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afk arena voyage of wonders babbling brook afk arena voyage of wonders babbling brook

Babbling Brook Guide (Voyage of Wonders)

The new realm in Voyage of Wonders is coming and it’s called Babbling Brook and dedicated to the new Wilders Awakened hero Solise and has quite a cool setting that I really enjoyed

Babbling Brook General & Rewards

As always, I won’t spoil anything about the storyline of Babbling Brook in my guide so you can real through everything, including the walkthrough, without giving away the chance to experience the full realm.

The whole realm is pretty straightforward without much to pay attention to left and right until you will go to the final part where you can pick up the Crystal Chest.

Speaking of the final Crystal Chest, the main reward is 10x Time Emblems, which is pretty expectable since it’s for the new awakened hero. We also saw that with the previous Voyage of Wonders for the other awakened heroes in the past as well.

babbling brook rewards

Important! Don’t miss out on the latest gift codes in AK Arena and check back my frequently updated list of active codes here.

Please mind, this Voyage of Wonders expired! See the guide for the upcoming Voyage of Wonders (Hopeless Isle) here.

Babbling Brook Walkthrough

As always, you will find a full walkthrough for the realm here. With that being said, let’s not waste any more time and jump right into the walkthrough for the Babbling Brook realm.

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By the way, if you have problems please also check out my bi-weekly updated tier list of heroes (with Signature Item, Artifact, Furniture and Engraving recommendation) here that could give you some hints what heroes are good or maybe also my guide on the best teams in AFK Arena here.

Step 1 – Babbling Brook basically starts off with Solise wondering what’s going on with the forest and you have to pick some berries to proceed the storyline. You will find them to the right (1) and two more and the bottom (2) and bottom left (3) of the starting section:

babbling brook walkthrough step 1

Step 2 – now examine the bushes (1) and you will see boss camps appear. You will not be able to win the fight so use heroes you don’t really need for it. Mysterious Wilder Youth will appear and the boss camps will disappear and you will have to bring him to the next point as he’s injured. Clear off the camps in the area and collect the Golden Chests before bringing him to the Botanist’s Hut (2). Follow the path to the top of the hut and bring him to the next point (3). Again, make sure to have cleared all camps and Golden Chests in this area as you will teleport into the next area of Babbling Brook with the last step:

babbling brook walkthrough step 2

Step 3 – continue to the next boss camp and before the fight starts Eorin will appear (1) and will start fighting them. In the meantime, go to the Mushroom (2) and step on the petal behind it. This will trigger a stone and ‘help’ a little with the camps Eorin is fighting. One the camps are gone make sure you picked all the Golden Chests in this section of Babbling Brooks and enter the strange tunnel (3) to get to the next area:

babbling brook walkthrough step 3

Step 4 – in the next section, walk straight right and go directly into the portal there (1) and in the following section also take the first portal (2). Clean the section and also take the portal on the very top now (3):

babbling brook walkthrough step 4

Get the Golden Chest in this compartment and also take the left portal there (4). The storyline continues and you will find yourself at the alter where a. ton of boss camps spawns. Just pray to the alter (5) and they will disappear and you will turn into Awakened Solise.

babbling brook walkthrough step 5

Now you only need to fight through the remaining camps on the left and you will be able to collect the Crystal Chest of Babbling Brooks and have finished the realm (6).

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