Like shown in my guide about the best marches you should have right now in Call of Dragons, you should have two marksman marches to deal the damage you need later in the game. Below you find the pairings and the progressive invests you should do to get there.
As a new players you will use one marksman march that you evolve until you progress and then split them up.
Best Marksman Starter March
In the beginning you have not all the 5 marches possible available so you will start building one marksman march that you use along your infantry march and your magic march. As Pan is a bad hero and you will pull Nico quite early you should use him along Gwanwyn. for your early march.
You can max out your Gwanwyn here as you simply don’t have much other options and the damage needs to be dealt and as magic marches are good for area of effect damage you just need your marksman march,
Progressed Marksman March
Once reaching mid-game it’s time to upgrade your marksman march with Kinnara and this will keep you up quite a while so don’t be shy with investing here:
Yes at first glance this looks like a heavy invest but as Kinnara is nowadays a hero you can pull normally without the wheel you should get some copies at this point that let you upgrade her and building her is absolutely worth it as you will even use her still in endgame marches. If you don’t have maxed Nico at this point stop investing any universal stuff in him and just upgrade him further if you pull his tokens, he will not be used in endgame.
Endgame Marksman March
For endgame I recommend you to build your two marches with marksman as you have with Syndrion and Ffraegar two incredible marksman heroes available. But before building that one I recommend adapting your current marksman march like this:
Hosk is just perfect and you have two versatile marksman marches but I do understand that not every player has Hosk or will ever get him, so please refer below to the Kinnara guide to see other pairings that are possible here. I also recommend the Stripebear as pet for the massive HP bonus as this marksman march has a shorter hit distance so you will have less of a glass cannon.
And here is the second march that you should build here that is so incredible that you need it:
Yes, the invest is heavy but we are talking endgame here so this is the way to go:
Meta Endgame March
And since in B2 season even crazier marksman heroes are released, this setup will will change like this:
Yes, the invest is heavy but we are talking endgame here so this is the way to go:
And here is the second march that you should build here that is so incredible that you need it:
Yes, the invest is heavy but we are talking endgame here so this is the way to go:
This is the snapshop of the maksman meta in Call of Dragons right now and the ideal order you should build your marksman march(es) in order to progress well. Do NOT skip any of them before you have the heroes available and also ready to be built for the next step. If you’re wondering which the total march setup right now should look like, please refer to my frequently updated march and pairing guide here.