marvel snap she-monkey deck guide may 22nd 2023 marvel snap she-monkey deck guide may 22nd 2023

She-Monkey Guide – MARVEL SNAP

Self-scaling cards along limiting cards make this deck not only fun to play but also gives you a ton of flexibility to build your power and react to what your opponent is up to.

In this guide you’ll learn everything about the She-Monkey deck, including some replacements, and what lines to play and everything else you need. If you want to see what decks are crushing the meta right now in MARVEL Snap, please refer to my weekly updated meta decks guide here.

Card Strategy for the She-Monkey Deck

The Hood creates the Demon with 6 power and you can use Viper to bounce it over to your opponents side, net giving you 8 power advantage from him. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with The Hood here.
Kitty Pryde bounces back every time a new turn starts and gains power and you can use her to perfectly bounce Titania to your side of the location. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Kitty Pryde here.
Sunspot scales welll on hiw own every time you have energy leftover without minding him much at all but your opponent has a tough spot foreseing how much power he will build and also has great synergy discounting She-Hulk on a later turn. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Sunspot here.
Nebula grows power so well and forces your opponent to play that location or you will simply gain power automatically – a great set-and-forget card that applies pressure. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Nebula here.
Titania bounces over and timing her right will give you an effective 10-power swing in her location and all you need to do do is filling up your opponent’s side of the location. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Titania here.
Hit Monkey benefits very well when you play a lot of cards and as you have plenty of cheap cards you can drop him on the last turn and make him easily a 10-power card. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Hit Monkey here.
Goose prevents your opponent to play any big scary cards or counters like Shang-Chi and limits your opponent’s potential on a location that you then can take over easily at the end. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Goose here.
Armor protects your scaler cards like Sunspot or Nebula effectively against all Killmonger setups you get matched up with. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Armor here.
Viper can be used to flip over The Hood to your opponents side or also helps to get back in a correct pattern if you play Titania and it looks like she will end up on your opponent’s side of the location. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Viper here.
Moon Girl duplicates your cards like Sunspot, Hit Monkey, Demon (created through The Hood) or She-Hulk. In the best scanrio you can duplicate Sunspot and She-Hulk and then drop two Sunspots on Turn 5 and make them 5-power cards and then drop two She-Hulk for 18 total power on Turn 6 along 4 leftover energy. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with Moon Girl here.
America Chavez primarily helps you to draw your crucial cards for this deck and make your draw lines more reliable. You might play her sitautional but she is primarily in the deck to help you draw your other cards. Find more decks and synergy cards to play with America Chavez here.
She-Hulk is a great card to have when skipping and feed up Sunspot and then drop her cheaply on the last turn(s). Find more decks and synergy cards to play with She-Hulk here.

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