marvel snap best ebony maw decks marvel snap best ebony maw decks

The BEST Ebony Maw Decks + Synergies in MARVEL SNAP

Are you looking for a deck that you can play with Ebony Maw in it in Marvel Snap? Ebony Maw can open up some interesting possibilities so I feel you will like this guide here – please mind, this guide here is getting the good decks directly from my popular meta decks list and gets updated each time I update my meta decks (at last once or twice per week), so you will never find any outdated decks here that are not flagged as old and outdated.

Is Ebony Maw A Good Card in MARVEL SNAP?

With an amazing energy-power-ratio, Ebony Maw get the negative effect that he blocks your location and that you have to play him in the first turns. Still, you can use him so your opponent has to invest quite some resources to overcome while you can invest into more important things..

Ebony Maw in current decks that do well in the meta: There’s always some decks where you can play this, espcailly control archetype decks do well so he’s not bound to certain combos, enablers or cards to be good and you will see him frequently..

Good Synergies with Ebony Maw

can be used to block Ebony Maw's ongoing effect. You still have to play him before Turn 4 though but you can get a good tradeof (espcially if you don't draw into any other card you would use Zero on, like Typhoid Mary or Red Skull)
Invisible Woman
can be used with Ebony Maw pretty well as you can drop him on top of her and still continue to play more cards in that location since his blocking effect will not get revealed

can block Ebony Maw's abilities altogether and turn him into a plan 1-cost but 7-power card you can use throughout the match without limitations
Doctor Doom
is a great combo card as you can use the Doom Bots to go into Ebony Maw's blocked location and increase the power there and catch your opponent off guard
White Tiger
is also a great card to reach into Ebony Maw's location later - the more you have filled the other locations the higher the chance it will reach in there so you can easily have 14 power there and overcome your opponent's power
Jeff the Baby Land Shark
can be played and moved into the locked location after you played Ebony Maw

The Best Ebony Maw Decks

The decks here are ranked by how well the decks perform in the current meta. As I said earlier in this guide, the table will get updated every time I update the meta deck tier list here automatically!

Shuri Sauron Slam – Tier S

Shuri is back, ladies and gentlemen! Several Shuri Decks work well this season and while Shuri was viable last season, this season she is back very strong!

Missing Cards for this deck?!

Shuri Skaar – Tier A

Build a lot of power and at the same time grow your caler cards

Missing Cards for this deck?!


I hope you liked this overview of the best Ebony Maw decks in Marvel Snap today and find them helpful to run one of them this season – I’m sure they will be one of the strongest and you can push your rank quite well with it. If you have questions or annotations to the decks, please don’t hesitate to write a comment below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.

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