s not possible to farm Elixir & Dark Elixir at the same time – rather focus on the one you will need for your next upgrade and you will progress a lot faster. You will find more about that here.

Gold is something you will gain enough along the way, so only decide if you will need ELixir or Dark Elixir next. There is no use in farming Dark Elixir & Elixir at the same time, because with every attack, you will lose more from both of it.

That’s why I have several strategies here and you can choose whether you’ll need Dark Elixir or Elixir 🙂

(2) League Bonus. I know the strategy to drop trophies to see more dead bases is still strong, but I personally don’t like it that much. The reason is that the League Bonus will pay for most of your army costs and that gives me a much higher profit when I farm in an area that applies to my base strength.

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If you’re TH10+ and farm at Crystal League, you could make 400k resources & 2k Dark Elixir per attack in a high League easily, so do the math yourself how much that is every day 🙂

Anyway, the bases that will show up are always primarily matched on your Town Hall Level, so the opponent you’ll see are not that much stronger & you can expect every attack that hits your base will focus on getting your resources while in higher leagues they will more focus on getting your Town Hall.

I’m not saying that a TH9 should now push to Titan League, but I think you get my point.

(3) Beating Bases. I hate sniping bases and actively skipping tons of bases until finding a base that offers easy loot, that’s why I only used strategies here that you can use when one of your Heroes is upgrading and is still able to get you at least 1 Star for the League Bonus.

Now it’s time to take a closer look at the different strategies to use.

Also, if you are looking for up-to-date Farming Base setups, please check out here:

Best Farming Strategies 2018

As mentioned in the beginning, I have chosen several different strategies to use – of course, there are also different ones but I wanted this guide here to be a great overview for you where you can come back and see what strategy will work best for you.

I also update this guide here with every Clash of Clans Update to keep it up to date 🙂

The strategies I have been selecting are these ones here (colors show you which ones are for Dark Elixir and which ones are for Elixir farming):

  • GiBARCH & GiWiz (TH7 – TH9)
  • BabyLoon (TH9 – TH11)
  • Queen Charge Miner (TH10 – TH11)
  • Goblin Knife (TH8 – TH11)*
  • LaLoonian (TH9 – TH11)

*can be used to farm both, Elixir & Dark Elixir

Again, I’m aware there are so many different versions of these strategies but I have been selecting the most useful & popular ones that are able to make you a good profit in loot.

GiBARCH & GiWiz (TH7 – TH9) Farming Strategy

The evolution of THE farming strategy that dominated Clash of Clans in the first years.

The Giants are used to tank some damage to give the Barbarians and Archers enough time to take down Storages and percentage.

You will basically use your troops on one side to build the funnel and then point all your troops into the core of the base.

Your troop setup:

  • 10 Giants (TH7), 14-16 Giants (TH8 & TH9)
  • Fill up with
    • GiBARCH: Barbarians & Archers (50% each)
    • GiWiz: Fill with Wizards
  • 1 Jump Spell
  • 2 Rage Spells
  • 1 Healing Spell
  • 1 Poison Spell

So I will walk you through the attack now, you will find a very more detailed GiBARCH Guide below.
Scouting is the most important part of this strategy. You need to find a base you can use it on effectively and quickly plan your attack.
You will need to look out for a base that:

  • Offers enough resources
  • A layout that are compact so funneling works good.

Your primary goal is getting as many Storages as possible plus the Town Hall, if possible. So you will need to find an entry point for your attack – you only have one side where you can start the attack because you will need all your forces there!

You will simply send in your Giants along with some Archers and Barbarians (or Wizards in case of GiWiz) until everything on this side is clean.

Once the first layer of wall is open, you can send in all of the remaining troops except of like 10 Archers (or a few Wizards), they will help you cleaning some percentage at the end.

Now it’s time to use your rage Spells and Heal Spells to keep your troops alive.
Also, deploy your Heroes along with your troops.
If you’re interested in learning more about the GiBarch Strategy, you should check out my guide here.

BabyLoon (TH9 – TH11) Farming Strategy

BabyLoon can crack also well-upgraded bases and is great for farming Dark Elixir as you always have a nice shot on the Dark Elixir Storage.

This farming strategy works pretty easy by Zap-Quaking one Air Defense, sending in a Lava Hound from your Clan Castle and then the Balloons & Baby Dragons.

I recommend this strategy for those of you who don’t like the “on point” deployment of mass troops (like GiBarch or Goblin Knife) and rather doing “full” attacks.

Your troop setup:

  • 10 Balloons
  • Fill with Baby Dragons
  • 2 Lightning Spells & 1 Earthquake Spell
  • 2-3 Rage Spells
  • 1 Lava Hound in the Clan Castle

You can also use Haste Spells, but that will lower your profit in Dark Elixir.

So I will walk you through the attack now, you will find a very more detailed BabyLoon Guide below.

When attacking, you will always attack into the Dark Elixir Storage:

Zap Quake the Air Defense that is second-close to the Dark Elixir Storage from the point you will deploy your Lava Hound and then send in the rest of your troops with a “chinese wall deployment” – Baby Dragons first, Balloons second.

The Baby Dragons will first tank for the Balloons and they will take out the defenses to the Dark Elixir Storage.

At this point, you only need to use your spells to get your troops deeper into the base.

If you’re interested in learning more about the BabyLoon Strategy, you should check out my guide here.

Queen Charge Miner (TH10 – TH11) Farming Strategy

This is by far the strongest farming strategy right now and I use it for several weeks myself in Legend League with great success (have lost 2 out of 130 attacks) & farmed millions with it & even scored multiple 3-Star attacks (would have been more when not running out of time).

The only downside to this strategy is, you will need your Archer Queen for it – if your Queen is upgrading you can’t use this strategy at that level of effectivity and in my opinion you should use BabyLoon instead in that case.

The strategy will use the Queen Charge to get deep into the base and clear off one corner to build a funnel for the Miners. You will support your Queen with multiple Rage Spells and Wall Breaker and if done right and with a little luck, your Queen will stay alive the whole raid.

Once her task is done, you will deploy your Miners and they will take care of the rest of the base.
Your troop setup:

  • 5 Healer
  • 8 Wall Breaker
  • 2-3 Wizards (for funneling)
  • Fill up with Miners (depending on space it will be around 25 of them)
  • Bowlers or Balloons in your Clan Castle
  • 3 Heal Spells
  • 2 Rage Spells
  • 1 Poison Spell
  • 1 Rage Spell in your Clan Castle

So I will walk you through the attack now, you will find a very more detailed Queen Charge Miner Guide below.

Get your Healers and Archer Queen (plus at TH11 your Grand Warden) ready and start your Queen Charge.

When you have created that “L” shape with her, it’s about time to get the other troops of your army in. Drop your Clan Castle, your Barbarian King and your Miners and closely watch their pathing to support them with the Healing Spells you got.

At this point, you only need to use your spells to keep your troops alive.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Queen Charge Miner Strategy, you should check out my guide here.

Goblin Knife (TH7 – TH11) Farming Strategy

Goblin Knife is a viable farming strategy for both because it’s pretty cheap compared to other farming strategies and as Goblins target the Town Hall as well useful at all Town Hall Level – yes you can, with some experience & skill – still score a 1-Star or 2-Star with it against TH11 bases.

This farming strategy uses Giants and Wallbreakers to open up the base and then some Archers to make the funnel.

When this is set, the Goblins will be deployed, multiple-finger-style, and run for the Storages and the Town Hall in the core. To achieve this, you can use either Earthquake Spells or a Jump Spell.

Here’s your army setup:

  • 8 Giants (TH8 & lower) / 12 Giants (TH9) / 14 Giants (TH10) / 16-18 Giants (TH11)
  • Golem in the Clan Castle is extremely helpful
  • 6-8 Wallbreakers
  • 20-30 Archers
  • Fill with Goblins (should be around 100-160 Goblins, depending on your TH)
  • 1 Jump Spell
  • 1 Rage Spell
  • 1 Healing Spell

So I will walk you through the attack now, you will find a very more detailed GoblinKnife Guide below.

So all you have to do is to make sure that they won’t be running around following the Mines & Collectors.

You will have to prevent your Goblins from following the outside route. This is why you need to build a funnel first.

Deploy your Rage Spell and send in your Goblins as fast as you can (use as many fingers as you can):

They will be so fast in the core and take down everything that you won’t even be able to follow it.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Goblin Knife Strategy, you should check out my guide here.

LaLoonian (TH9 – TH11) Farming Strategy

This strategy works well for TH9+, but I actually only recommend it for those of you who need a lot of Elixir like TH11 when you need to upgrade your Grand Warden & Army Camps. For this strategy you should be in Champions II+ League because you will need the League Bonus to make up for the army costs, otherwise your profit will be too small to call this a farming strategy.

This strategy works similar to the classical pushing LaLoonian strategy, but only focus on getting you 1-Star and as many Storages as possible.

Your setup should be around 220k-260k Elixir, so the League Bonus will cover your army costs plus a plittle profit and the loot you get from your attack is your net profit.

Your troop setup:

  • 2 Lava Hounds (+1 in your CC)
  • 20 Balloons
  • 50 Minions
  • 1 Heal Spell
  • 1 Rage Spell
  • 4 Haste Spells
  • 1 Poison Spell

So I will walk you through the attack now, you will find a very more detailed LavaLoonian Farming Guide below.

The attack itself is pretty simple, you will start your attack with a suicide attack of your King & Queen when you can get one Air Defense with it or the defending Queen, otherwise use them for cleaning up.

Then it gets easy, Hounds, Loons & Minion in with your Grand Warden & use the spells.

From here you only need to watch the attack go down and drop your spells wisely.

If there was no option to do a suicide attack with your King & Queen on the defending Queen or one Air Defense, this is the time where you send your royals in for a cleaning up & maybe get a shot on the Town Hall.

If you’re interested in learning more about the LavaLoonian Strategy, you should check out my guide here.


I hope these strategies will help you to get the maximum resources out of your attacks and I can also recommend you this guide here that will help you find out where to find the loot in the base you’re attacking

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