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the best builder hall 4 base layouts the best builder hall 4 base layouts

The Best BH4 Base Layouts (August 2023) for Builder Hall 4

If you look for a fresh and well-working base layout for your Builder Hall 4 base you’re in the perfect place.

I do frequently test, build and review base layouts for Builder Hall 4 and give them here ready for you so you can directly copy them without testing or building them yourself.

I really hate those sites or videos showing you dozens of bases they copied somewhere without making any deeper explanation why they work so for this reason you will only find bases here that I have tested myself.

Bases here are updated every month so check back here to get the latest base layouts

Best BH4 Base Designs

Are you also running accounts with other Builder Hall levels? Great, you can check out my Builder Base 9 layouts here, my Builder Base 8 layouts here, the Builder Base 7 ones are here and here are the Builder Base 6 layouts.

Also, I update my Town Hall layouts every 2 weeks (War, Trophy and Farming) – so, if you’re in need of a fresh design for them as well check out my TH14 bases here, the TH13 bases here, find the TH12 bases here, my TH11 bases here and here are the TH10 bases.

Without wasting any more time, here are the bases:

PRO Bases

PRO Bases are exclusive for our Patreon Supporters for the first 30 days before they become Public. Support us on Patreon to use the bases before everyone else and gain a big advantage.

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bh4 base
BH4 Base

FREE Bases

After 30 days the PRO Bases will become public and you can use them. Please mind, the bases get popular quite quickly so people start developing strategies against it. If you support us on Patreon you can use the bases 30 days without minding them getting burned.

bh4 base (jul 2023)
BH4 Base (JUL 2023)
bh4 base (jun 2023)
BH4 Base (JUN 2023)
bh4 base (may 2023)
BH4 Base (MAY 2023)
bh4 base (feb 2023)
BH4 Base (FEB 2023)
bh4 base (jan 2023)
BH4 Base (JAN 2023)
bh4 base (dec 2022)
BH4 Base (DEC 2022)
bh4 base (nov 2022)
BH4 Base (NOV 2022)
bh4 base (oct 2022)
BH4 Base (OCT 2022)
bh4 base (sep 2022)
BH4 Base (SEP 2022)
bh4 base (aug 2022)
BH4 Base (AUG 2022)
bh4 base (jul 2022)
BH4 Base (JUL 2022)
bh4 base (jun 2022)
BH4 Base (JUN 2022)
bh4 base (may 2022)
BH4 Base (MAY 2022)
bh4 base (apr 2022)
BH4 Base (APR 2022)
bh4 base (mar 2022)
BH4 Base (MAR 2022)
bh4 base (feb 2022)
BH4 Base (FEB 2022)

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Builder Hall 4 Base – January 1st, 2022

bh4 base january 1st 2022


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This asymmetrical base works great at Builder Hall 4 for multiple reasons. One is that it controls the pathing of attacking troops really well so the attacker gets often caught on the wrong foot. Also, it’s a general base that the attacker doesn’t see everywhere so he needs to adapt which costs time.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – December 1st, 2021

bh4 base december 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

A tweaked version of the previous base with the large center part, funneling center, perimeter sections, and really effective trap setup that will make attackers struggle hard here with the attacks you see at Builder Hall 4 all the time.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – November 1st, 2021

builder hall 4 base november 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Amazing double-diamond shape base that will work brutal at Builder Hall 4 and barely any attacker really know how to deal with it. This base will be really effective and can even give some higher Builder Halls a tough time.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – October 1st, 2021

bh4 base october 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Absolute beast base as it turned out in my tests with the asymmetrical design the troop AI and the attacker will have serious problems making troops do what they should do. Also, the trap placement and everything else is absolutely in place to devastate attackers at BH4 really effectively.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – September 1st, 2021

bh4 base september 4th 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Kind of a ring-style concept here with a hard time for the attacker as his troops will get funneled around and forces to enter through the open spots where the traps wait for the troops. Really effective and there are not many attackers at BH4 that can crack this base properly.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – August 1st, 2021

builder hall 4 base august 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Open sections are working really well at BH4 as many attackers have problems attacking them right. Also, all the high-hitpoint structures are on the outside and eat away a lot of time to clear. If the attacker will not clear them and send in all troops, the traps and splash defenses will take them down, if he clears, he will run out of time. Working well.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – July 1st, 2021

bh4 base july 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Similar to the previous base that worked really well but the sections are a lot more effective now and can’t get entered that easily. Also the trap placement and perimeter structure got revised for more effective defenses at BH4.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – May 24th, 2021

bh4 base may 24th 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

Here’s a new BH4 base that uses the defensive techniques that work for that Builder Hall level with basically 3 layers of compartments and the Builder Hall in the core. Some attackers like to outsmart and attack from the side and fail miserably as troops will always go towards the open spot.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – April 15th, 2021

bh4 base april 15th 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This is a BH4 base that works with two major compartments, one with the Builder Hall and the other one with the Crusher. The concept behind this is that the attacker will have the perimeter group up the troops so traps get more effective and he needs to go through 2 hard sections to even get a chance for the 3-Star. Normally, attackers fail to build their funnel right so the troops will run around the core and get decimated before they even enter it.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – March 1st, 2021

bh4 base march 1st 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This base works excellent against most attackers for the simple reason that it will soak all ground troops into the Crusher and there’s almost nothing that the attacker can do. Works really well and I can only recommend you to use this BH4 layout

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Builder Hall 4 Base – January 25th, 2021

bh4 base january 25th 2021


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

No joke, this is probably the most effective BH4 base you’ve seen in the past months, if not years. It’s amazing how this simple layout messes with attacking troop AI and leaves attackers speechless. Even higher Builder Hall attacker have problems dealing with this base so I can only highly recommend this base to you.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – November 20th, 2020

bh4 base november 20th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This base layout works really effective by funneling troops right into the traps through he entry points on top and there’s not much the attacker can do about it. Even attacking from the bottom side will not help much here as the troops still follow the path towards the north entrance and have a really hard time there.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – October 5th, 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – September 14th, 2020

bh4 base september 14th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This defensive concept got really popular lately so I wanted to also have a BH4 base with it. You force the attacker to go either full force through the Crusher and trap section and there’s no way he won’t lose more than half his army doing it. Attacking from the backline has the problem that the attacker won#t get the 50% for the 2-Star, so also not good for him.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – August 18th, 2020

bh4 base august 18th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

This BH4 base is super open and you want to lure the attacking troops into the traps without giving the attacker any chance to prevent it with small deployments. This base looks quite easy to beat but has been one of the best ones that I’ve used lately.

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Builder Hall 4 Base – July 25th, 2020

bh4 base july 25th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – June 24th, 2020

bh4 base june 24th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – August 17st, 2020

bh9 base august 17th 2020


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – May 25th, 2020

bh4 base may 25th 2020

This new base layout for Builder Hall 4 is insanely effective with the setup of the Crusher as well as the other defenses and the walls funneling troops right into the traps.

Also important here is that the whole base is covered by Archer Towers and Cannon so mass Archer attackers will waste a lot of time and not get anywhere near a 2-Star. Very nice pick.


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – March 5th, 2020

bh4 base march 5th 2020

This base here is my latest favorite and work quite effective at Builder Hall 4, unless you get attacker by a higher Builder Hall player but then you will not have any chances to defend, no matter what base layout you use.

But let’s get back to this base here which works quite well against the popular attacking strategies we see today at BH4 with a very solid trap setup that leads as many troops into the trap as possible.

Also attackers with mass Archers are forced to make the Archers walk longer paths once the perimeter buildings are cleared and this will eat time off the clock and make the cloaking less effective.


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – January 2020

bh4 base january 1st 2020

Let’s start the new year right with a fresh base design for your Builder Hall 4 base. If you look in the gallery above you can see some replays how well this base holds up against attacks with Archers, Barbarians and also air attacks with Minions at BH4.

The outside ring keeps those troops busy for some time and the walls force them to walk longer ways – this has the advantage to eat time off the clock but also give defenses more time to get attacking troops down while minimizing the special ability duration of the troops. Works really nice.


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – August 2019

bh4 base august 2nd 2019

This BH4 base layout gives the attacker a hard time guessing the trap positions right and either forces him to risk losing a big bunch of troops or test deploy single troops that cost him troops that are wasted and also costs time to do.

The nice thing is, the traps on the inside can’t be avoided anyway so he will waste potential anyway.

The first line of defenses will group up the attacking troops and then they will trigger the traps and suffer the highest damage possible and there’s nothing the attacker can do against it.


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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Builder Hall 4 Base – July 2019

bh4 base july 1st 2019

This base here is a classic and it still works really well because it forces the attacker to go through the Crusher and there’s no way to do that without sacrificing a ton of troops, especially when attacking with Barbarians.

The best approaches against this base is sniping with Archers but this will barely get the 2-Star so you can easily get the victory of the Versus Battle by doing a proper attack yourself


This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…

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