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marvel snap lockjaw thanos deck guide may 22nd 2023 marvel snap lockjaw thanos deck guide may 22nd 2023

Lockjaw Thanos Death Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

The return of Thanos Lockjaw that found a strong win condition and with Killmonger you have more chances to pull strong cards + the reveal effects from the Infinity Stones through Lockjaw on the board

In this guide you’ll learn everything about the Lockjaw Thanos deck, including some replacements, and what lines to play and everything else you need. If you want to see what decks are crushing the meta right now in MARVEL Snap, please refer to my weekly updated meta decks guide here.

Card Strategy for the Lockjaw Thanos Deck

Wasp is a free card to trade into your Lockjaw whenever your feel you want to for literally no cost at all. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Wasp here.
Lockjaw is the key turning point of this deck that you use the cheap-cost cards to change into high-power cards while also getting their reveal effects active. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Lockjaw here.
Killmonger is the enabler for your alternative line, destroying all Infinity Stones + the 1-cost cards of your opponent to make Death a cheap card to push at the end on the last turn. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Killmonger here.
Wave can disrupt the lines of your opponent but also make your high-cost cards available on a lower turn to get power on the board. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Wave here.

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Devil Dinosaur builds great power for low cost, espcially if you manage to get him through Lockjaw. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Devil Dinosaur here.
Leech can be an incredible limiting card to play for your opponent and even when you pull him through Lockjaw and your opponent knows that it will happen on Turn 6, it really pays off big. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Leech here.
Vision is another great card to pull through Lockjaw as you have him as very flexible card and can move him out and play an extra card in your Lockjaw location after. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Vision here.
Doctor Doom available through Lockjaw trade or through Wave on Turn 4 gets you a nice reach and power on the board that is impossible to counter. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Doctor Doom here.
Odin can be used to re-trigger a cards like Doctor Doom if you can pul him on the board early through Lockjaw or along Wave. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Odin here.
America Chavez helps a lot drawing into your cards before Turn 6 so you can plan your steps even better. Sometimes you would play her for the power, but that’s not very common. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with America Chavez here.
Thanos can sometimes get powerful but his main job here is that you get the Infinity Stones to play into Lockjaw than aimingto build Thanos with his full power. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Thanos here.
Magneto is incredible to play on Turn 6 as you can disrupt your opponent’s power-spread and open a new location to find your win condition and he also has decent power himself. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Magneto here.
  1. I feel a key aspect of the Lockjaw Thanos deck is how to use wave effectively, especially when paired with She Hulk. I’m pointing this out because you forgot to comment on Wave and how to play her.

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