marvel snap pool 3 discard deck guide marvel snap pool 3 discard deck guide

Pool 3 Discard Deck (MARVEL SNAP Deck Guide)

Discard decks in Marvel Snap work just so well and this here for Pool 3 players is my favorite and so strong that your opponent sometimes just ask how this is possible. You will cycle and discard so much and then make such a powerful last-turn move that you can take over effortlessly.

IMPORTANT! Check out the current meta decks for this season in MARVEL SNAP here.

Deck Overview

Here’s the deck:

Why this deck works well – while lower Pool Discard decks sometimes require you to draw into the win condition line, this one plays so well together and has so many possibilities that you always get strong value lines of drawing. You have several cards that discard well, cards that come back or at the end with hela can bring them back on the board in random locations.

Win condition – so many! You have several cards that discard (Blade, Colleen Wing, Lady Sif, Sword Master etc.) and you can put Morbius on the board and see him scale up well for a 2-cost card. Then you have cards like Swarm that benefit from it. Basically all cards give you a benefit here and either let you scale up your Apocalypse to easily up to 20 power or you can use Hela to bring all discarded card back in the last turn. America Chavez is basically in there to make your drawings of cards more consistent and make sure you draw them earlier.

Problems – actually none, can even deal well with current power-pushing decks like Black Panther.

Substitutions – none, but if you lack cards you can look here into lower pool discard decks.

Deck Copy Link (Copy-Paste directly into the game):


How To Play

Get your cards on the board and try to discard into the cards that benefit you to make either a strong push on one location or multiple other locations in the end.

Early Phase (Turn 1-3)

Get Morbius out there if you can and even skip Blade in the first turn if you drawed Morbius and/or Colleen. Basically try to cycle through discards as much as possible.

Mid Phase (Turn 4-5)

Continue to discard and maybe get your Hellcow or Dracula in – in some matches you might even skip the turn 5 and wait for the end push and see what your opponent is up to.

marvel snap pool 3 discard deck gameplay

End Phase (Turn 6)

Here you now have either Hela that will bring back several discarded cards which is a little random but extremely strong and unpredictable for your opponent. If you frequently discarded into your Apocalypse you can also use his (by now) 16 or maybe even 20 power to take over one location in the end.


Great deck and if you have the cards you can probably give it a shot to see that it’s the best discard deck so far, especially countering the current meta decks that have high power push potential.

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