afk arena fractured gallery full walkthrough guide afk arena fractured gallery full walkthrough guide

The Fractured Gallery Guide (Wandering Balloon)

The Wandering Balloon let us re-play past Voyage of Wonders realms and the realm that just got added is The Fractured Gallery, a really nice Voyage of Wonders we had back in March 2021 and it will be available in the Wandering Balloon starting July 14th, 2022. This is a realm with several new elements that we haven’t seen like that in any other previous realm so far and you will need to make 3 runs through The Factured Gallery to collect all the rewards.

The Fractured Gallery General & Rewards

You will need to jump through the islands to get to the final one. In between the small islands are Golden Chests and enemies to defeat but the most important thing here is that you are forced to take debuffs along the way.

When you go through a portal to the next island, you have no way to return back – so for that reason you will need to make at least 3 runs to collect all the rewards. Even if you could go back, the debuffs in total would eat you alive at some point.

The rewards changed now that it’s part of the Wandering Balloon and the main reward is boring 10x Summoning Scrolls:

afk arena fractured gallery rewards

Along with several soul stones and boosters and some emblems as we’re used to have in other Wandering Balloon realms.

If you have troubles with your team, please refer to my frequently updated guide on the best teams in AFK Arena here or the tier list of the best heroes (including their best build). Also, don’t miss out on the recently new gift codes that I posted here.

The Fractured Gallery Walkthrough

As always, you will find a full walkthrough for the realm here. As I said, there are a total of at least 3 runs required to clear The Fractured Gallery

Run #1

Step 1 – after the start and all the conversation between Skreg and Vurk you will get to the first portal choice.

In this very first run, that will also get you the Hero Choice Chest in The Fractured Gallery, you will need to chose left island for the first 3 times you have the option.

Step 2 – now you will reach some kind of larger “middle island”. On this island, clear all camps and chest you have all the way through to the right side.

Once you’ve done this, use the left portal (not the right one) to get to the next island.

Step 3 – now you will go through the smaller islands and only have one portal choice on the path to the final island. This portal choice should be right.

All other portals won’t give you any other option than going to the next island. At the end, you will be at the final island with the Crystal Chest:

Beat the boss battle and collect the chest and finish this run, there’s nothing left that you can do.

Run #2

Step 1 – back at the start and this time you will need to select the right island the first 2 times you jump to a new island. Then 1x left and 1x right.

Step 2 – now you will be on the other middle island (not the one from the 1st run). Here you also need to clear out the camp and chest on the left side and then use the portal on the left side.

Then on the next island choose “right” again and you will find yourself on the other side of that middle island:

Here you need to clear the camp and get the chest but you DON’T use that portal! You need to walk down and use the same portal as you had in the previous step and choose the “right” option again

On the next small island you will need to choose left this time:

From here always take the next island and you will find yourself at the final island and you can end this run to start one final run on The Fractured Gallery.

Run #3

Step 1 – this final run will start similar to the 2nd run but you will choose “right” three times this time:

This will get you on the same island as you had in the 2nd run but you can pick up that last chest on the way.

On that middle island you need to take the left portal and choose the “left” option from here two times to collect the very last Golden Chest and finish the Fractured Gallery completely:

Don’t stop here… the next Wandering Balloon is already waiting with more rewards! See here the full walkthrough for Roamer’s Rhapsody.

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