call of dragons best magic pairings call of dragons best magic pairings

Best Mage Marches (Heroes, Artifacts, Pets) Progressive Pairings in Call of Dragons

Like shown in my guide about the best marches you should have right now in Call of Dragons, every player needs to have magic marches as they deal the most damage – and magic marches are surprisingly accessible in Call of Dragons!

So, if you’re a new player start at the beginning and if you’re a player with all heroes available you see the best march setup at the end with maybe a small surprise to some players but I elaborate that and I am sure most of you will agree with me on why. Anyway, please go through the progress here with the heroes you have and see where you’re at and what your next steps should be.

Best Magic Starter March

The good thing here is that you will get quite a great epic hero right off the bat in Call of Dragons that will be so useful and powerful.

Very basic looking but Waldyr deals ton of area damage and Alwyn has a lot of control – depending how they look in level you can also think about putting Alwyn as the primary commander of your legion and use the control tree which is nuts. But I also have to advice you, if you plan to spend a little money on the game, don’t go too crazy with Alwyn as you will and should replace him soon

Here's the best order to invest in their skills and build their talents

Progressed Magic March

One of the few really high-value things to spend money on in Call of Dragons is getting Liliya with the early deals you get. She is an amazing hero and will be used even in endgame and the value you get there for little money is incredible and goes a long distance. If you do, and realistically you really should, this transfers your magic legion into a much more powerful area-damage dealing one that carry a lot of damage throughout the game:

Liliya deals so much damage and has a lot of synergy with Waldyr so you have a great pack here that is absolutely worth maxing out. Remember, you will run Liliya till the end so no invest here is wasted!

Here's the best order to invest in their skills and build their talents

This setup will be running well for quite a while but at one point it’s time to upgrade it to a stronger one that deals more damage. I know some players like to have two magical legions for the damage but I believe it will be harder to build and at this point there is no way to have two magic marches with legendary heroes that work too well and are worth it (more on the endgame below), espcially with artifacts becoming an issue for you. So I recommend in the later stages to replace Waldyr with Velyn and build one marksman march to deal the damage along your infantry march:

This is the most common and best magical march right now and I would say for 95% of all players also the one to run in end-game, even though you have the flying magical heroes that have been introduced – but I have my thoughts on that below.

Here's the best order to invest in their skills and build their talents

Endgame Magic March

As I already said, in terms of magic legions I recommend you to have the one above with Liliya and Velyn and you will do absolutely fine – so what about Bertrand and Tohar?

My issue with them is the resources you have to invest to build them to a point where they bypass Lilya and Velyn and the fact that the way they deal damage makes them only useful with each other. So if you want to get the powercreep here as the 1% top player they are amazing but looking at the invest for that little extra is insane. Even if you super lucky and pull them, I would wait out if the meta really develops that much in their favor and then you can still build them as your secondary magic march (perspectively):

As you see, the invest is brutal but a huge part in me believes this will be long-term the future so having this on the radar is something you should have, but you don’t need it right now.

Here's the best order to invest in their skills and build their talents


This is the snapshop of the magic meta in Call of Dragons right now and the ideal order you should build your magic march(es) in order to progress well. Do NOT skip any of them before you have the heroes available and also ready to be built for the next step. If you’re wondering which the total march setup right now should look like, please refer to my frequently updated march and pairing guide here.

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