Warpath Best Officers Tier List 2022 (Updated)

Using an officer in Warpath is a choice that has significant impact on your progress, once because it is not easy or cheap to actually upgrade an officer and also because they are not the same with their different skills and advantages.

In this guide I want to help you finding the right officers – I also update this guide here with new officers or when there are balancing updates in Warpath as well that impact the meta.

Updated! This tier list is completely updated with the new officers that got recently introduced into the game, including Polar Phantom and Iron Bastion

Important! Don’t miss out on free rewards and make sure to frequently check my list of active gift codes in Warpath (normally there’s at least one code active) here.

Best Ground Officers In Warpath

Let’s start with the ground force officers, you will find the airforce officers in a separate tier list below that. All officers are ranked from S (Superior) over A (strong) to D (worst).

Also, keep in mind, the best officer is worth nothing when combined with the wrong army and units, so please also see my ranking about the best units in Warpath here.

S Tier


Guardian of Truth is, and nobody can seriously deny that, the best officer to use with tanks. He’s premium and you need to spend to get him. Has a high damage 1st skill and also increase damage a lot for a paired officer, Also the other buffs are really strong and support heavy or super heavy tanks significantly.


Antonia has her spot here in the top regions of the list for sure. Still, even after the introduction of all the new officers, she’s still one of the strongest officers in Warpath and worth the investment. She’s super-specialized in artillery. She deals a lot of damage with her active skill and also increases deal damage when leading. There’s no officer in the game right now that will let you pul off more DPS and your artillery will go through enemy units like a hot knife through a piece of butter. Also, almost forgot, her increased fire grid will also give her a good edge on top of that.


War Machine also belongs in the S Tier, simply for the fact that he is really versatile with artillery with his increased reload speed that ramps the overall damage a lot as well as dealing good damage himself with the damage factor of his skill. Also nice buffs and you can get statues for free in the Alliance Store.


Steel Fighter has kind of taken Spanners role here in the S Tier compared to the previous version of my tier list. Her active skill has a very good shield (which is better than healing as you don’t take the damage in the first place and have to rely on getting the dealt damage healed back up) paired with her durability buffs and damage buffs and an amazing officer to use to defend your base or using her with heavy or superheavy tanks.

A Tier

A Tier

Percy belongs in the A Tier for multiple reasons. She’s really versatile with her active skill that has a high damage coefficient and enhances the firepower of your units. She can be greatly used for offensive units like artillery but also for heavy units that she will support greatly with her 3rd and 4th skill that are much about sustainability. Altogether, she buffs and increases the performance of units on the battlefield a lot so a commander you should have on your list in Warpath.

A Tier

Eruptor has a really good damage increase although the damage factor of his active skill isn’t that crazy high. The increased kill radius by his skills does make a difference that you will see on the battlefield (and your enemies will feel that), especially with the damage buffs of his other skills and ideally you want to use him to attack bases and enemy structures and used with artillery units.

A Tier

Seargent Spanner is a popular officer in Warpath, no doubt. The reason I see him in the A Tier instead of the S Tier is that he falls off in overall performance in direct comparison to the officers that I have in the S Tier and the new officers have changed his tank and sustainability role a bit in the past months. The healing of his active skill is massive and good damage resistance makes him a great pick for heavy and super-heavy tanks, especially when attacking fortifications.

A Tier

Winter Huntsman is quite underrated by many players and I believe he is on par with the other officers here in the A Tier. He opens up quite late and he’s absolutely a more late-game officer and works really well on artillery as well as on tanks. The highest direct damage active skill with good damage increases and the immobilization when awakening him is just insane to use.

warpath iron bastion icon
A Tier

Iron Bastion is a new officer and BIG DISCLAIMER my ranking here is a prediction as this guy is so new. He is much about infantry although all buffs and direct damage of the skills are nice. Still, infantry is not doing too well but he has the chance to be a game-changer with the Awakened Skill that will deal damage twice so the artillery popping-in-out trick can be cut off as there’s a second explosion from his primary skill. HOWEVER, this heavily depends on how many players will build Iron Bastion now and run him so a big question mark. If you’re F2P or low-spender in Warpath, sit it out for a while and see what happens and I’m sure I can give you an update in the next versions of the tier list!

A Tier

Saber of the Nation also has a “cautious” DISCLAIMER RANKING here right now. If his kit is released like announced there’s nowhere in the description that his awakened skill is only working when he is the lead officer, this means you have basically a strong active skill that also can fire off with 30% extra chance and use an officer like Antonina as leading officer. That would wreck and if that will come like that, he will be straight in the S Tier. For now, don’t unlock as F2P or low spender and see where this officer develops. Just wanted to give you my prediction here and with the next update of this tier list I hope I can share more information.

B Tier

B Tier

Berserker Bear is from his skill kit all about artillery and his active skills packs a heavy punch – but the way artillery is used in the current meta of Warpath he’s not the most impressive officer to invest in, however, the interesting part is that none of his skills require him to be the leading officer in your march, so you can add him up as secondary officer, reduce cooldown and add the heavy-hitting active skill and get a nice fast-paced combo there.

B Tier

Bloody Mary was really strong in the past, but in the current meta in Warpath the newer officers outperform her significantly. She has a solid damage factor on her 1st skill and can also delay the enemy by 1 second which sounds good but isn’t that crazy effective in field fights in reality as you probably get hit by an enemy skill before you can even use that. Her damage and speed buff is not bad and helps with light and medium tanks but she lacks durability. Useful field recovery but you can also get them back and use your base for that, especially as you won’t spend enough time on the field to fully heal them up with her.

B Tier

White Wolf is not a bad officer in Warpath, not at all. Her big problem in the current meta, however, is that she’s a lot about infantry units and you all know that infantry isn’t performing that well right now. Her overall skill kit with good active skill and nice damage increase could be, on paper, similar to Antonina but infantry needs a buff in the game to make full use of that. If that happens, I see her higher on the tier list, no question.

B Tier

Angel of Light has been dropping kind of with each new version of the tier list and I see her only in the B Tier these days. Useful in Arena for wrecking heavy and superheavy tanks. Overall, her low healing active skill and her recovery only apply to infantry troops (see White Wolf for more about how infantry lacks power nowadays in Warpath). Overall it was solid but right now it’s just a bad setup so don’t focus much on her before the meta in Warpath changes…

C Tier

warpath tip of the spear icon
C Tier

Tip of the Spear is an officer that I ranked higher upon his release in the previous version of the tier list but I disclaimed that it’s hard to predict how he will find his way into the meta. Now with some time down the road we can see clearly what he lacks. He’s really versatile but that’s also his problem. His active skill is really strong but the other ones are reducing damage and also increasing damage so he’s something in between where you can’t figure out what to use him for. if you want something defensive, there’s better options and if you want something offensive, there’s also better officers in Warpath. For the time being I’ll rank him here in C Tier.

C Tier

Fox of the Highlands is, like in the previous versions of my tier list, pretty low ranked. He simply doesn’t perform really well with his active skill dealing one of the lowest damages in the game and small damage resistance that is temporary. Then he also has some durability buff, but you would only use him on tank hunters where you don’t need that. Overall just a weird kit and none that you will really benefit from.

Best Airforce Officers In Warpath

Here’s the tier list for the airforce officers.

S Tier

warpath el cartero icon
S Tier

El Cartero became meta-defining upon release, especially end-game. He immobilizes and deals splash damage and has a nice overall kit combined with the fact how important bombers have become to the meta of Warpath. An airforce officer you should have on your list.

S Tier

Golden Pixie is actually a candidate for the A Tier but she runs so well with bombers and the way bombers dominate the meta for airforce right now make me rank her here. Also easily accessible for all players and the extra attack when maxed make her so strong right now.

A Tier

A Tier

Brisk Eagle is amazing with how her critical strike can stack up. Yes, can emphasise RNG and glass cannon a little bit, but with airforce you don’t have that much trouble with that right now that pure damage output is absolutely worth running her. I’d see her, on her own, in the S Tier but as strong as bombers are in the meta right now I rather ranked her A Tier.

A Tier

Rictus Reaper is quite universal is can be combined well with other bomber officers in Warpath and when you’re willing to invest fully into him his kit is strong, dealing massive damage and also adds recovery.

A Tier

The Witchers would be more a candidate for the B Tier but does really well with bombers so I see her in the A Tier right now.

A Tier

Polar Phantom is quite new so here’s more my prediction what he will be like. I think the way he will make the fighters come back and be a viable addition will change the way airborne setups are done in 2022 and he should be one of the airforce officers to invest in – but if you’re F2P you might want to see how the dust settles and where you’re standing before investing too much here.

B Tier

warpath heavens saviour
B Tier

Heaven’s Saviour has Strong buffs and debuffs make him straight to a very solid choice for airforce when he was released but in the current meta I see other airforce officers more worth the invest, tbh.

B Tier

Silver Comet is hard to rank right now as none of his skills require him to be the leading officer and it comes down to combining him and how that will work out. I don’t see him dominating right out-of-the-box but he has some potential so let’s see how he settles in the meta and I’ll adjust the ranking if he does.

C Tier

C Tier

Wings of Glory doesn’t do too much in the current meta. Also due to the reasons that fighters are not that crazy performing right now.

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