Stargazer Guide – Stargazing Priority (November 2022)

Is the Stargazer Room better to summon in AFK Arena? How to get the Stargazer Room unlocked?

There’s a huge discussion going on about the right time and strategy to use Stargazing at in AFK Arena and there are several aspects that I want to look deeper into in this guide to help you find the perfect point when you should use the Stargazing Room.

Big Update! Since there have been so many changes in the meta (see the hero tier list here) and new Celestial/Hypogean heroes released recently, I completely reworked this list to fit into 2022

What’s The Stargazer & How To Unlock?

The Stargazer Room is a different way to summon heroes and it will unlock as soon as you have cleared Chapter 15 in the story missions. You can find it in your Tavern at the very bottom.

The main reason to use Stargazer is getting Celestial and Hypogean heroes. They are the strongest in the game but the chance to get them from regular summons are incredibly low. You have about 4-5% chance to even get an Elite hero from regular summons and only 2% of that will be celestial or hypogean.

Translating that into numbers means you need 5,400 Diamonds on average per Elite Hero from summons and, again, on average you will get one Celestial or Hypogean hero every 250,000 Diamonds spend there. And this could not be the one you need or want.

In the Stargazer Room, you have a flat 2% chance for getting a hero of your choice, but each pull costs 500 Diamonds. Still, this gives you on average 25,000 Diamonds per copy of a Celestial or Hypogean her.

The downside is, you will get booster and only a few heroes on your way so you will lack fodder heroes to ascend your other faction heroes and slow down the process.

This is the main struggle between the Tavern Summons and the Stargazing Room.

In this article, I will show you several strategies to give you the best time when you should start Stargazing.

Best Point To Start Stargazer

As I said, Stargazing will slow down your progress ascending heroes a lot so starting too early can slow down your progress dramatically as you won’t get enough epics and fodder heroes to use to ascend and build your teams.

Attention! When getting your first 10x Stargazer Cards, you’re almost guaranteed to get an epic hero, use it wisely and see below which one you should go for!


There are some points that are possible so let me outline your choices:

Chapter 16 (Very Early, Money Spender Only)

This is the earliest possible option and you will have the best chances to get a strong end-game team lineup by focusing on those heroes. To do this in a way that makes sense, you need to be willing to spend money on the game, other wise you will hit a wall for quite some time (and I’m talking months here).

5 Ascended Heroes (Early But Possible)

This is the earliest reasonable point when not spending money but it’s quite dangerous. As soon as you have your core team of heroes ascended you can start the Stargazer. This will also slow down your progress, but not as drastically as starting at Chapter 16.

I personally think this is also a little bit early as you have a really inflexible team and very likely need mercenaries to progress. Also Faction Tower progress is almost impossible (and that’s where you get a good amount of Stargazing Cards!)

10 Ascended Heroes (Best F2P Option)

At this point, you have a lineup that will perform well in Faction Tower and campaign as well. At this point you can slow down the progress of fodder heroes but you will see that many other players at this point have their first Celestial or Hypogean hero finished. In general I think that this is still the best point to switch over to Stargazing! I started with 7 Asceded Heroes and have now my Talene at Mythic and work on the Twins (bit lucky).

15+ Ascended Heroes (Bit Late)

You made good progress with the heroes you have but in my opinion it’s quite late. No matter what, you will lose progress by daily farming Guild Hunting and Twisted Realm and should start earlier. You will also hit a wall here because you need the Celestial and Hypogean heroes for the last chapters of the campaign, no matter how well your normal faction heroes are ascended so start earlier with getting them.

Best Stargazing Strategy

There are different opinions when it comes to the perfect strategy which heroes you want to stargaze in AFK Arena, but here’s my take of what I think will help most players in general most.

No Stargazing!

Do NOT Stargaze Athalia, Ezizh, Orthros & Flora!!! Do them in this order in the Challenger Store where you can easily pick the copies up for free. Stargazing is really expensive and you will waste a lot of time when you get their copies in the Stargazer!

1st Priority


Celestial Twins, Mortas & Mehira to Epic+. This should be your first task to have these three heroes available if you need to fit them in a team. It’s not about them making a difference or being ascended and invested in, it’s just to have them ready in case you need them in a team, especially in Guild Hunting, Twisted Realm and also events are a lot easier to manage if you have them and their ultimate in your team.


Talene is debatable. She’s still a hero that can carry you through mid-game stages even at Epic and although she becomes absolutely worthless later in the game, she will carry you so well that you might consider going for 2 copies of her at the early point if you’re below campaign Chapter 20-25.

2nd Priority


Lucretia has become one of the most important heroes you want to have in your team and one of the strongest end-game teams resolves around having her. She’s the one beating the highest level deficits long-term and you will not regret building her early. Get her to ascended now (also 1-Star is actually good here to unlock more).

3rd Priority


Alna is, next to Lucretia, a really strong and useful hero that you should Stargaze Early in AFK Arena so once you’re done getting Lucretia to ascend you should to the same with Alna. Amazing support hero that will fit in so many different end-game setups later.

4th Priority

Now it’s time to get some more additional heroes to Mythic to unlock their Signature Item…


Mortas is viable as part of several end-game setups and also useful against certain bosses and other event modes but you need his Signature Item. Get him to Mythic now to unlock it.


Khazard will become more important later but having him, just for the cause of having him, only at lower ascension tier than mythic doesn’t make sense as you will need his Signature Item. Get him to mythic.

5th Priority


This priority list also reflects your progress and Haelus is supper important later in AFK Arena and mandatory for end-game content. If you have the above heroes at their ascension levels through Stargazing, it’s time to focus on him now and nothing below ascended makes sense here.


Same goes with Zolrath, used in several setups that you need later in the game and also ascended to get his furniture unlocked is mandatory now.


Mehira is used in the Charmized setup and also useful for some additional niche uses but you also need her Signature Item for that. Get her to at least maythic.


As a F2P you will unlikely get here so this is for the players that invest into AFK Arena and have the above heroes at the recommended ascension levels…

3 Star

Lucretia is mandatory and very dependant on stats, so getting her to 3-Star Ascended with Engravings helps a lot and is needed for the final chapters.


The Twins are still used in some of the strongest teams, especially for Guild Hunting and several other events, time to get them to Mythic to also work on their Signature Item.

1 Star

To make Mortas really work you also need him at 1-Star at the end-game stages of the game.

1 Star

For the latest setups and also Faction Tower, Framton should be one of your last steps

1 Star

The same goes for Morael.


I hope this priority list helps you and I tried to keep it as universal with the current meta teams, strongest heroes and everything else to give you an advice how you should spend your Starzaing Cards wisely, no matter if you’re F2P or spend money on AFK Arena.

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