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Updated War Weights Calculator & Upgrade Priority for Clan Wars

Hello, everyone! I’m Doc Holliday from Clash Kings 2™ and I’m your huckleberry for all things Weight in Clash of Clans. Our understanding of Weight has allowed our Clan to win over 86% of all our Wars, with 300 wins and counting at the time of this writing.

Controlling your War Weight is how to get a good matchup in Clan Wars. Since Supercell just changed the way it calculates War Weight, it’s a good time to revisit the issue and share with you all the new data.

War Weight and Clan War Matchmaking Basics

Weight is simply the numerical value assigned by Supercell to all Troops, Spells, Heroes, Traps, Walls, and Defenses in Clash of Clans. Upgrading any of these items increases their Weight.

All Weight is not assigned equally. Each type of item has a different Weight, and the Weight of upgrading each item can change at each level.

The added Weight of every Troop, Spell, Hero, Trap, Wall and Defense in your Base is your Base Weight.

During War Search, Supercell adds up the Base Weight of everyone in your Clan who is participating in the War. This total is the War Weight. Supercell matches Clans against others of similar overall War Weight. This means the lower your Clan War Weight, the easier your War opponents will be.

Certain upgrades carry more added Weight than others. Upgrade a Freeze Spell once, and it will add more Weight than a possible 10 other upgrades combined.

Knowing the Weights allows us to choose which upgrades to make, and when, based off the added Weight of each item.

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By choosing to upgrade items with lower Weight first, your Base continues to grow strong without adding too much Weight until it is absolutely needed. Keeping your War Weight down prevents you from getting harder opponents during Clan Wars.

There are hardcore ways to engineer a Base like MiniMax or Defenseless Bases, but Supercell has recently made changes to counteract their effect.

Base Designs

If you’re adapting your base according to weights, you can find fitting base designs here:

Engineering & Town Hall Upgrade

With the introduction of Town Hall 12, you are now forced to get all defenses before you can upgrade your Town Hall – this will make engineering your village a lot more difficult.
In the past, it was possible to also get buildings like Inferno Towers & Eagle Artillery through a Value Pack and not place it without adding war weight. This is not possible anymore as well!

Item Weights and Base Weight Calculator

In the following tables, you will see how much additional War Weight each upgrade adds to your Village (and also the cumulative worth of a Defense).

Important! Please note that these numbers are extracted from the game files, but they are also getting calculated in the War matchmaking algorithm (not known by us how), so these numbers only give you an idea how the different things weigh.

The numbers in the chart below is the CUMULATIVE War Weight.

Attention! In the first line, you will see 2 numbers, the first one that is stroke is the number before the last update so you can see how numbers changed.

Defenses War Weight

Level 1 100 100 450
Level 2 200 200 350 400 300 199
Level 3 300 300 525 600 450 297
Level 4 400 400 700 800 600 395
Level 5 500 500 875 1000 750 491
Level 6 600 600 1050 1200 900 587
Level 7 700 700 1225 1400 1050 681
Level 8 800 800 1400 1600 1200 775
Level 9 900 900 1575 1800 1350 868
Level 10 1000 1000 1750 2000 1500
Level 11 1100 1100 1925 1650
Level 12 1200 1200
Level 13 1300 1300
Level 14 1400 1400
Level 15 1500 1500
Level 16 1600 1600
Attention! Multiple people reported that the real weight increase of Eagle Artillery, Inferno Tower, X-Bows and Giga Tesla are still a lot higher than the numbers in the game files!!! This is still under investigation so if you’re conscious of your war weight wait with dropping those high-weight defenses unless you want to upgrade your Town Hall!!!!
Level 1 20
Level 2 450 550 600 800 1000 600
Level 3 675 825 900 1200 1500 900
Level 4 900 1100 1200 1600 1200
Level 5 1125 1375 1500 2000 1500
Level 6 1350 1650 1800 2400
Level 7 1575 1925

You can find wall weights here.

Traps War Weight

Level Bomb Giant Bomb Spring Trap Air Bomb Seeking Air Mine Skeleton Trap
Level 1 25 150
Level 2 50 100 40 60 120 80
Level 3 75 150 60 90 180 120
Level 4 100 200 80 120 160
Level 5 125 250 100 150
Level 6 150
Level 7 175


Here you can see the weight added for every level upgraded:

Level Barbarian King Archer Queen Grand Warden
Level 1-60 20 30 40

Spells War Weight

Level Lightning Healing Rage Jump Freeze Clone
Level 1 60
Level 2 400 420 440 460 480 500
Level 3 600 630 660 690 720 750
Level 4 800 840 880 960 1000
Level 5 1000 1050 1100 1200 1250
Level 6 1200 1260 1440
Level 7 1400 1470 1680
Level Poison Earthquake Haste Skeleton
Level 1 160
Level 2 250 200 300 350
Level 3 375 300 450 525
Level 4 500 400 600 700
Level 5 625 875

War Weight of Troops

Level Barbarians Archers Giants Goblins Wall Breaker Balloons
Level 1 100
Level 2 100 150 250 200 280 240
Level 3 150 225 375 300 420 360
Level 4 200 300 500 400 560 480
Level 5 250 375 625 500 700 600
Level 6 300 450 750 600 840 720
Level 7 350 525 875 700 980 840
Level 8 400 600 1000 1120 960
Level 9 1125
Level Wizards Healer Dragons PEKKA Baby Dragon Miner E-Drag
Level 1 150
Level 2 210 280 300 300 310 320 330
Level 3 315 420 450 450 465 480 495
Level 4 420 560 600 600 620 640
Level 5 525 700 750 750 775 800
Level 6 630 900 900 930 960
Level 7 735 1050 1050
Level 8 840 1200
Level 9 945
Level Minions Hog Rider Valkyrie Golem Witch Lava Hound Bowler
Level 1  120 120 100 170 1000 1000 1400
Level 2  240 250 230 340 1750 1750 3000
Level 3  360 390 390 560 2250 2250 4800
Level 4  475 540 580 830 2500
Level 5  585 740 801 1230
Level 6  690 990 1051 1730
Level 7  791 1291 2331

You can find a complete list of each item’s weight here.

We are also providing a Weight Calculator here that you can use to quickly enter your items and find out your total individual Base Weight.

Every item’s Weight is 100% accurate at the time of this writing. However, Supercell is constantly working to balance the game and the numbers may change unexpectedly. We will post any updates as soon as they are available.

Weighing Barracks and Spell Factories

Notice that the Spell Factory, Dark Spell Factory, Barracks, and Dark Barracks buildings carry no Weight.

However, any upgrade that unlocks a new Troop, Dark Troop, Spell, or Dark Spell will carry a Weight increase because of the new item unlocked.

The only time your Weight will not increase when you upgrade or add one of these items is when you don’t also unlock a new Troop, Dark Troop, Spell, or Dark Spell.

Quick Tips for Proper Upgrade Order in Clan Wars

  1. Your Army Camps, Laboratory, and Clan Castle have no Weight. Upgrading these as early as possible at each Town Hall level is common sense.
  2. With the recent changes, there’s not much difference between the defenses anymore – the Eagle Artillery weights like 2 Hidden Teslas so you see the very strong defenses are now an even smarter upgrade.
  3. There’s no difference in placing or upgrading a defense anymore


Be smart about your upgrades! There is no point upgrading the Witch or the Freeze Spell if you don’t plan on using them yet. This is how you determine the upgrade priority for Clan Wars. Feel free to post any questions you may have and I will do my best to answer them promptly.

    1. I agree! If there was an updated list of war weights even estimated I would find that very interesting as well! Awesome informative post though! Much appreciated!

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