archero best equipment tier list october 2022 archero best equipment tier list october 2022

Archero Equipment Tier List (v5.0) – Best Armor, Ring/Combination, Locket, Bracelet & Spell Book

There are two things you need to understand about equipment in Archero – it’s extremely powerful and important for your long-term success and contributes the most power to your hero plus it’s really hard to upgrade. So, if you choose to upgrade the wrong equipment, you can get stuck later and have a huge wall to climb when you need to bring some other equipment to the same level. Do not waste a lot of time and work on the right equipment from the start.

For that reason I have here my frequently updated tier list that will show you which equipment is the strongest that you should invest in right from the start.

archero equipment progress

Important! Don’t miss out on any rewards as the developers started posting gift codes again! You can find all active codes here in our updated gift code list for Archero.

How To Know What The Best Equipment Is

Many player only watch the base stats of an equipment piece or simply take the one that they have fused to the highest rarity level – but there’s much more that contributes to that and the individual special abilities of each equipment piece make it unique. Those abilities often make the difference between (nearly) useless and really powerful!

Updated! This tier list now includes the new S-Grade equipment released in July 2023

Enough foreplay, let’s dive into the equipment and see what items are the best in Archero.


Best Weapon(s)

weapons guide here
Weapons Guide here
In short, the Expedition Fist dominates everything else - I have this in a own guide because it would have completely over-extended this guide. Click below please..

Best Pets & Combinations

pets guide here
Pets Guide here
I have written a own ranking guide about the pets in Archero here as it would have been simply too much to be added in this guide so please read more by clicking on the button below..

Best Armor

expedition plate
Expedition Plate
The amount of bonus stat multiplier, extra healing and other beenfits this new S-Grade armor piece provides beats everything else by so much that it actually needs a lot more tiers on top. If you're willing to invest that much, this is the armor to run..
bright robe
Bright Robe
Bright Robe adds +12% damage resistance (that's for projectiles AND melee attacks) which means you will get 12% less damage when you get hit and you will gain Battle XP faster with it so gaining additional abilities will help for sure, Every level you upgrade it it will also rise your overall HP, which is also great and on Mythic you will also have a +10% chance on HP drops. My personal favorite because it adds so much survivability..
shadow robe
Shadow Robe
Shadow Robe is the latest released armor piece in Archero (I think it was added in the 2.3 update) and has a lot of damage reduction skills and deals deal dark damage to nearby enemies. At Mythic you will even gain extra damage reduction when there are many enemies ahead so overall I see it on-par with the Bright Robe and one of the two go-to armor pieces to equip. I personally like the versatility of the Bright Robe slightly more but I guess that's more about personal favors..
vest of dexterity
Vest of Dexterity
Vest of Dexterity: The reason is that this armor will add +7% dodge which is so much and helps you in every situation, in every room, in every chapter. You have significantly higher chances to dodge an attack and not get hit. Mind that this is not +7% in the dodge you have, it's +7% dodge total that gets added so you will basically dodge every 14th hit that you get. Also, it add +20% healing from red hearts which is also great and contributes a lot of extra health when you need it. The special ability to deal lightning splash damage to nearby enemies is not the best, but can be helpful when you face a room with many melee enemies. It's splash damage so it works well. No bad invest at all and also a great piece to use earlier in the game for sure..
phantom cloak
Phantom Cloak
golden chestplate
Golden Chestplate
Golden Chestplate is relatively fresh to the game and I actually thought it would be stronger. It has +5% total damage resistance where the Bright Robe has +12% and the +20% healing from Red Hearts. The flame damage to nearby enemies is not that strong because you rather want to stay away from enemies and burning them only adds damage over time instead of direct damage like you have it with the Vest of Dexerity. Also the Mythic skill is not that great, reducing the damage you take after haven taken damage for 2s will not be that useful.
void robe
Void Robe
The Void Robe might sound powerful on paper by poisoning all enemies in the room, but that poison is not really strong and takes long to tick. The Collision Damage Reduction of +10% is a joke and not useful at all. You will still get significant damage when running into an enemy and this 10% doesn't change much at all. The best is the +20% healing from Red Hearts, but that's something you get from the upper armors as well..

Best Rings

You can equip two rings and I will show you the tier ranking of all rings first and then give you my recommendation which combination is also strong.

expedition ring
Expedition Ring
Incredibile stat multiplier makes this ring a lot better than any other ring and you can combine it easily with any other ring. This is the most powerful ring in Archero right now, by far..
bull ring
Bull Ring
No. 2 and 3 are very close together for me and divided by a thickness of a hair. The Bull Ring still has a slight advantage of having flat +10% damage reduction and deals more damage to all mobs and you know that there are tons of mobs in Archero, right? Really powerful ring and a must-have. With the Mythic rarity you will reduce the mobs damage resistance so you will basically deal +5% damage against most mobs (some don't have damage resistance or enough to equal that with +% damage but absolutely fine)..
lion ring
Lion Ring
As I said, really close. The Lion Ring one deals more damage to bosses and adds +20% crit damage. This is also a powerful ring as well and useful for any situation as bosses in every chapter and the additional crit applies to every attack. With the Mythic rarity on this ring you will reduce bosses damage resistance by +5% and this is pretty much equal to +5% damage dealt (except on their mobs, unless you run the Bull Ring as well)..
dragon ring
Dragon Ring
Amazing for elite runs is the Dragon's Ring that will give resistance, buff crit chance and all stats. In general a well-rounded one that you have to build later in the game towards the late chapters and one that is s useful for Elite Chapters..
serpent ring
Serpent Ring
The Serpent Ring 'only' boosts damage against ranged units but the +7% dodge applies to all attacks and is really powerful, as I have told you above when we talked about armors in Archero. Also a really powerful ring but for me the clear No. 3 due to the extra dodge. With the Mythic rarity you will gain damage reduction against air units as well..
bear ring
Bear Ring
There are more ground mobs in Archero than air mobs so the Bear Ring has some nice use-cases, but the +5% HP is not a game changer and I wouldn't recommend you to put much effort in fusing and leveling this ring unless you're early in the game and don't have much rarity on the other rings above. The Mythic rarity also reduces ground units's damage by 7% but I recommend running the other ring above instead..
vilebat's ring
Vilebat's Ring
The Vilebat's Ring got also released in the Update 4.3 along with the Dragon's Ring but is less powerful, basically giving more heal from red hearts and kills. It's not that bad but looking at the other rings it simply falls off, also only gives more damage in normal chapters in Archero..
The Wolf Ring gives extra damage against melee units and adds +5% critical chance. More crits is helpful (and this also applies against all enemies) and there are always melee enemies around. The reason I see the Serpent Ring stronger is that the dodge is more powerful, but this can still be a useful ring, no question about that. The Mythic rarity reduces melee damage against your hero but that doesn't change much on the ranking..
falcon ring
Falcon Ring
Just like the Wolf Ring, don't use the Falcon Ring. +5% Attack speed is not much (let's say your weapon has an attack speed of 1 second, you will now get 0.95 seconds and abilities you pick up will scale much higher. That's almost nothing) and there are not that many air mobs around where you get the extra damage. With Mythic rarity you get damage resistance against air units so for me the worst ring choice..

Best Lockets

expedition locket
Expedition Locket
When I first saw all the bonuses you get I thought it's a joke, but it isn't. The new S-Grade locket is incredible powerful and no other locket can get any close..
angel locket
Angel Locket
Angel Locket is for me the clear S-Tier in this tier list, let me explain. It has the chance to instantly revive you invincible when you die. Sounds very powerful although you can't rely on it and the chances are lower than 5%. If you get it to Mythic rarity, the chances are raised by 5% and gaining the extra life can turn tides in every single run..
bloodthristy locket
Bloodthristy Locket
Bloodthirsty Locket came in update 2.30 and will add the Bloodthirst effect when you fall below 20% HP. It's nice to see some extra healing that will get you back on track but as soon as you get over 20% HP that effect will go away again. This places this locket next to Angel and Piercer Locket in the clear S-Tier..
piercer locket
Piercer Locket
Piercer Locket will give you a piercing effect when you fall below 20% HP.. Getting the piercing effect can help you much when you're up against hordes of mobs right now. With the Mythic rarity version you will also gain extra movement speed.
agile locket
Agile Locket
Agile Locket... Picking a number 1 here is really tough between the Agile Locket and the Angel Locket before the update that brought Mythic rarity and I feel that the Agile Locket, although flat stats provided, falls off so rank it now in A-Tier. When your HP falls below 20%, your dodge will increase and you have higher chances to not get the fatal strike and surviving longer. This is super convenient and will extend your lifespan in Archero pretty much with every run..
counterattack charm
Counterattack Charm
The Counterattack Charm starts dealing damage back to your enemies once you get hit, but it's not that great. First of all, it requires you to get hit (which is never great) and then there's only a chance to deal counterattack damage and maybe the target already died. The other ones above simply provide more value..
Bulletproof Locket will reduce the projectile (not melee) damage when you're lower than 20% HP. The Agile Locket will give you a higher chance of not get hit. If you're lower than 20%, each strike can be the last, so reducing the damage is not that helpful compared to higher dodge or the chance to revive..
iron locket
Iron Locket
Iron Locket does pretty much the same as the Bulletproof Locket, but with collision damage. This is even worst and I can't recommend this locket at all. The only reason to run it is early game when you have no other locket options available - other than that, stay away from it as the other lockets provide way better treats..

Best Bracelets

expedition bracelet
Expedition Bracelet
Like all the other new S-Grade pieces, the bracelet also leave all the other bracelets in the dust and provides such a ton of multipliers, buffs and additional benefits if youäre willing to invest..
invincible bracelet
Invincible Bracelet
Invincible Bracelet will grant a certain time of invincibility when you enter a new room and is a really useful bracelet as you almost never get fully smacked when you enter a new room. You will often enter a room where conditions aren't that clear and losing a lot of HP just because of that isn't a good point. With the Mythic rarity skill on this bracelet, you will even increase your crit chance and that makes it clearly one of the top choices..
quickshop bracelet
Quickshop Bracelet
The Quickshot Bracelet was also introduced in the 2.30 update and will raise your attack speed for a few seconds when you enter a new room. It's actually useful as attack rate will boost every stat. With the Mythic rarity skill on this bracelet, you will also see your projectiles travel faster, giving it even more damage boost. If you want more reliable runs, take the Invincible Bracelet, for more damage output take the Quickshot Bracelet..
shield bracelet
Shield Bracelet
Introduced in the 4.3 Update, the Shield Bracelet will add guards that block shots and add damage and crit rate when they block, so basically great as you will get hit less and deal more damage when they prevent you from taking damage. A great bracelet but as it's quite new a pain to increase rarity..
Before the update that introduces the Mythic rarity, the Frozen Bracelet was my clear favorite but has fallen off a little bit. You have that freeze that is really useful not to get instantly spammed and get a feel for the room and what enemies you're facing for a small amount of time. It doesn't deal damage but the damage the other bracelets deal iasn't that high so go with that freeze. With Mythic rarity, you will deal some damage but compared to the upper ones not enough to stay on the same tier..
blazing bracelet
Blazing Bracelet
Blazing Bracelet with the burn sounds nice on paper, but in reality, the burn effect isn't that much and it only hits 2-3 enemies, which makes it far less effective than the freeze you get from the Frozen Bracelet. Even the additional damage from the Mythic rarity skill won't make it stand out but I can see this as a viable option in earlier stages of the game so would tag it with the A-Tier..
thunder bracelet
Thunder Bracelet
Thunder Bracelet with the random lightning strike can be really good or really bad. It strikes a random amount of enemies (from 2-8) and the damage is also random. It's squishy and that's what I don't like that much about it. You have situations where it strikes really tough and it works well, but in other situations it just sucks. Still the 2nd-strongest in my opinion. The additional elemental damage dealt with the Mythic rarity skill won't change that..
split bracelet
Split Bracelet
Split Bracelet actually had the potential to be the strongest, but the shadow clones will disappear too fast to really make an impact. It's still a solid option, no question, but the above ones bring more bang for your buck. With the Mythic rarity skill the clones will deal more damage but still the main issue is that there aren't enough of them triggered and they disappear too soon to make it worth using long-term..

Best Spellbooks

expedition spellbook
Expedition Spellbook
Also here the new S-Grade spellbook does nothing else than be so much stronger than the regular books with all the extra benefits you get..
giant's contract
Giant's Contract
Giant's Contract will buff you with several cool things when it reaches full energy, like additional attack and crit damage as well as adding collision damage, increase your defense and giving you all spinning sword skills automatically. Overall cool buffs because they will give you a direct impact every time without having any rng effects to it, making it a great choice if you can fuse it well enough..
spectre book
Spectre Book
Spectral Book is the other latest book released in the 3.0 Update along with Giant's Contract and it will summon you a Flame Mage and a Skeleton King once energy is full that will tick down pretty fast but without enough mobs extend their lifetime quite well. It's not that much of a flat buff as the Giant's Contract but overall also a super powerful book to get and fuse..
arcanum of time
Arcanum of Time
Arcanum of Time was introduced in the 4.3 Update and will let you slow down everything as active ability, very useful in situations where a ton is happening or to see what's going on in a certain room. The other effects will increase attack and also slow down enemies movement and attack speed that is also really handy in many situations. The only downside is that it's quite new so leveling it up takes time and effort..
Enlightenment has a great impact as well. All books take the same time to load fully, and this one will give you a random skill in battle. Especially in runs that have many rooms, you will get your max Battle EXP at some point, this book will still add new skills and you can get 3-4 additional skills over the course of 50 rooms. Really powerful!.
art of combat
Art of Combat
Art of Combat will increase the knockback effect of your projectiles, which is really effective. The descriptions doesn't tell much but you will really see an effect for each load of knockback the books adds. It will add the knockback each time the book is full, the longer the fight last, the more knockback you get which interrupts enemies as well..
arcane archer
Arcane Archer
Arcane Archer is not as effective as the ones above, but still powerful because it frequently adds attack speed and attack power when full. It's also decent and if you look for a plain buff you can also use this book..
ice realm
Ice Realm
Ice Realm is 'the least' least powerful book to recommend because the freezing effect only applies to enemies around you, not all enemies in the room. The attack increase is similar to the Arcane Archer Book but the freeze needs a buff to be strong enough to keep up with the other books..

Best Ring Combinations

You want to combine them smartly to get a full spectrum of benefits. Here are the three combinations that make sense

Why No Double-Ring Combinations?

In Archero you have to fuse your equipment and it will be hard enough to fuse one ring to epic or legendary. Doing that with two of the same is nearly impossible so fusing different ones and combining them is by far more effective!

#1 – Bull Ring + Lion Ring

The best combination because you get damage boost against bosses and mobs, basically every possible enemy except the spikes or saws in the ground. You get more crit damage and damage reduction as well – this is the go-to combo.

#2 Serpent Ring + Wolf Ring

This is the second-best combination of rings in Archero and will also give you the damage boost against melee and ranged units (including bosses). You get the extra dodge and the higher critical change to make it a powerful combo as well.

#3 – Bear Ring + Falcon Ring

Also gives you damage boost against any enemy by combining increased damage against ground and air units (including bosses). The extra HP and attack speed although is not as powerful as what the ring combinations above give.


I hope this guide helped you choose what equipment you want to build in the long run in Archero and make your character the strongest possible. If you have questions or think I ranked any piece of gear wrong, please comment below and I’ll be happy to reply.

Also see

  1. For the ring combination, which one should i pair it with the expedition ring?

    and also how does fusing items with similar rarity work? I just got the expedition ring from the prismastone chest, and im able to fuse other different rings that are of the same rarity which i am totally confuse about.
    Because i read a post where u said u can fuse diff items (in the same category) of the same perfect epic rarity but when i tried it out, it still requires me to have the same items.

  2. Could someone help me and explain something to me?

    I don’t really get why you placed the Frozen Bracelet on first and the Invincible Bracelet on last place.
    On the frozen bracelet you say it is the best because „you don’t get instantly spammed“ with it. And the Invincible Bracelet is the worst because you „almost never get smacked instantly anyway if you enter a new room.“

    But actually you are even longer invincible than the enemies are frozen. And the additional attack boost is the same. So why shouldn’t you just go with the invincible one? Did I miss something? Would be really nice if someone could explain it to me 🙂 thanks!

    1. Imo, invincibility bracelet doesn’t work as well because of the travel time of enemy projectiles/movement. An enemy that rushes you right away is still in your face when the invincibility wears off. If frozen however, it never moved. Same with bullets… Invincibility doesn’t stop enemies from shooting, and it feels really bad when your shield wears off right before you get hit. If frozen, they won’t even shoot, and that’s one less thing to dodge. But neither is a bad option, it will be determined by your play style.

  3. While I do enjoy the enlightenment spell book and getting extra skills in battle, you are absolutely incorrect about it taking the same amount of time to fill as the Ice Realm book. I only have my Ice Realm at an epic and I have nearly +1000 frost damage and 100% of the room is effected. Attack speed is +20% and power speed +25%. At perfect epic it will add +2 seconds to the time enemies remain frozen. I use this ability 30-60 times per run. Yes, I am able to use it twice in the same room depending on the amount of enemies. I would strongly recommend this book and advise better research be done. Good luck!

  4. The frost book becomes very viable once you get perfect epic, it will freeze whole room most the time, and for quite an amount of time, in addition you get an attack power and speed buff, while their frozen, your basically free to melt the room, it recharges at a decent rate as well. It can be used in situations where there’s that certain room u hate, say the one filled with bombers or scythe mages and you want to clear that room with no damage. Every 2-5 levels depending on how often your hit

  5. who told you that every spellbook takes the same time to fill up??? thats bs… AoC needs 5kills/take hits to fill up enlightment needs ~10-20 floors to fill up once and the other two needs about half of that !
    so im nit really confident about your tier list here.. with lots of false informations… at least its updateded to the last patch

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