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The Depth of Time Guide (Wandering Balloon)

The Wandering Balloon let us re-play past Voyage of Wonders realms and the realm that just got added is Fields of Stone, a really nice Voyage of Wonders we had back in September 2019 and it will be available in the Wandering Balloon starting June 8th, 2020.

I have updated this guide here with the small adaptions that the developers made to give you an up-to-date overview about how to solve The Depths of Time step-by-step.

Depths of Time General & Rewards

The Depths of Time are basically a map that’s divided by time – or to explain it a little easier… both sides of the map have the same general layout and you can travel via portals between the two sides.

Every time you will pick a relic on one side, it will block a path on the other side so picking the correct route through the realm is important here.

You will need to fight through the whole map with your own team (and maybe add a borrowed hero), but there are no mercenary camps, resurrection points or healing fountains.

Now this sounds a little hard but actually it’s one of the easier realms we had in Voyage of Wonders and I’m really glad they picked this one.

What’s The Reward In Depths Of Time?

In the original version in the Voyage of Wonders, we had 2,000 Diamonds, a Emblem Choice Chest as well as Faction and normal summon scrolls.

Now the rewards are some emblems (heroic and normal, but no faction emblems), 10x Regular Summon Scrolls and 480x Rare Soulstones what means 8 fodder heroes. Not too bad after all, but I’d preferred some faction emblems.

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But before losing it into the rewards you need to solve The Frozen Ground first, right? If you have troubles with your team, please refer to my frequently updated guide on the best teams in AFK Arena here or the tier list of the best heroes (including their best build). Also, don’t miss out on the recently new gift codes that I posted here.

The Depths of Time Walkthrough

So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into the step-by-step guide.

Step 1 – The Beginning

In the first section, you will use the portal to go to the left side and step on the village. There you will see several camps appear but also clearing up some paths in the present side. Do not fight any camps and head back through the portal and you can collect all the chests there you can reach.

Once you’ve done that you go back to the bottom on the right side and travel through the portal to the left side and now you can fight all the camps there except for two.

If you clear all of them it will block your path to the middle portal completely and you need to start all over again!

Step 2 – The Middle Section

Now you head back to the left side of the map through the portal and walk up to the middle portal where one camp is right in front of it:

Use this portal to get to the left side and DO NOT USE THE FIRE! If you use it now it will blow it all up and you won’t be able to get to the last boss.

What you do now is clear all the camps in the middle section on the right side and step on the city and also clear the ambush there – this will make the final boss appear.

After you’ve done that you stick on the left side and walk your way up to the top section like you can see in the picture on the right here.

Do not go through the top portal now until you have defeated all the camps on the left side on the top and collected the Crystal Chest.

Now you can use the portal on top of the left side and go over to the top of the right side and fight your way all to the final boss there like you see in the image above.

You need to defeat the boss in a certain amount of time or he will cast a spell that resets the battle – fast damage is important here so take the heroes to battle now that do that, even if you may lose some. If you’re not dealing damage quickly enough you won’t be able to beat him.

If you’ve done that you can now collect your second Crystal Chest with the Wish Chest reward.

Step 3 – Get The Last Chest

Now it’s time to get the last chest and the best way if you follow my strategy is now to finish the adventure and start a new run for the last chest only.

So, go back to The Wandering Balloon menu and finish the adventure and start it again.

Sounds strange but it’s the easiest way to solve Depths of Time 🙂

Now you can reach it quite easy:

  1. Go through the bottom portal to the left and step on the city without fighting any camps
  2. Go back to the right and walk up to the middle portal and use it (one camp in front of it that you need to fight)
  3. Now you use the fire that I told you earlier to not use 🙂

Zolrath is going to get mad but you can now walk back through the middle portal and simply pick the last missing Crystal Chest and you’re done 🙂

Don’t stop here… the next Wandering Balloon is already waiting with more rewards! See here the full walkthrough for Fields of Stone.

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