ben brode butthead disrupt deck guide ben brode butthead disrupt deck guide

Ben Brode Butthead Disrupt Deck (MARVEL SNAP Deck Guide)

A disruption deck created by the creator of MARVEL SNAP, Ben Brode, himself – and I can tell you, it’s a lot of fun to play and you can sometimes feel how much your opponent hates when you effectively wreck his synergies and cripple his deck to be nothing. Rage quits ahead to your snaps and a ton of fun will also make it a deck viable to find win conditions.

IMPORTANT! Check out the current meta decks for this season in MARVEL SNAP here.

Deck Overview

Here’s the deck:

ben brode butthead disrupt deck overview

Why this deck works well – you have many cards that have great disruption abilities, blocking or decreasing the opponent power effectively and you have plenty of options to make your opponent desperate – and not many will simply quit and retreat during the match.

Win condition – your win condition is less destroying synergies here, you will decrease the power of your opponents cards and also block his locations a lot with negative cards or useless cards, paired with some moving cards.

Problems – sometimes it’s just not drawing into lines you can use effectively or your enemy draws into strong synergies, but this is more a deck your opponent will hate to play against than vice versa.

Substitutions – I also have a lower pool variation of a description deck here -> check out my higher pool disrupt decks here.

Deck Copy Link (Copy-Paste directly into the game):


How To Play

With this card there is not a blueprint to follow or to build synergies, it’s heavily about reading your opponent and using situations

Early Phase (Turn 1-3)

Get your low-cost on the board and Viper or Carnage are great options to take them away again if you can’t afflict your opponent negatively. Hood is great to pass over to your opponent, Korb will add a rock to the enemy, Black Widow will block him from drawing cards, Hazmat works very well when you are against a player with many low-cost cards and Debri is amazing to start blocking and cloaking up locations. Every opening is different here.

Mid Phase (Turn 4-5)

At this point you should know what deck you’re up against – move, discard, destroy, ongoing, etc. Try also to use your 3-cost cards here to fill up your opponents’ locations with rocks or negative power to find your win condition easier.

ben brode butthead disrupt deck gameplay

End Phase (Turn 5-6)

With Spider Woman you have a great card that can take over a filled locations, adding 7 power to your side while you will take away 4 power from your opponent, making it a net 11-power card. Doctor Octopus can also be an insane Turn 5 play to mess up all end-game play and pull all strong cards of your opponent to one location so you can win the other ones.


Absolutely frustrating for your opponent to deal with, this is one of the most fun Marvel Snap decks I’ve ever played.

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