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marvel snap doomwave nebula deck guide may 16th 2023 marvel snap doomwave nebula deck guide may 16th 2023

DoomWave Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

This deck combines a lot of cheaper cards with great value and then builds a bridge through Wave to play high-costs cards that are really effective. There’s no specific synergies here you’re after, you basically play the cards you have and try to make the most out of it, which works quite well as you don#t have to rely on specific lines to draw into.

In this guide you’ll learn everything about the DoomWave Nebula deck, including some replacements, and what lines to play and everything else you need. If you want to see what decks are crushing the meta right now in MARVEL Snap, please refer to my weekly updated meta decks guide here.

Card Strategy for the DoomWave Nebula Deck

Sunspot is a great passive scaler with this deck and along Nebula you almost always have a potential high-value 1-cost card you can play here. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Sunspot here: More Sunspot Decks here.
Nebula is along Sunspot a great card to open any match and keep pressure high on your opponent to play that location or you will scale her up without doing anything easily. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Nebula here.
Goose helps not only your opponent playing a card at that location, with the Doom Bots and a discounted She-Hulk you can still drop higher power cards there yourself to take over that location already. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Goose here.
Armor protects your Sunspot or Nebula from any Killmonger plays out there (or potential Elektra counters that is now more freuqently played with nebula so commonly in so many decks). Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Armor here.

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Lizard makes a great addition here to play into the Storm lane or clear his ability with Enchantress to get the great value from him in this deck. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Lizard here.
Storm is a great synergy card here as you can use Jeff to move into the location, reach into with Doom Bots or drop Jessica Jones on Turn 4 and get her gain the extra power on Turn 5 passively. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Storm here.
Wave should only be played on Turn 3 when you have Doctor Doom in your hand or as your only card in Turn 5 if you have She-Hulk to make She-Hulk a 2-cost card to drop along Jessica Jones on Turn 6 and shut down any opponent who wants to play multiple cards. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Wave here.
Jessica Jones scales really well in flooded locations after Storm or can be played on Turn 6 along She-Hulk if you skip Turn 5 (and make Sunspot gain +5 power on Turn 5). Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Jessica Jones here.
Enchantress is a great card to deal with lot of ongoing archetype decks that do so well right now, also a viable combo along She-Hulk when skipped Turn 5 to take out Devil Dinosaurs or Darkhawks. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Enchantress here.
Doctor Doom has great reach and power and flexibility and dropping him in Turn 4 after Wave is an amazing move to discourage your opponent early on. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Doctor Doom here.
America Chavez is in this deck to raise the probability of drawing into your lines with your other cards, but having her as a secure 9-power card at the end also gives you some nice possibilities. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with America Chavez here.
She-Hulk scales great with Sunspot and Wave on Turn 5, but can also fit in earlier depending on your draw lines. She is just a great card to throw on the board. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with She-Hulk here.

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