marvel snap deathwave deck guide may 16th 2023 marvel snap deathwave deck guide may 16th 2023

DeathWave Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

DeathWave is incredibly powerful as you enable your win conditions from both side. Destroy cards and gain synergy there will make your Wave cheaper as well as every unspent energy reduced She-Hulk’s cost. With Wave you can then reduce their cost to 4 energy plus their reduction, so sometimes you can drop both of them for something like 2-3 energy n total to overtake locations on the last turn easily.

In this guide you’ll learn everything about the DeathWave deck, including some replacements, and what lines to play and everything else you need. If you want to see what decks are crushing the meta right now in MARVEL Snap, please refer to my weekly updated meta decks guide here.

Card Strategy for the DeathWave Deck

The Hood provides great synergy here as you want something to destroy to make Death cheaper and it also spwan the 4-power Demon. Just be careful to not drop the Demon before you drop Killmonger unless you really need that extra destroy to discount Death. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with The Hood here.
Yondu is a cheap card to primarily play for the effect and sometimes you snipe out a viable card from your opponent and then you can still destroy him to discount Death or feed into Carnage. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Yondu here.
Bucky Barnes is the perfect combo with Deathlok, both cards are 5 power in total and get 11 power on the board. Just play Bucky Barnes and then Deathlok on top and you have a good stading in one location. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Bucky Barnes here.
Carnage should eat the 1-cost cards to gain up to +6 power from that and the destroy effects make Death cheaper each time. Also useful to deal with cards like Green goblin or Hobgoblin or anything else the game throws along your way + will discount your Death card. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Carnage here.
Killmonger gains massive value against zoo decks as you can snipe out their spwaner cards plus will give a massive discount to Death. It’s not too uncommon to see him make Death a 0-cost card in the end. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Killmonger here.
Wave is a great enabler and pusher for Death and She-Hulk. Even with the rework that disables additional discounts for Wave, you can turn any of your more expensive cards into cards you can drop on Turn 4 while messing with your opponent’s lines or maybe even get them to play a card early so you can counter it. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Wave here.
Deathlok is great to collect destroy effects from the 1-cost cards or turn Bucky Barnes into Winter Soldier. Even as a 3-cost 5-power card decent to push if there’s nothing to destroy. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Deathlok here.
Enchantress is just a great defensive card here to counter a ot of ongoing meta cards and without any ongoing effects on your cards you will not have to mind much dropping it. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Enchantress here.
Aero feels a little off here but gives you a ton of flexibility to interrupt your opponent’s synergies and lines, fee up locations and move power for your last turn with decent power herself. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Aero here.
Doctor Doom is not a card that looks very powerful but the total power you gain with the reach is really great to mitigate power accross the board. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Doctor Doom here.
She-Hulk is discunted with every enerfgy unspent and with Wave she even gets more discounted and when you play only Wave on Turn 5, She-Hulk will be a 2-cost card on Turn 6 you can drop along Death for a massive power push. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with She-Hulk here.
Death gets cheaper with each card destroyed and with the cards you have + the destroy cards you run, you should aim for destroying 5 cards in the game. Then you can drop Wave on Turn 5 and Death will become a 0-cost card on Turn 6 you can drop along with America Chavez or She-Hulk. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Death here.

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