Are you planning to or already running Mehmed II in Rise of Kingdoms in one of your marches and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what equipment works best and what other commanders you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Mehmed II perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.
Current Ranking – is Mehmed II S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!
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Skill Order

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Best Troops
Mehmed doesn’t care at all about troop types so bring whatever troops you can make a strong march with.
Best Commander Pairing for Mehmed II

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Minamoto is a good pair with Mehmet and they do really well together before stronger commanders get released for your kingdom. Yi-Seong Gye (YSG) buffs up damage and deals aeo damage and is a great successor for Thutmose if you used that as an early game pairing. Use YSG as the secondary commander or you get focused down. Cao Cao is a commander you can combine well with Mehmet as they run well together. Consider bringing a full cavalry march, though. Frederick deals high skill damage and works well along Mehmet but you also might consider using Mehmet as the secondary commander. Good for early game city rally. Thutmose is a very reasonable early-game legendary pair as both are for aoe damage and the amount of buffs you get are just incredible. In this setup, though, I’d recommend running Thutmose as the primary commander for the sweet archer treats with a archer march.
Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.
Best Equipment Forge Order
In terms of equipment, here’s what I recommend to use as the route for Mehmed II. I have tailored this priority order that you can follow step-by-step to prevent forging and running equipment that is not useful or only provides a very small improvement. Follow the equipment path step-by-step and you will have the best and most economical gear:
How to unlock
For artifacts options are quite limited in terms what makes sense and is available when Mehmet is a viable primary commander:
Call of the Loyal makes most sense here for the simple reason that you will not have viable artifacts available when this commander is great and once there are better options available, you will normally use other commanders already so everything beyond this would be pure theorycrafting.
Best Builds For Mehmed II
Below you will find the talent tree builds for Mehmed II that make sense when running as the primary commander in any march in Rise of Kingdoms. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.So, if you do what Mehmed does best with him, you want to rally cities and this is the talent build that I can recommend for that in early stages of your kingdom.If you don’t have Mehmed maxed out you want to follow this order when spending your talent points…First, you go into the Skill Tree and get Rejuvenate to get a nice rage engine rolling. Rejuvenate means that you will get 150 rage each time Mehmed or your secondary commander will use a skill and it has a huge effect – before you use your skill the first time, it will take aorund 10 seconds to build enough rage but after that, the additional rage will let you roll through the skills within around 6 seconds. Best choice to spend your first talent points. You will also gain additional rage from Burning Blood on the way and All For One is also a nice talent if you have a secondary commander that uses a primary skill that deals direct damage.Next you will head towards the Leadership Tree and get Hidden Wrath first – this is again additional rage that you can use quite well. After that I would go towards Strategic Prowess because with all the additional rage and Rejuvenate you will roll your skill quite frequently so you can get that additional 20% defense active most of the time.After that make all the points on the right side so you get Close Formation to be able to unlock Name of the King on top. Now you can spend the points for Armed to the Teeth and Armored to the Teeth on the sides. If you now have some points left because you maxed out Mehmed you can spend them in the Skill Tree again in Tactical Mastery and Heraldic Shield.
If you want to get the Conquering Tree for a rally build, here’s an alternative version that you can also use – I personally like the above one more but this will also work with Mehmed. You will first go to the Conquering Tree and go straight towards Meteor Shower without spending any optional talent points.Meteor Shower can be very powerful but, and that’s my personal opinion, I don’t like that it can be squishy sometimes as you rely on a 10% chance – if it procs often, you’ll do a very well but on the flipside of the coin if you’re not lucky it’s not that strong. That’s the reason why I normally recommend the talent build above for Mehmed.After you got Meteor Shower, you want to head over to the Skill Tree. Yes, Rejuvenate is simply too strong (for the reasons I mentioned above) to not have it in any build for Mehmed so this is your next must-have goal in this talent build as well.After that go to the Leadership Tree and unlock Hidden Wrath. With the last points you have here you can either take them into Tactical Mastery and Heraldic Shield in the Skill Tree or spend them in plain defense/health/damage stats for your army in the other tree.
I hope this guide for building Mehmed II helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the commen section. Thanks for reading and have a great day and see you out in the kingdoms.