marvel snap she hulk baero marvel snap she hulk baero

She-Hulk Baero Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

I really love this deck for the way the mechanics work as you will try to get your destroy effects on the board in the first four turns and get synergy out of it and then turn that into a reduced Death and She-Hulk and sometimes even play them for free for a strong power push. A great deck, fun to play and many lines to draw into for a solid win condition.

Card Strategy

Hood is a great card that provides so much energy for this deck. Cheap to play, gives the destroy bonus you need to use your Carnage, Deathlok or Killmonger into and gives you a 6-power card to play later
Squirrel Girl is not the craziest card but creates a ton of cards to feed into your destroy cards for more value of your Death card in the end.
Yondu is not that important for synergy, it’s simply a card to destroy for the destroy effect and you take out one of the card in your opponent’s deck which can be great sometimes.
Bucky Barnes is a great card here, spawning a 6-power Winter Soldier when destroyed and gives you the destroy bonus so play your Deathlok or Carnage into him and you get a lot of value.
Carnage is one of your primary destroy cards and you should always aim to take down at least 2 cards with him to make him 6-power and get the 3 destroy effects to reduce your Death card costs.
Killmonger is not only great to reduce the costs of your Death card, especially with lots of 1-cost cards down, it’s also a great counter to enemy Sunspot or Zoo Decks and a backup destroy card if you struggle with Deathlok or Carnage for whatever reason.
Wave is a way better enabler than you might think as she will reduce the cost of your She-Hulk and Death to 4-cost before their reduction applies! This means if you have destroyed 4 cards or saved 4 energy so far, they will become 0-cost cards on Turn 6. In combination with She-Hulk always play Wave on Turn 5, save the 2 energy and play She-Hulk for free on Turn 6
Deathlok is a solid destroy card that works great with Bucky Barnes or take down some 1-cost cards for the effect or remove Hood from the board for a small but positive trade.
Aero would be a great pair with Wave on Turn 5 so you get Aero for 4 energy and She-Hulk for 2 energy on Turn 6. Moves around enemy cards so you can keep the lead and pairs quite well with your high-power cards for reduced costs.
Leader works incredibly well still after the nerf. If you are able to predict the location your opponent will play, you can find a great win condition plus get decent 7 power on the board, too.
She-Hulk will become cheaper and cheaper as you will always have some energy you can spare. If not, use Wave on Turn 5 and play She-Hulk on Turn 6 for 2-cost. But normally you play her even cheaper at the end.
Death is the reason you destroy all those cards and along with Wave you can often reduce her to become a 0-cost or 1-cost card on Turn 6 for a nice push.

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