There are heroes and hero setups in Hero Wars that are nasty to play against because they are either very strong or have strong synergy – but the cool thing in Hero Wars is that you can beat anything, so I wanted to write this guide as the counterpart of my team synergy guide where I have the strongest hero combos. In this guide, we talk about the counters to them so you have a good overview how to beat any setup in Hero Wars.
Countering In Hero Wars
There are several different ways to counter in Hero Wars, either you have a hard counter or a soft counter.
A hard counter is basically a hero that can shut down another hero or works really effective against a certain hero.
A soft counter is a hero that will take away the benefits of a hero or hero combo, like preventing them from building their synergies or targeting backline heroes.
I wanted to make a good overview so you can find your counters fast and reliable here in this guide, so you will see a counter for most heroes (I only took the strong ones that you need to be able to counter) and give you hard counters and soft counters depending how they are possible so you can get the option you need.
Also please check out my full hero tier list for all heroes in Hero Wars here and I also have a dedicated list for the best skin & glyph priority here.
Hero Counter List
So, here’s the list, alphabetically ordered by the hero you want to counter. Below you see the hero you want to counter and on the right side, you see the options you have to counter that hero.

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Us this a dead site? Augustus, Lara, Turtles are missing!
Who’s the hard and soft counter for Lara Croft?
what physical non pure damage hero will beat Rufus ???
I don’t think any of this applies anymore after all the changes made to heroes regarding the runes and talismans. The whole game has changed, rendering this page obsolete. I don’t think it even pays to update it because you can’t.
Rufus can only be killed with physical damage, not magic like you state in Iris counter text.
Fucking useless — actually, downright misleading.
You mention a Dante SHRED team but don’t expand on that. What is it?
You should update your counters. Nothing works well, and the synergie is not being considered. On the web version, it doesn’t work at all.
You have the instructions to counter Luther under the picture of Markus
ty… I tried messaging the site and I could not. I hope they correct this, but I think the counter for Markus is high magic damage strike. Like from Merlin or Helios.
You have Oya and Phobos counters reversed..
thanks,you’re right. Fixed!
Your best build links go nowhere they all lead to one page which is glyph/skin priority
fixed the links, thank you
Best way I found to counter Lian is to use Khorus as pet.
Kayla is the best / quickest COUNTER vs. Martha and she is not even listed. Why is this ???
Kayla is the worst. All of her skills base on attacking stat but she doesn’t have skin or artifact which to gain her attacking stat. Worst of the worst!
Best of Best
there is an error written…
Rufus can not be killed by magic attack!
he is a good tank against iris, because of that 😉
and a 2nd point would be
if satori has the most magic attack , phobos is a good counter
greets Chekov
I use your Counter list as my primary resource. If you could gradually extend it to every hero on the web version also… much appreciated.
Would like to see Corvus added as counter to Yasmine. Her ult hits 7 times. If she hits while altar is up, that can kill her.
Good list.
I think you should just use Helios.
half a list ? guess they have no clue what the other hero’s counter
either that or other heroes only require a solid team and no specific counters…
This list is better than the last one… gradually improving and extending to the other heroes. I can work with that.
Why are so many Hero’s not on this list???
no heidi counters?
Counter a Heidi hero. Is your team so weak it needs to worry about a Heidi?
leaving a counter for allheros would be helpful
What about Kai?!
Who counters Kai?
Julius, Judge, Isaac, Nebula, Ginger
Would really like to see Morrigan added to your hard counter list. She is being used often.
Check your spelling.
You said helios is a good counter for Ishamal in jet’s catagory. Also I belive that god own for foxes catagory was supposed to be go down.
So I guess Chabba is God because nobody can counter him huh? And morrigan is an unstoppable goddess because there’s none for her either. These “counters” are half-assed at best.
I have a problem with high level CHABBA, how do I counter ?
Does anyone have a suggestion against a Corvus Morrigan combo? for mobile
Nebula, Jhu, Celeste
Who can counter MORRIGAN ?
Do you mean a maxxed Morrigan ???
yes, 130 morrigan
Jhu and/or Celeste
Where is th counter to Corvus? He is missing from your list.
Dante is good vs Corvus, i Know a Lot say Corvus counters Dante my experience the opposite IS the Case
Corvus counters nearly 70 percent of Heroes, karkh is Not one of Them for example
Twins i guess good vs him,
The question is how to counter the Setup He is in
I was looking for some assistance with Miss Iris. Any thoughts?
Rufus is a soft counter as he can only be killed with physical damage and Iris’ main power is her first skill “Expose Soul” which deals a lot of pure damage to the victim.
Mobile: I won’t put my iris against anti magic teams. I stay away from Rufus, jhu and Cornelius. Mayas a bit annoying too. I put her against satori, jasmine and I put her in my chaos team as she really doesn’t help on the eternals at all for me.
I think you should add Artemis.
How to counter Heidi?
Corvus i Know with Altar
How to counter Iris on Mobile? For example Rufus as a tank, but with which damage dealers? Did someone have an idea?
Yes Corvus counters her, she needs then Help from Dorian
Corvus Keira crits can Run her over If good one
Cornelius If she Has highest int or phobos If highest Ma
Amira IS immun vs her with her 03rd Skill
You could have mentioned Sebastian a few more times; he’s a good counter to Jorgen and Lian as well as Nebula, and also partially nerfs Dorian, the Twins, and a few others whose effectiveness depends in part on status effects like stunning or “marks” that his song removes.
Regarding Iris what is a shred Dante Setup?
So Iris counters Dante Bit Other way around?
What is Not mentioned Corvus counters with Altar Iris, Dorian can Help Iris vs him, cornelius can one Shot Iris If highest int, phobos when highest Ma,.But she can kill phobos too pretty fast she counters a Lot
I think you switched Morrison and Celeste against ast
So many heroes not here; I hit #25 in Adventure #11 With Galahad/Ishmael/Faceless/Artemis/Helios. I couldn’t do squat against them; don’t have a clue as to counters. Didn’t think I’d need them. Ha! I’ve been here since I started playing; and, well, the information is useful; but, a bit off in the claim of “counters to *each* hero*; maybe at the time it was made. 🙂
I’d REALLY like to counter dodge effectively. Suggestions?
make a magic damage team.
For dodge to be effective your dodge has to be double the hero’s main stat. So be careful how you level.
what is best counter Luthor, when faceless is not available ?
Corvus is also an option, Luthor deals AOE damage constantly with his green and violet after the jump. So, Corvus can deal him good damage with his altar.
Also, since he deals physical damage, using heidi with cain may also be useful. But it largely depends on who else is there in enemy team. Against Luther twins team, you would like to increase heidi’s survivability, since he might die before Luther jumps.
Morrigan can be a soft counter for Astaroth. She prevents his resurection.
Is there anyone knows how to counter pure damage?
Rufus is a soft counter as he can only be killed with physical damage.
Is anyone of you knows how to counter pure damage?
This list is either outstanding or just meh, depending on how you answer this question: are these matchups and counters based off the Mobile version or the Facebook/Web version?
What about Daredevil? When she is leveled up it hurts!
Helios, but best to put Helios with (O)rion, (D)orian, (H)elios (ODH)
It would be great for you to have counters, to all your counter Heroes. For example: Luther. 😉
Hmm, was looking for Luther… didn’t see him. Do you have anything for him yet?
Morrigan is OP against Dante, as she can summon more allies. That will give her a chance to completely be unaffected by Dante’s Instrument of fate
Helios is AMAZING against crit hit teams and heroes because his violet skill damages the hero that crit hit’s your team
How to counter lilith?
Regarding Iris what is a shred Dante Setup?
So Iris counters Dante Bit Other way around?
What is Not mentioned Corvus counters with Altar Iris, Dorian can Help Iris vs him, cornelius can one Shot Iris If highest int, phobos when highest Ma,.But she can kill phobos too pretty fast she counters a Lot
how to counter galahad?
Another tank. Ziri for example
It’s easy
What about countering Arachne?
You want a tanky tank, like Ziri, Astaroth will also work okay unless the enemy team has Morrigan or Celeste. Then, use Celeste because she will block the healing from Galahad’s lifesteal. Finally, let a strong damage dealer take down Galahad.
Astaroth/Karkh/(Your biggest Pure Attack Hero)/Jorgen* (a must)/Martha is just about a guarantee, but always of course depending on their and your level. But, powerful enough to handle a a bit higher than you. How much depends on Artifacts, Glyphs, Skins all being just right.
Jorgen slows him down, Corvus damages him from his ultimate if alter is active
my opinion on Dante would be jorden and Phobos but Phobos attacks the one with the most physical damage so I would say Yasmine and jorden because jorden can stop Dante from gaining energy while Yasmine (or Phobos but in my opinion not as great as Yasmine) attacks him.
How to counter Dante?
I’m not 100% sure, but Dante should be weak against magic. Get some heavy magical damage dealers, enough to beat Dante. Use Jorgen too, since Jorgen will drain energy from Dante.
He is an awesome hero these days. Why don’t u use him instead? If u have Martha then make sure to use her with Danate.
all right thank you
I have two teams that kill me, corvus, keria, neb, orion, dorian
aurora, donte, celeste, faceless, lian
any suggestions
What’s the problem with both of the teams?
In both cases you need Isaac/Rufus and Seb. Other then that, follow the guidelines above to counter Keira/liam
Qing Lao
Faceless and Lian are both hard counters to Luther, Faceless will levitate and drop him back onto his team-mates, Lian will keep him charmed so he cannot attack her while she pummels him with her attacks.
In my opinion Yasmine’s hard counter is also Corvus and his totem. Killing her within seconds. Works much better than Celeste’s purify.
Please extend this list for other heroes. Eg. what about Deante after lifting? He become annoying hero recently.
Dante has become very annoying, I agree. Suggestions I have seen include magic dealers, but no real supporting evidence for this.
I am glad you find him annoying. He is on my strongest team. He deals a lot of damage, but not as much as Yasmine.
Add to that Celeste + Maya. I’ve had very successful Jasmine blocks when Yasmine tries to eat the flower and gets destroyed. Just have to keep Maya just a little ahead of celeste to force the target.
Wrong, corvus/helios are garbage against yasmine despite being designed to deal with her a) they either don’t work b) must be FULLY maxed out to work (and i mean MAX) I’ve had both helios/corvus out and before helios can use crit counter abilities yasmines already killed helios. To counter yasmine is a high level aurora, yasmine will waste ult on hitting nothing, if you use dante, auroras dodge becomes even higher, then yasmine wil die before she can return back, if you use new hero “octavia” yasmine might even kill herself. As for dante as an enemy, i dealt with one that is lvl110 which killed my 120 group easily, his dodge for some reason was very high. Once i created a strong group eg aurora/ishmael/dante/octavia (dodge group) i plow through anyone stronger then me including that dante i originaly lost to, i’d throw in arachine to stun dante. So i understand your paint, this Dante was so strong he actually gave dodge to his thea to stop my corneilus ult (wtf? didn’t they say magic can’t be dodged??)
Corvus’ Altar of Souls looks pretty hard against Helios
I had to counter lillith – any suggestions?
Any chance you’ll be expanding on this list? Been looking for something like this for a long time now! Thanks!
Sure, happy to helped you 🙂
Morrigan is also a hard counter against Astaroth because she also denies his revival ability