Are you planning to or already running Charles Martel in Rise of Kingdoms in one of your marches and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what equipment works best and what other commanders you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Charles Martel perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.
Current Ranking – is Charles Martel S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
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Skill Order
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Best Troops
If you use Charles Martel as primary commander in the open field you want to use mainly infantry troops to get full benefit of his 2nd skill as well as the Infantry Tree as shown in the open field build below. If you use him in rallies or as defender mixed troops are no problem.
Best Commander Pairing for Charles Martel
Yi-Seong Gye (YSG) will be an extremely effective city defense setup as Charles Martel provides a lot of defensive capabilities early in Rise of Kingdoms and you can pair it with the damage that YSG provides. Alexander the Great works really great and both commanders will have great synergy of shielding effects (not, they won’t overlap) and make your march stay alive much longer. Richard I’d pick Richard primary to have a larger march but if the level gap is high this also makes sense for open field brawling. Guan Yu also works great with Charles shield when expertised. Frederick is a solid pair for early kingdom rally with the healing and shielding (with some lack of rage generation).
Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.
Best Equipment Forge Order
In terms of equipment, here’s what I recommend to use as the route for Charles Martel. I have tailored this priority order that you can follow step-by-step to prevent forging and running equipment that is not useful or only provides a very small improvement. Follow the equipment path step-by-step and you will have the best and most economical gear:
How to unlock
And for the artifacts I have tested the different ones here so you can see which ones perform the best (of course I only tested/list the ones that make sense):
Horn of Fury helps Charles Martel cycle through his active skill as quickly as possible and no matter what commander you’re using as the secndary commander, it’s the best choice here for me.Ring of Doom is a good legendary accessory for him as you can deal more damage and that affects all kinds of damage he deals.
Best Builds For Charles Martel
Below you will find the talent tree builds for Charles Martel that make sense when running as the primary commander in any march in Rise of Kingdoms. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.Let’s start with the build for him primary objective – keeping your city secure and this is the build you want to use. Here are some tips on how to spend the talent points on this build:Garrisson (17 Points) – this should be your start and the first points you will set for Charles Martel. Don’t think about getting any other skill points before you did spend them like shown above in the image.Defense (47 Points) – after that you can move over to the defense tree where you will also find several really nice talents that are very useful. Master Armorer should be your first destination here because it will give you really strong defensive buff that helps a lot. Right after that you should go to Burning Blood because this will supply you with additional rage and is right next to Master Armorer.Then the best path, in my opinion, is getting the Loose Formation talent because it will decrease the skill damage taken by 9% and this makes a huge difference on defense with Charles Martel.Last but not least take Medicinal Supplies for some nice healing and Balance to prevent getting swarmed. After that Testudo Formation should be your last pick here.Infantry (13 Points) – if you upgraded Charles Martel enough you can now move to Undying Fury in the Infantry tree and then the other ones like shown above.You can also go for Iron Spear here instead of Medicinal Supplies in the Defense tree but I rather have it save than relying that I will defend against Cavalry.This build here is the only one you should use with Charles Martel in the open field. So, here’s the best way to set this talent build when you don’t have Charles marteil fully upgraded:Infantry – take this tree first and pick up some extra march speed – always remember, no matter how strong your army is, if you can’t catch on the open field it won’t help you much. So, Fleet of Food is the talent you are after here.Defense Tree – here’s some additional march speed to get with March Speed and also Loose Formation will help in taking less damage. Prioritize the march speed then take Loose Formation.Infantry – back to infantry again and now it’s time to spend the other available points there. I’d go over to the left side there now and get Strong of Body for a great health buff for infantry units. From here you should now obviously work your way through the Infantry tree to the top.Here’s the build to use for defending your flag but make sure that you get mainly infantry into the flag. One word of caution and for completeness here – there’s a build that is in theory stronger but if there’s only one non-Infantry unit in the flag it will make this formation weaker (looking at you, Johnny!) and this is, for me, far too risky so I rather have a secure talent build here for Charles Martel.This explains why we have Desperate Elegy here in this build rather than Hold the Line. Hold the Line only comes effective if there is not one single other units there than infantry so one single wrong unit from one person could just deactivate Hold the Line – just felt that I wanted to explain this with this Richard build here.In total Desperate Elegy is not as powerful because you only get that effect at one point while Hold the Line is effective all the time, but I think Desperate Elegy is more viable because you don’t have to fear that this one guy sending in Archer units will mess up your build.
I hope this guide for building Charles Martel helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the commen section. Thanks for reading and have a great day and see you out in the kingdoms.
Unfortunately, a talent building picture is missing for the city