mario kart tour driver kart glider tier list mario kart tour driver kart glider tier list

Mario Kart Tour Tier List (Driver, Karts & Glider) – Mario vs. Luigi Tour

Do you ask yourself which driver, kart and glider works best right now and you should spend your Skill-Up Tickets on? Or you ask which ones you should get from the shop?

I have here a tier list with an approach on how useful a driver, kart or glider can be right now and will update this every week so you always know which one is worth it and which one isn’t.

You will find here a weekly updated list of drivers, karts and gliders.

Driver Tier List *Updated Sunset Tour*

First, let me give you some thoughts how I calculate my tier list for the drivers.

Many other lists simply group drivers by their special item. Coin Box top to hearts bottom, but I think this is not the real strength of a driver.

Here are the 4 factors that I take into account:

  1. Max Points (as they will give you a nice extra, depends on rarity)
  2. Max Skill (also depends on rarity, but a High-End Skill Level 6 is stronger when it comes to getting Frenzy Mode than a Normal Skill Level 6)
  3. The Amount of courses this drive is Tier 3 and can get Frenzy Mode
  4. The driver Special Item strength

Max Points and Skill Level matter like I have described in my article about how points are calculated for combos and everything else in Mario Kart Tour – you can dive deeper into that here.

The amount of Tier 3 courses is obvious, this is how likely it is that this driver will be a driver you can use to get into Frenzy Mode. The more courses a driver is featured Tier 3, the higher the chances.

The Special Item is also important and I will give points based on my Special Item Tier List that you can find here

I translated all of them into a formula that also takes the different weights into account:

  • Max Points & Max Skill (Based on Rarity): 20%
    • 5 Points for Normal
    • 7 Points for Super
    • 10 Points for High-End
  • Number of T3 Tracks: 30%
    • up to 13 points for the amount of T3 courses a driver has
  • Special Item Strength: 50%
    • Up to 20 as there are 20 special items available

So, here’s an example of how the table looks like:

King Boo 30 7 6 17

King Boo be our example here. He is a Super rarity driver with 6x featured as T3 driver and has Lucky Seven as his Special Item which is really strong. This gives him a total score of 30 points in the tier list.

So, here the full list that I updated every week with the new drivers available and the adapted amount of courses they get

Driver that got updated in the current tour are tagged with , driver that are new on the list with

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Kart Tier List (Updated Summer Festival Tour)

Now let’s take a look at the karts.

Similar to the driver tier list we need to take several things into account:

  1. Max Points (as they will give you a nice extra, depends on rarity)
  2. Max Skill (also depends on rarity, but a High-End Skill Level 6 is stronger when it comes to getting bonus points than a Normal Skill Level 6)
  3. The Amount of courses this kart is Tier 3 and Tier 2
  4. The kart Special Skill strength

I translated all of them into a formula that also takes the different weights into account:

  • Max Points & Max Skill (Based on Rarity): 20%
    • 7 Points for Normal
    • 10 Points for Super
    • 15 Points for High-End
  • Number of T3 and T2 Tracks: 20%
    • up to 13 points for the amount of T3 courses a kart has
    • up to 5 points for the amount of T2 courses a kart has
  • Special Item Strength: 20%
    • Up to 5 points as there are 5 special skills available
      • Mini-Turbo Plus (5 Points)
      • Jump Boost Plus (4 Points)
      • Slipstream Plus (3 Points)
      • Dash Panel Plus (2 Points)
      • Rocket Start (1 Point)

So, here the full list that I updated every week with the new karts available and the adapted amount of courses they get

How Does A Tier List Help You?

With every tour reward you can get several Skill Up Tickets that you can use to level up a driver, kart or glider – but here’s what makes this choice hard… What ones should you use them on?

That’s where my Tier List for Mario Kart Tour comes in, you can see that as a blueprint what drivers, karts and glider are the most valuable ones

My Problem With Other Tier Lists

I found that other tier lists I found have been either individual ones, based on Ranked Cup only or used some plain list where the new ones always have been the strongest – that’s why I wanted to make this tier list myself.

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