Are you looking for a deck that you can play with Black Bolt in it in Marvel Snap? Black Bolt can open up some interesting possibilities so I feel you will like this guide here – please mind, this guide here is getting the good decks directly from my popular meta decks list and gets updated each time I update my meta decks (at last once or twice per week), so you will never find any outdated decks here that are not flagged as old and outdated.
Is Black Bolt A Good Card in MARVEL SNAP?
Although Black Bolt has a discard effect, it only affects your opponent. With 5 energy also quite a late card to discard the cheapest card in your opponent’s hand.
Black Bolt in current decks that do well in the meta: Not a card that you will come accross a lot, due to the lack of discard synergies. Still, people play Black Bolt successfully and late-turn sniping a 0-cost Death or Silver Surfer can be strong in the meta right now..
Good Synergies with Black Bolt
The Best Black Bolt Decks
The decks here are ranked by how well the decks perform in the current meta. As I said earlier in this guide, the table will get updated every time I update the meta deck tier list here automatically!
Stature Bolt – Tier B
Not anywhere in the meta for quite a while, not seems to be back and although not dominating, this deck in the right hands can make it to the highest ranks in Marvel SNAP this season.
I hope you liked this overview of the best Black Bolt decks in Marvel Snap today and find them helpful to run one of them this season – I’m sure they will be one of the strongest and you can push your rank quite well with it. If you have questions or annotations to the decks, please don’t hesitate to write a comment below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.
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