call of dragons best alwyn builds call of dragons best alwyn builds

Best Alwyn Builds (Talent | Skill Order | Pairing + Pets) In Call of Dragons

Are you planning to or already running Alwyn in Call of Dragons in one of your legions and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what artifacts works best and what other hero you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Alwyn perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.

Current Ranking – is Alwyn S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

Here is a quick overview of the rankings of Alwyn for the different game modes. Please refer to the full tier list linked below to see the ranking of all heroes in Call of Dragons and full evaluation and priority..
Open Field:

See how Alwyn is ranking in the different game modes of Call of Dragons in my current tier list here and also make sure that you’re running the best faction in Call of Dragons or you might really affect your progress negatively – I have an updated guide on the best factions in Call of Dragons here

Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Call of Dragons here.

Skill Order

Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
Skill 4
Skill Order Finetuning
Below you will find the best order to unlock and level up skills by how useful they are so you don’t have to level the skills up one by one and spend a lot of extra tokens on it. This will let you use this hero earlier and also saves you important Universal Token in the long run!
Your sweetspot of skills to make this commander useful is: 5555 and this is the recommended way to get there:


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Not sure how it works and what you get? Check out guide for Garwood here that will is completely unlocked to show you how the skill order works. Preview here.

Best Troop Types

To make your life easier, I recommend using all Magic Units in his legion. He has no skill or talent that requires that and the only talent build that makes sense is not investing into the Magic Tree, but he buffs magic units and to keep it consistent you want to just not make it too complicated and use Magic Units exclusively.

Best Hero Pairing for Alwyn


Velyn is the best pairing hero as you have basically a legendary version of Waldyr when it comes to skills so they have strong synergy, and both run the control tree so you can use which one is stronger and enemies will have such a hard time getting away or dealing with your legion (See full build here).

Liliya is a great hero to run along Alwyn, too. She deals area damage and has some nice synergies and you can even run her as the secondary hero if your Alwyn is maxed out more than her (See full build here).

Waldyr works great with Alwyn as you can override their enemy debuffs and lock a target in and they both deal good direct damage plus all the other nasty stuff. I absolutely recommend using Alwyn as the primary hero to make use of that Control Tree shown below (See full build here).

Atheus privodes a great rage egine with his 3rd skill that goes really a long way with Alwysn here (See full build here).

Pan can be also a hero to pair Alwyn up but they are very durable and less about taking targets down, so they will make a great support legion to run along another legion to make sure the target will stay where it is (See full build here).

Indis is similar to Pan but also increases damage taken by the target so you can deal more damage with Alwyn while getting the sustain through the healing factor she provides (See full build here).

Best Artifacts

Let’s now take a look at the numerous artifacts that you can possible use. We have tested many of them and some have amazing synergy and others are more in for the stats but no matter what artifacts you have possibly available, you will find the one that works best. Please also check out the full tier list of all artifacts here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Phoenix Eye
Phoenix Eye
Infernal Flame
Infernal Flame


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Phoenix Eye is an incredible artifact for any magic unit hero and also works great on Alwayn, but maybe you should think about if that might be some overkill and better used on a stronger magic hero. Infernal Flame is an incredible artifact for any magic unit hero and also works great on Alwayn, but maybe you should think about if that might be some overkill and better used on a stronger magic hero.

Best Pet Synergies For Alwyn (NEW)

With the new war pet system in Call of Dragons it’s aso important to pair Alwyn with the right pet to gain more synergies. Please also check out the full tier list of all war pets in Call of Dragons here to see which ones are worth the invest in general.

Sapphire Faedrake
is by far the best war pet choice for any magic unit hero in Call of Dragons and also goes a long way with Alwyn
Ice Lizard
is a great alternative war pet that supports Alwyn very well
Thunder Lizard
is a backup choice and although not my favorite you can still run it well with Alwyn

Best Builds For Alwyn

Below you will find the talent tree builds for Alwyn that make sense when running as the primary commander in any legion in Call of Dragons. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.

This is the only talent build for Alwyn that makes real sense and you have the extremely strong Control Tree so making use of that is what this is all about. After you unlocked the center node, go straight into the Control Tree and make your way through Overall Speed (great for ope field), Overall Attack (more damage dealt) to High Spirit and Soul Siphon to gain extra rage and apply the debuff and the damage from Alwyns active skill more frequently. From here Blindside and Ambush give you more march speed and DEF break to burst will into any battle in the open field , Lucky Strs fives some healing to make Alwyns legion more durable and Reticent is the strongest talent as it will silence the target (by chance). The thing is you have all the extra rage so you cycle through your rage skill more frequently and can aplly that more often. This talent will make him really tough to deal with.Spend the leftover points in the PVP Tree for more Attack (Overall Attack), more march speed (Overall Speed) so your opponent canÄt get away that easily, High Spirits (for more extra rage) and Army of VAlor (for scaling damage buff) and you have the best talent build for Alwyn.


I hope this guide for building Alwyn helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the comment section. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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