afk arena trials of god guide afk arena trials of god guide

Trials of God Guide (Best Trial Picks + Best Teams) – All Chapters

Trials of God are a section within Peaks of Time where you need to beat a realm with several debuffs to your team or buffs for the enemy team to earn enough points to get a special reward – the special reward is one of the Class Artifacts you can get.

In this guide, I will show you the best trials to take (yes, some are easier than others) and also team compositions for every realm that will work for you.

One thing first, if you select your trials you always want to aim to go for the minimum amount required to actually get your artifact or main reward:


Depths of Time (Stage 27-60+)afk arena depths of time header

The first Trials of God realm and with 28 total trial points you can win the Barricade, the new tank class artifact that is really strong for some tank heroes in AFK Arena – I have a full list of best-matching artifact here, if you’re interested.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

trials of god - depths of time trials selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 28 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

The recommended trials are all okayish to deal with, except the one that will make your heroes lose health 10% equal to the damage they’re dealing, this really meeses with the team setup I want to recommend below. Also the one that will make your heroes lose 30% of their health at the end of a battle is really nasty, don’t take them and rather use the 1-point-trials from the normal trials section as you can see in the image here.

Best Team

With that hero selection I recommend you to run this team setup:



You can basically run this team for all the battles, only for the one facing Talene & Tidus you should switch in Talene for the Twins. For the one facing Talene & Grezhul you can run a Ainz/Albedo setup that is quicker. In general, you can also play around with Eironn instead of Pippa. More on the best teams in AFK Arena here.


You can see the full walkthrough here.

Fields of Stone (Stage 28-60+)

Your goal in this Trial of God is to get at least 32 trial points to unlock the warrior class-exclusive artifact Chaos Bringer which is really strong for many warrior class heroes in AFK Arena. You can read more about that here

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena fields of stone trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 32 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

My recommendation when it comes to selecting the trials will be using all the recommended ones except the one that will deal Lightbearer heroes 30% more damage, this will be really tough for your team as you will see below. Instead, I’d add the first one from the normal trials that will make your heroes lose 10% health equal to the damage they deal. That sounds tougher than it is.

For the missing last point use the haste raising one from the difficult trials, this won’t make a huge effect after all and is easier to handle than the other ones available.

Best Team

With that hero selection I recommend you to run this team setup:



You can basically run this team for all the battles, only for the one facing Talene & Tidus you should switch in Talene for the Twins. For the one facing Talene & Grezhul you can run a Ainz/Albedo setup that is quicker. In general, you can also play around with Eironn instead of Pippa. More on the best teams in AFK Arena here.


You can see the full walkthrough here.

Highburn Stronghold (Stage 29-60+)afk arena highburn stronghold header

Getting 32 trial points within this Trials of God adventure will get you the mage-class artifact Windbinder, a pretty strong one to use in end-game on several mage-class heroes. More info on that here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 32 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Now to get the final missing points you should not go for the ones in “normal trials” as they are really tough to deal with, rather use the one that increases enemy heroes’ Crit Amplification in the “difficult task” category below. This is the easiest one for 1 point and will give you the easiest way to unlock the Windbinder artifact via this Trials of God realm.

Best Team

With that hero selection I recommend you to run this team setup:



Make sure to not have Lucius face Mezoth directly in the the two battles you have fight him and you’re good to go, a very budget team with low invest and able to go through the full realm.

The Howling Wastes (Stage 30-30+)

For this one you’ll “only” need 16 trial points but the trials are harder. Getting this done will unlock you the first support class artifact in AFK Arena. More info on that here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

I wouldn’t recommend you to take the first two recommended trials as they are quite harder and not necessarily required to unlock the artifact. The first one open sand traps that will deal 50% damage when heroes won’t escape them. The second one will spawn a toxic gas cloud that will basically silence your heroes for 10 seconds. Both can completely shred your team so skip them.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



For some battles you need to switch Rosaline in for Eiron (the one against Mezoth) or the final battle (against double Orthos) use Eiron and Tasi in the front row and the back row should be Estrilda, Saurus and Twins and you’re good to go.

Full walkthrough for The Howling Wastes – click here

Fallen Souls (Stage 30-60+)afk arena fallen souls header

Again a Trial that requires 16 points and it’s a decent one. Don’t want to say it’s super easy or anything like that but nothing that will give you that much headache actually in unlocking the new ranger class artifact, Shrouds of Verdure. More info on that here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena fallen souls trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Make sure to skip the first debuff that prevents your heroes from generating health, that’s super tough! The other ones here, except the fourth one as well, are also not that tough and will give you 17 trial points which is enough to unlock the new artifact.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



Either run Rowan or Estrilda in the front row with Saurus and the backline is for almost all battles the same (some require Numisu in the center or edge so arragen according to the enemy setup). The only exception is the last battle (against Orthos), where you put Numisu/Estrilda in the front row and Gwyneth, Twins, Saurus in the backrow.

Full walkthrough for Fallen Souls – click here

The Frosted Expanse (Stage 31-30+)afk arena frosted expanse header

This Trial of God also requires 16 points for you to unlock the second tank artifact, Wristband of Resilence and the setup here only requires you to pick two debuffs. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena frosted expanse trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

The first one gives you a strong debuff, but you actually use that and sacrifice one hero you don’t need per battle to go through the battles, that’s easier than picking several other ones that will be harder in sum. Also, 30 seconds into the battle is quite long, you can also finish them faster in several cases. As the second one either pick the one that will give enemies 100% additional health or the 3rd one that will give them 150 energy every 3 seconds.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



With Eironn and Saurus in the frontline you’re good to go and for the first 5 battles use the Twins in the back row before switching them out for Ferael for the last 4 battles.

Full walkthrough for The Frosted Expanse – click here

The Forest’s Edge (Stage 31-60+)afk arena forests edge header

To unlock the second warrior class artifact, Carnage, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena forests edge trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

The first one does sound really tough, effectively meaning that you will have to deal with a last enemy that deals 500% damage. But the good thing is that the last enemy is normally not the one dealing most damage and rather the one being the most “tanky”. Combine it with the second one that will reduce the damage that enemies will receive when they fall below 50%. This actually makes it easier for you as it will make enemies die “closer” to each other and don’t have such a huge gap in between their deaths where they will activate the first buff.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



This team will get you through the full realm, but you might have to switch the positions in the front row a little bit depending on the enemy team. Sometimes you also switch Daimon in the back row and the Twins in the front row with Saurus.

Full walkthrough for The Forest’s Edge – click here

Frozen Ground (Stage 32-30+)afk arena frozen ground header

To unlock the second mage class artifact, Warden of the Arcane, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

I’d recommend you to go with the first 3 ones. The first one sounds nasty by kicking your backline heroes to the front but with the team I recommend it won’t be that much of a deal. The second one will give remaining enemies a lot of energy but that’s also manageable as you almost have won the battle by that time. The third one gives more points than you need but losing the ally with the least damage after 50 seconds isn’t even happening that often.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



This is the exact team that you can use for every single battle, without even switching positions.

Full walkthrough for The Frozen Ground – click here

The Frozen Hinterland (Stage 32-60+)afk arena frozen hinterland header

To unlock the support class artifact, Seraphic Tide, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena frozen hinterland trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Although it’s more than you need, running the three recommended trials is a good choice here. The first one will send you arrows that will damage all your heroes dealing 40-60% damage which you can easily overcome with the right hero team (see below). The other one will take 30% health from all your heroes at the end of the battle which can also be dealt with easily and the thrid one will only work when you have no furnite bonus on your heroes, what you extremely likely have on these heroes.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



This is the exact team that you can use for every single battle, without even switching positions.

Full walkthrough for The Frozen Hinterland – click here

The Depths of Time II (Stage 33-30+)

To unlock the second ranger class artifact, Verdant Longbow, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

afk arena depths of time 2 trial selection

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Keeping it easy here and go with the first two trials, they will give you enough points to get the artifact and overall they are alright to deal with (at least you won#t get any easier setup picking other trials). The first one will buff enemies so you want to run a team that bursts damage fast. The second one will take out your hero who dealt the least damage after 30 seconds, but you’re going for the quick kill anyway.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



This is the exact team that you can use for every single battle, but some battles require to either switch Talene and Saurus in their front row position or switch Talene to the back row and Rown alongside Saurus in the front row.

Full walkthrough for The Depths of Time II – click here

The Hazy Timberland (Stage 33-60+)afk arena the hazy timberland header

To unlock the third warrior class artifact, Pauldron of the Burning Fury, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the best selection to get the full rewards:

If you’re not strong enough, yet, this is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Well, I really had the easiest run by doing a small overkill with the first two recommended trials as you can handle them quite alright with the right team setup. The first one will stun and hit your hero with the highest defense rating after 3 seconds, the other one will terrify all your heroes at the beginning of the battle for 60 seconds. Yes, sounds crazy to take it but you can remove that debuff.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



Either run Talene or Numisu in the front line with Saurus or the backline. In the last two battles switch out Rowan with Ferael and you’re good to go.

Full walkthrough for The Hazy Timberland – click here

Track of the Sands (Stage 34-30+)afk arena track of the sands header

To unlock the third tank class artifact, Life’s Limit, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

This is the trial selection I found to be the easiest to run to get the 16 needed points for obtaining the artifact:

Good choice is going with the first two recommended trials that will give you 17 points which is enough to get the Life’s Limit artifact. Both are passive debuffs that won’t make the enemies stronger, they simply will deal percentage damage to your heroes what makes it easier to deal with with the team recommended below.

Best Team

Now let’s take a look at the team you should use:



The team I used here is quite basc without crazy heroes. You basically buff your team up very well and use Ezizh to lock everyone. Tasi will do a ton of crowd control and take on enemy out of the battle so you don’t have to fear too much running this setup.

Full walkthrough for Track of the Sand – click here

The Echoing Valley (Stage 34-60+)afk arena echoing valley header

To unlock the third mage class artifact, Winged Warden, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

Nothing crazy here, pick the first two ones and it will be exactly the 16 points you need to unlock the Winged Warden artifact. It sounds tough, but the extra damage is alright to deal with when using the right team (see below) and you won’t have that many problems. Overall, the battle setups in The Echoing Valley aren’t that crazy.

Best Team



Yes, the team is quite a heavy dimensional one, but that’s the setup that will help you take the enemies out fast enough to not let the trial buffs stack up too much on them as you basically kill them at the same time or at least quite close to each other.

Full walkthrough for The Echoing Valley – click here

Windfall Gorge (Stage 35-30+)afk arena windfall gorge header

To unlock the third mage class artifact, The Oceanic Strings, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

It’s about getting the battles done quickly here so you can select the Sand Traps, enemy damage increase as well as the the one that gives enemies a shield. As I said, the goal is to get the battles done as quickly as possible so the trigger for those trials will either not trigger or only trigger once.

Best Team



The core setup here is using Ainz to ult to get the enemy team down while buffing and the whole team up. The AInz ult is actually the only thing you care here so you can also try multiple times in battles if you’re not lucky on the RNG side.

Full walkthrough for The Windfall Gorge – click here

Black Woods (Stage 35-60+)afk arena black woods header

To unlock the third ranger class artifact, Dual Divinity, you will need to use enough trials to get 16 points. More on the artifact can be found here.

Trial Selection

Selecting the trials here is quite straightforward, with only two trials you can reach get the new artifact. The first one for 12 points is also quite nice as it will only give you that debuff when your hero doesn’t have any faction advantage which can be worked with pretty well. Then the next one will be the one that will heal enemies for 70% of their max health when a hero enemy dies, a health pool you can fight through pretty comfortably.

Best Team



There was a lot of Ainz setups in the previous trials necessary but this time you can run a nice setup with good crowd control using Ezizh and Tasi, support with Rowan and the Twins and Saurus slays enemies with his insane damage output. The nice thing here is that you have one celestial and one hypogean hero so getting the factional advantage is there so the first trial will not trigger and you only have to deal with the 70% healing which is not that much trouble.

Full walkthrough for Black Woods – click here

  1. Man, this is the best guide out there. I’ve been grinding my teeths at those damn Trials of Gods for months now, and thanks to this I beat 3 of them in a row, max difficulty. Any other guide I tried was shit and “If you’re F2P you need Ainz +30 9F 80/80 LOLZ” So happy with this !

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