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All Codes in AFK Arena

About every month AFK Arena has new redemption codes that can easily give you some free Diamonds, Summon Scrolls, and much more.

All you need to do is enter the code in your account and redeem the reward – but what are the codes?

If you don’t want to follow several people and the official AFK Arena accounts on social networks you can also check back here as I will always post here the current redemption codes. Also, you really should check out my frequently updated tier list of the best heroes in AFK Arena here, I update it with every new hero and include all the recommendations for Signature Item invest, what Artifact to use, what Furniture Perk is mandatory and much more details.

All AFK Arena Codes (Updated Frequently)

Here are codes that don’t have an expiry date but some of them require your account to be younger than a certain date – the easiest way is to try them all just to make sure that you didn’t miss out on any of them:

  • AFK888 (doesn’t seem to expire) – rewards 300 Diamonds, 20k Gold and 100 Dust
  • misevj66yi (doesn’t seem to expire) – rewards 500x Diamonds, 5x Summon Scrolls, 1x random rare Hero.
  • Badlijey666 (doesn’t seem to expire) – rewards 100x Diamonds and 100k Gold

Here’s the full list of gift codes that have an expiry date:

  • Code: happylilith510 (expire: June 15, 2023) - rewards 3000x Diamonds and 10x Time Emblems
  • Code: 2yqs9jk2qw (expire: May 31, 2023) - rewards 60x Epic Soulstones and regular boosters (6h)
  • Code: LUCKY2023 (expire: April 30, 2023) - rewards 10x Time Emblem, 10x Common Hero Scrolls, 3000x Diamonds and 10x Stargazer Scrolls
  • Code: tqa9c5g35y (expire: February 28, 2023) - rewards 600x Diamonds and 30x Elite Hero Soulstones
  • Code: CHUKAHAE333 (expire: March 11, 2023) - rewards 2000x Diamonds, 10x Faction Scrolls, 10x Common Hero Scrolls and 10x Stargazer Scrolls
  • Code: tq8agz7wyv (expire: February 28, 2023) - rewards 1000x Diamonds, 3x Hero's Essence Chests, 3x Large Gold Chests and 3x Large Hero EXP Chests
  • Code: misevj66yi (expire: March 13, 2023) - rewards 60x Hero Soulstones (rare), 500x Diamonds and 5x Common Hero Scrolls
  • Code: ryx8ue2zhu (expire: January 30, 2023) - rewards 10x Stargazer Scrolls, 60x Soulstones and 10x Faction Scrolls
  • Code: Don2023 (expire: January 31, 2023) - rewards 20x Faction Chest Draws
  • Code: rynfzjk85y (expire: January 21, 2023) - rewards 5x Large Hero EXP Chests (8h), 10x Common Hero Scrolls, 5x Large Gold Chests (8h) and 5x Large Hero's Essence Chest
  • Code: qrjfxjzicw (expire: November 26, 2022) - rewards 1000x Diamonds and 3x EXP/Dust/Gold Booster (8h) each
  • Code: qgk6h85pbd (expire: November 5, 2022)
  • ntbdc2j4yj (Valid until September 12th) – rewards 5x Hero EXP/Gold/Essence (8h) each and 10x Summon Scrolls
  • HAPPY333 (Valid until September 30th, 2022) – rewards 10x Stargazer Cards + 2000x Diamonds + 10x Summon Scrolls + 10x Faction Scrolls
  • n875z23x82 (will only work one day until August 5th, 2022) – rewards 600x Diamonds + 6h boosters.
  • meeyzuxw87 (Valid until August 4th, 2022) – rewards 3000x Diamonds and 10x regular Summon Scrolls
  • Brutus2022 (Valid until July 18th, 2022) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 300k Gold
  • NISHUNEN (Valid until July 31st, 2022) – rewards 10x Stargazer Cards, 2000x Diamonds, 10x Summon Scrolls and 10x Faction Scrolls
  • kgs9frutwp (Valid until June 22nd, 2022) – rewards 200x Diamonds
  • k9k8wjc438 (Valid until June 6th, 2022) – rewards 3x Faction Scrolls and 6h booster for EXP/Gold/Dust
  • jrz8r5xe5c (Valid until June 6th, 2022) – rewards 600x Diamonds and EXP/Gold/Dust (6h) Booster
  • j54umuazyy (Valid until May 11th, 2022) – rewards 600x Diamonds and 6x Dust/EXP/Gold booster
  • J9v5yeqm76 (Valid until May 20th, 2022) – rewards 600x Diamonds, 20x Epic Soulstones and some Gold/Dust/EXP Booster
  • j5mjxtdpia (Valid until May 6th, 2022) – rewards 60x Elite Hero Soulstones and 300x Hero Essence
  • ithg8qup87 (Valid until May 23rd, 2022) – rewards 10x Time Emblems
  • iybkiwausg (Valid until April 22nd, 2022) – rewards with 500x Diamonds
  • LORDDREAF (Valid until May 6th, 2022) – rewards 3000x Diamonds, 10x Time Emblems, 10x Stargazer Cards and 10x Summon Scrolls
  • jinsuo666 (Valid until April 17th, 2022) – rewards 500x Diamonds as well as 5x Dust/EXP/Gold Boost (8h)
  • i4hhzxxvj7 (Valid until April 18th, 2022) – rewards 120x Rare Soulstones, 60x Elite Soulstones and XP+Dust Chests
  • i43a5pk3jw (Valid until April 18th, 2022) – rewards 60x Elite Soulstones, 600x Diamonds and Gold (24h)
  • i4musq8dr6 (Valid until April 18th, 2022) – rewards 1000x Diamonds and 10x Summon Scrolls
  • hwnwvxyzuy (Valid until March 12th, 2022) – rewards 5000x Diamonds
  • zq6apizmr6 (Valid until February 17th, 2022) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 30x Elite Soulstones
  • AFKDLWNSUS (Valid until March 11th, 2022) – rewards 3000x Diamonds and 30x Faction Scrolls
  • zbyfikwsit (Valid until February 12th, 2022) – rewards 10x Summon Scrolls, 10x Faction Summon Scrolls, 2000x Diamonds and also 10x Stargazing Cards
  • AFK2022 (Valid until January 31st, 2022) – rewards 888x Diamonds, 8888x Medals/Coins, 10x Stargazing Cards, 10x TEs and 10x Summon Scrolls
  • y9ijrcnfsw (Valid until January 6th, 2022) – rewards 5x Booster (8h) each for Gold/Dust/EXP, 10x Summon Scrolls and 90x Epic Soulstones
  • y9khdntp3v (Valid until January 5th, 2022) – rewards 1000K Gold and 60x Rare Soulstones
  • y9ntv77jvf (Valid until January 5th, 2022) – rewards 1000x Hero Essence, 120x Rare Soulstones and 60x Elite Soulstones
  • happy2022 (Valid until January 3rd, 2022) – rewards 50x Faction Scrolls
  • yazyax56rz (Valid until December 28th, 2021) – rewards 20x Epic Soulstones and 300K Gold
  • Talene2022 (Valid until December 15th, 2021) – rewards a copy of Talene
  • x7vxbnice7 (Valid until November 27th, 2021) – rewards 200x Diamonds and 200k Gold
  • wf7wcxr4nz (Valid until November 2nd, 2021) – rewards 1000x Diamonds and some 8h Boosters
  • g594b6vpjk (Valid until September 25th, 2021) – rewards 10x Summon Scrolls and 6000x Coins from each kind
  • Star241 (Valid until August 30th, 2021) – rewards 500x Diamonds and 5x Booster (8h) for Dust, EXP and Gold
  • essrysfcrm (Valid until August 16th, 2021) – rewards 888x Diamonds
  • dqy4aq3pyw (Valid until August 29th, 2021) – rewards 8888x Medals, 888x Diamonds, 8888x Lab Coins, and 30x Summon Scrolls
  • dwn8ekefbd (Valid until August 29th, 2021) – rewards 8888x Medals, 888x Diamonds, 8888x and 30x Summon Scolls
  • deq63bqdnu (Valid until June 21st, 2021)
  • d39rqrbdcr (Valid until June 17th
  • ck4kjutz6k (Valid until June 10th, 2021) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • uf4shqjngq (Valid until June 1st, 2021) – rewards 30x Summon Scrolls
  • xiaban886 (Valid until May 31st, 2021) – 500x Diamonds, and 5x 8 Hour Coin/EXP and Dust Booster
  • bprc9kun5i (Valid until May 15th 16th, 2021) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • PrinceOfPersia (Valid until May 31st, 2021) – rewards 500x Diamonds, 500x Essence and 500k Gold
  • ayqcttC36x (Valid until April 30th, 2021) – rewards 200k Gold and 200x Diamonds
  • aaz27uvgfi (Valid until May 6th, 2021) – rewards 100x Summon Scrolls
  • bprc9kun5i (Valid until May 15th, 2021) – rewards 100x Summon Scrolls
  • am2fc6hqmj (Valid until May 5th, 2021) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 9qgzux8k82 (Valid until February 27th, 2021) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 9biwud4xrt (Valid until February 15th, 2021) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 8vws9uf6f5 (Valid until February 17th, 2021) – rewards 3000x Diamonds as well as 30 Faction Summon Scrolls
  • 8e27shfk6b (Valid until January 15th, 2021) – rewards 888x Diamonds, 8888x Coins, 10x Stargazer Cards, 10x Summon Scrolls
  • 85de5ar9ts (Valid until January 5th, 2021) – rewards 888x Diamonds, 8888x Coins, 10x Stargazer Cards, 10x Summon Scrolls
  • 7r3bbdqth2 (Valid until December 31st, 2020) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 7k8n2s9bnx (Valid until December 25th, 2020) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 76shwcv6e4 (Valid until December 17th, 2020) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • 6u226crhtp (Valid until November 30th, 2020) – rewards 300x Diamonds
  • 6wgh9ung66 (Valid until November 17th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • 65tdenbmtw (Valid until November 1st, 2020) – rewards 300x Diamonds and 20x Epic Soulstones
  • overlord666 (Valid until October 31st, 2020) – rewards 500x Diamonds, 500x Dust & 500k Gold
  • ch3atc0de, 311jahw00d, d14m0nd5, xmasl00t (Valid until October 15th, 2020) – rewards 100k Gold and 100x Diamonds each (4 codes in total)
  • markiplier (Valid until October 15th, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds and 30x Epic Soul Stones
  • 576w235suw (Valid until October 12th, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds and 20 Epic Soulstones
  • 2n7gek6rtc (Valid until July 30th, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds and 20 Epic Soulstones
  • 2nzzy8y67v (Valid until July 11th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • HaruruAFK (Valid until July 30th, 2020) – rewards 1000 Diamonds and 1500k Coins
  • YuJaeseok (Valid until July 30th, 2020) – rewards 1000 Diamonds and 1500k Coins
  • 2gq55jii87 (Valid until July 11th, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds and 20 Epic Soulstones
  • vm894xsucf (Valid until June 30th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • vxvtzgtz6f (Valid until June 12th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • vdgf3ak6fc (Valid until May 31st, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • ufxsqraif5 (Valid until May 17th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • uf4shqjngq (Valid until May 4th, 2020) – rewards 30x Summon Scrolls
  • u9rfs27rd9 (Valid until April 29th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • mrpumpkin2 (Valid until April 29th, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds and 5 Summon Scrolls
  • u3gpi6heu6 (Valid until April 23rd, 2020) – rewards 1,000 Diamonds
  • tt9wazfsbp (Valid until May 13th, 2020) – rewards 1000 Diamonds
  • happybday0409 (Valid until April 30th, 2020) – rewards 600 Diamonds, 10 Summon Scrolls and 5 Chest of Wishes
  • Don00001 (Valid until April 3rd, 2020) – rewards 4000x Diamonds
  • Te9gig7y58 (Valid until April 5th, 2020) – rewards 1000x Diamonds
  • s7yps9phsj (Valid until February 28th, 2020) – rewards 200 Diamonds and 20 Epic Soulstones
  • s4vyzvanha (Valid until February 21st, 2020) – rewards 10 Epic Soulstones and 100 Diamonds
  • rvgv3b8g4i (Valid until February 19th, 2020) – rewards 60 Summon Stones
  • Yuanxiao (Valid until February 10th, 2020) – rewards 60 Epic Summon Stones and 300x Diamonds
  • 1fanfengshun (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds + 4 Gold Boosters
  • 2longtengfei (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds + 4 XP Boosters
  • 3yangkaitai (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 2020 Diamonds + 4 Dust Booster
  • 4jipingan (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds + 4 Gold Boosters
  • 5fulinmen (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds + 4 Gold Boosters
  • 66dashun (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds
  • 7xinggaozhao (Valid until February 5th, 2020) – rewards 188 Diamonds + 10 Faction Summon Scrolls
  • AFKNewYear2020 (Valid until January 3rd, 2020) – rewards 300 Diamonds + 60x Epic Soulstones
  • Thanksgiving2019 (Valid until December 11th, 2019) – rewards 300 Diamonds + 60x Epic Soulstones
  • misevj66yi (Valid until September 26th, 2019) – rewards 500 Diamonds, 5 Summon Scrolls & 60 Rare Hero Souldstones
  • m6h4wepz7u (Valid until September 19th, 2019) – rewards you with an epic copy of Gwynneth
  • jenrmb3n3a (Valid until August 11th, 2019) – rewards 500 Diamonds, 5 Summon Scrolls and 60 Rare Summonstones
  • 2019mothersday (Valid until May 19th, 2019) – rewards with 500x Diamonds
  • orangejuicegaming (Valid until April 11th, 2019) – rewards 1,000 Diamonds, 120 Rare Crystals and 100K Coins
  • afklaunch (Valid until May 10th, 2019) – rewards 10 Summon Scrolls, 100K Coins and 5 2 Hours Time Lapse
  • happynewyear2019 (Valid until January 5th, 2019) – rewards with 200x Diamonds
  • christmas2018 (Valid until December 30th, 2018) – rewards 200x Diamonds

How To Use AFK Arena Codes

Lillith changed the way how you can redeem gift codes and you will need to claim it via their own website along with your account ID. Here’s how you do it…

Visit the website

Now you need to enter your UID (player ID) and the gift code.

You will find the UID in your player account next to the server:

afk arena how to use code

Then you need to enter the code, they work as they used to and you will find them here on this site below.

Before you can send the rewards, you need to manually confirm your player account so you need to enter your player ID in the first line and use “Send Code”.

Then you need to check your in-game mail and you will see a confirmation code there that you need to put below. Then use “Log In” and you’ll be able to enter the redemption code.

afk arena how to redeem code

Now enter the redemption code (you can find them below, as always) and then use “Redeem” and you will find the rewards in your inbox.

Just enter the code from above (should not be expired, though) and you will get the rewards.

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