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afk arena best guild hunting teams 2022 afk arena best guild hunting teams 2022

Best Guild Hunt Teams (Wrizz & Soren) 2022

Guild Hunting gives great rewards, but you need to perform with high damage to get all the chests that give you the rewards. Below I have the best teams for you, not only to get to the highest damage possible but also for early- and mid-game players in AFK Arena, so you can run a great team with the heroes you have.

Before we start, please also make sure to check out my guide on the best teams in AFK Arena for all game modes here, my frequently updated tier list of the best heroes (including builds) here and, of course, my list of active gift codes here to not miss out on any rewards.

Best Team For Wrizz


Before we get into the best heroes to use (which also depends heavily on your hero roaster), I’d like to give you some background info about the abilities that Wrizz uses and that you have to deal with – the better you understand them the better you can tailor a team that can deal with that.

Bombs Away – this is his ultimate that will deal massive area damage against all of your heroes and that is able to take out your team. This ultimate occurs on pretty much fixed timestamps so if you have a hero that shields it’s good to know when to use the shield ability – the times are 1:16, 0:53, 0:29, 0:08 (timer untill the end of the battle).

Molotov – every 9 seconds he will throw this attack at the closest hero of your team and it will burn and deal magical damage over time and also deal some damage when he uses it.

Enrage – this causes Wrizz to deal more and more damage the more damage your team has dealt on him.

Meta Team

Let’s start with the current meta team, this team can ramp up to 1 TRILLION damage:



Scarlet and Saurus deal insane amounts of damage while Rosaline is set to follow Scarlet here. Raine and the Twins are just for buffing and the damage will scale through the roof. It’s an amazing team still after a couple months and not beaten so far. Some players started switching Awakened Solise in for Saurus but that doesn’t change much looking at the invest and this is the team you should invest in.

As alternative you can use the ‘old’ meta team with Warek instead of Scarlet but as Scarlet is quite easy to access there’s not much need to do so. Everything else stays the same here.

Alternative team:



Mid-Game Team

If you don’t have the heroes (or investments in Signature Item & Furniture) to run one of th above teams and are rather mid-game in AFK Arena, you might want to build a team with these heroes instead:



Run at least one of the frontline heroes (Lucius, Saurus or Warek) to deal with Wrizz int he first place in the first row. This is mandatory! You don’t need to run two of them, but at least one of them is a must. Then you can select of the other heroes that have proven to deal great damage against him to get as much out of Wrizz as possible.

Early-Game Team

If you’re quite early in the game (below hero Level 120), this is probably the best heroes to run:

Put one tanking hero in the front row and get some healing in and use one of the above heroes to deal as much damage as possible,e socially Saveas works great up to level 120.

Best Team For Soren


Before we get into the best heroes to use (which also depends heavily on your hero roaster), I’d like to give you some background info about the abilities that Soren uses and that you have to deal with – the better you understand them the better you can tailor a team that can deal with that.

Charm – Soren will blast an AoE magical damage against everything for 2 seconds and this can take parts of your team out. He will do that 4 times during the battle at 1:16, 0:53, 0:29, 0:08 (timer until the end of the battle).

Frighten – in addition he will also cast this every 9 seconds and this will charm all of your team in front of him to attack each other.

Meta Team

Here’s the current meta team that gets the most damage done:



Same as for Wrizz, Scarlet will deal immense damage here and Saurus helps a ‘little’ (actually still crazy damage but only like 10% of what Scarlet deals). The other heroes buff and Badens’ shadows help distracting Soren so your team can do their thing pretty much most of the time.

There is also one alternative setups, but they are pretty much around the same core of Saurus and Scarlet:



Set Rosaline to follow Saurus in this setup.

Mid-Game Team

This is the transition part where you can start swapping the roles. It’s hard to give you one team here as it absolutely depends on your roaster.

Here are the things you can try to do and see how it affects your performance and final score against Soren:

  1. Swap Lucius out for Saurus
  2. Swap Silvina out for a damage dealing hero like Warek

Ultimately you need to get the heroes I recommend above, they will give you the 1B+ scores against Soren.

Early-Game Team

If you’re quite early in the game. In the frontline you want to have a solid tank that can take some damage, if you have Lucius it’s a good choice. Next up I’d also Rowan to have a steady frontline.



You need a good mix from buffer, damage dealer and also one hero that will get into the back of Soren so he won’t charm your whole team at once.

Remember, you can also swap as you need. I’d say Silvina is not replaceable here but you can get her ascended to Legendary+ easily. Belinda is the damage dealer here so if you don’t have her asceded you can also use any other caster or range damage dealer like Shemira as well.

Lyca can be swapped against any other support hero that will buff. If you don’t have any other support hero, use another damage dealing hero.


I hope this guide will help you get more out of your Guild Hunting and more daily rewards that will help you in the long run progress faster. I will update the teams here with new setups and heroes if they work better than the ones I have here.

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