brown dust 2 half anniversary costumes brown dust 2 half anniversary costumes

Best Costumes Tier List in Brow Dust 2 (All Characters) – Half Year Anniversary

Next to building a character there are also one and sometimes more costumes with totally different ultimate abilities available in Brown Dust 2 – and sometimes it can be hard to decide which costumes are great. For that reas, I have also build this tier list here to help you picking the best costumes for the characters.

Important! This list will give you insights into the costumes individually while my character tier list looks at the characters in total. Please also see the best build for each character when you use the ‘Show More’ button.

Brown Dust 2 Tier List of all Costumes

Please mind that the list below is sorted alphabetically by character to help you find your customes faster – you can also use the search to look for specific costume names.


the destruction
The Destruction
This costume is for single-hit burst and scales mainly on his ATK and deals a lot of damge.
sword breaker
Sword Breaker
With more chain ability that goes accross but a little bit less damage in total, this costume works slightly different in targeting but when you hit the effect area well can be a great alternative.
gentle maid
Gentle Maid
Less attacks but better area of effect for her ultimate and with the crit rate high enough a extremely powerful damage ultimate.
fire graffiti
Fire Graffiti
Smaller range and more hits is more suitable for single-targets and a slightly different use-case. Overall not as crazy as the other costume.


Great defender with his evade and taunting.
loyal butler
Loyal Butler
Solid universal defender that can self-heal, deal some damage and also decrease target SP.
pool party
Pool Party
Great defender with huge incoming damage reduction that hel her sustain and deals damage based on target max HP.
neon savior
Neon Savior
Great defender with huge incoming damage reduction that hel her sustain and deals damage based on target max HP, although quite a bit is over time.
the fallen
The Fallen
Not as much damage reductiona s the other costumes but still good + deals a lot more damage based on target max HP.
priest of vitality
Priest of Vitality
Great physical ATK buffer for the whole team and increases crit chance for damage dealers heavily.
the mighty warrior of the tribe
The Mighty Warrior of the Tribe
Overall damage is simply not that great although the scaler is there. You can't crit with true damage and the base stats are just not there..
righteous raider girl
Righteous Raider Girl
Has a lot in her kit (battery, damage) but really doesn't do anything really good espcially as there are so many better magic attackers in the game..
the mercenary knight
The Mercenary Knight
Solid kit for a defender but just lacks the base stats to be really good past the earlier stages..
the curse
The Curse
Small difference to her other costume and solid damage dealer as a 5-Star hero.
descendant of the great witch
Descendant of the Great Witch
Small difference to her other costume and solid damage dealer as a 5-Star hero.
warmth within the severe cold
Warmth Within the Severe Cold
Interesting kit with low direct damage but damage over time makes a good effect (in terms of a 3-Star, of course).
bright moon
Bright Moon
If you make her +5 she will rock like crazy..
adventurer of the unknown
Adventurer of the Unknown
Amazing aura skill.
the dimension witch
The Dimension Witch
Her kit sounds so great (damage + heal + debuff) but has some major flaws... She can be a defender but still has not enough to deall sustain compared to other defender that can reduce incoming damage and her self-heal is not chanign that dramatically when she get focused down. Deals decent damage, but again, she won't survive long enough to really make a huge impact unless you take her out of the frontlane as use her as middle row defender. Her debuff is also not working that great and her area of effect is kind-of weird overall..
piercing magic bow
Piercing Magic Bow
Can remove target buffs but that is normall a tricky timing to get it in place and overall not an outstanding damage dealer.
b-rank idol
B-Rank Idol
Not too outstanding of a damage dealer overall without anything else in her kit.
code name o
Code Name O
Direct burst damage with small radius. Not the craziest damage but significantly more than her other costume, however, doesn't provide any debuff.
lovely lady
Lovely Lady
This ultimate deals significantly less damage in a bigger area and is more interesting in magic attack teams as it will give a huge magic resist debuff to enemies. The thing here is it is not that great for dealing damage and also not too great in terms of debuffing so a mid-mid between both worlds.
haggard delinquent
Haggard Delinquent
Deals really solid damage with her self-buff, espcially as a 3-Star character..
school queen
School Queen
Nice control and with the knockback and HP-percantege damage useful as well, although there are other costumes of higher-star heroes that simply work better with the area of effect.
lugo defense force
Lugo Defense Force
He is a 3-Star and there are better 4-Star and 5-Star characters with the same ultimate but better area of effect and damage percentage..
Not neccessarily a off tank but can distract a lot with the revive an taunting, I like the mechanics but not overall an outstnading costume though great when you need it.
pool party
Pool Party
Self-buffing crit make him deal insane burst damage with the right build.
the sharpshooter of the mist
The Sharpshooter of the Mist
Solid damage and unlike his Vanguard costume deals also damage based on target ATK (not MATK) so is a solid choice early on to deal damage as well..
b-rank manager
B-Rank Manager
Not the greatest damage output but also applies a DEF debuff that can help break through the frontline with your other damage dealers.
Super weird kit as he deals damage based on target MATK, but as physical attacker mostly targets frontline who very rarely have MATK so stays useless as damage dealer for the start until you can directly target the backline. Not optimal designed at this point..
lugo hunter
Lugo Hunter
Nor really good damage as the abse stats are simply not there and not much relevance past early game..
b-rank idol
B-Rank Idol
Okay healer but the heal isn't that high. Mostly viable for the crit rate buff but other characters' costumes can do better.
top idol
Top Idol
Kit of a defender but somehow bot that great as the damage reduction is not high enough.
kardis' bullet
Kardis' Bullet
Solid but the base stats are simply not there to deal a ton of damage after the earlier stages of the game..
beautiful girl devotee
Beautiful Girl Devotee
Solid defender but not as good as other characters skins overall - still, a solid pick if you need a defender that can sustain with a lot of HP. The only real issue I have with him is that he can only reduce incoming Magic Damage and as a defender you want to sustain against physical damage so more an off-tank for midddle-row if you need to block a lot..
manga research club
Manga Research Club
Alright damage dealer that can burst a little bit. His low base stats prevent him to perform really well, though..
The healer is just not there and scales horribly..
white reaper
White Reaper
Great burst damage but can't crit - but true damage also ignores all DEF!.
pool party
Pool Party
Can be a sturdy tank when build correctly and also deals good damage.
knight of blood
Knight of Blood
True damage multi-atatcks but can't crit - but true damage also ignores all DEF.
kendo club
Kendo Club
Solid damage dealer but can't scale too much as true damage doesn't allow crits.
blood glutton
Blood Glutton
Doesn't decrease damage enough to be a great frontline defender and the consumed HP is not enough and doesn't scale enough to make good healing or DPS either.
liberated marauder
Liberated Marauder
Great debuffer with his ultimate and also deals alright damage.
violent student
Violent Student
Good control with the knockback and can deal some damage with it an acquire SP, overall the area of effect and everything in his kit doesn't shine as much as it appears at the beginning. Don't get taken by the ranking in particular as it scales on target percentage whichs cales automatically, but there are simply better damage dealers and primarily the knockback is the reason to use this costume.
promise of vengeance
Promise of Vengeance
Incredible burst damage costume that hits like a truck and will give any opponent a tough time.
dark knight
Dark Knight
Great defense costume to roll a shield that you can scale up high through his HP and catch a lot of incoming damage.
pool party
Pool Party
With the self-buff for 100% crit and the correct gear this costume hits hard but also has more area of effect than his Promise of Vengeance costume.
Nice attack buffer for the whole team and pure support..
medicinal herb tracker
Medicinal Herb Tracker
Decent but not overwhelming and an average 5-Star damage-dealing ultimate.
lonely survivor
Lonely Survivor
A little bit different mechanics than his Medicinal Herb Tracker costume with a bigger range but less damage.
anvil of creation
Anvil of Creation
Has a lot in her kit (battery, damage) but really doesn't do anything really good so has a hard time finding a spot in the meta..
killer doll
Killer Doll
The beafy defender she is, simply meatshielding and reducing incoming damage, not more and not less..
android queen
Android Queen
A great defender although a little less tanky than her Killer Doll costume but in return deals nasty counterattacks to your enemy.
rodev's star
Rodev's Star
Great area for damage over time and alright damage overall.
neon stalker
Neon Stalker
Burst a little more than her Rodec Star costume but at the end of the day pretty much the same..
wandering priest
Wandering Priest
She heals and removes DoT effect, but overall the heal is not that strong and if the enemy doesn't use DoT, there's no other purpose and she doesn't have any buffs or anything else..
seductive wings
Seductive Wings
Has a lot in her kit (battery, damage) but really doesn't do anything really good espcially as there are so many better magic attackers in the game..
apprentice spearman
Apprentice Spearman
The base stats are just not there and after the early game you will not use her much..
Great magic attacker and solid overall and great compared to most other 3-Star characters in the game.
the fiend scholar
The Fiend Scholar
Solid as battery and debuffer but deals pretty much no damage at all.
sage of blue clouds
Sage of Blue Clouds
The damage is not really important here, but running him against a setup that uses heavy stat enhancement, which is more and more common the higher you get, makes his ability really stick out..
steel engine
Steel Engine
Good damage and can remove barrier effect of needed.
code name a
Code Name A
More a debuffer than a damage dealer but still a solid costume overall.
combat doctor
Combat Doctor
Nor really good damage as the abse stats are simply not there and not much relevance past early game..
little hunter
Little Hunter
Doesn't deal too much damage herself but letting allies focus down her target is situationally of value..
red hat
Red Hat
Incredible is even modest, she is a great supporter with huge crit buff and shields with energy guard. Plug and play for any team.
nature's claw
Nature's Claw
The evade make her a great defender and also her ultimate a great damage dealer at the same time.
white cat
White Cat
Great defender with the evading and the knockback is also strong.
empress of the ocean
Empress of the Ocean
Has more burst and def reduction with a better area than her Thorn of the Desert costume and it really works better.
thorn of the desert
Thorn of the Desert
Front-row radius and alright Damage over Time but you actually want to crack that more with burst.
kind liberator
Kind Liberator
Great damage for a 4-Star and also good debuffer that is vital for many magic teams.
kind student
Kind Student
Great buffer for a 4 Star that is helpfull for the whole team to buff damage output. Remember, she doesn't just buff Magic ATK but als physical ATK so plug-and-play buffer for any team..
the lapis witch
The Lapis Witch
Solid damage dealer and can remove target buffs.
code name 5
Code Name 5
Solid damage dealer and can remove target buffs.
pool party
Pool Party
Solid damage dealer and can remove target buffs.
the magic school professor
The Magic School Professor
Solid damage dealer and can remove target buffs.
demon's daughter
Demon's Daughter
Great defender with self-sustain healing that is percentage based on her huge health-pool.
b-rank idol
B-Rank Idol
Great defender that can decrease incoming damage and has a great health pool.
desert flower
Desert Flower
Great defender and her counterattacks punish your opponent a lot so she also deals some nice damage as well.
Great defense and can also deal damage but a incredible long cooldown that is not too well and the shield doesn't scale high enough to make this costume agreat defender at the end of the day..
the sword queen
The Sword Queen
Somehow not that great, like the damage is nothing special and unless you fully built her she will not do too much.
angel of destruction
Angel of Destruction
Pretty much like Kry's Violent Student costume but bigger range makes it a great control and battery..
snow white
Snow White
I feel her only cause is to clear the way if there's very specific enemies that you have to get rid of and not a hero/costume to run everyday.
bomb fanatic
Bomb Fanatic
Simplest mechnics in Brown Dust 2 - send in once and make him take out whateer he hits..
bomb in the hoodie
Bomb in the Hoodie
I don't see the point here as the low base HP will not let you keep him alive long enough that the damage over time takes place..
Deals good damage but needs quite some investment to do so..
robin hood
Robin Hood
Nice enabler to focus down one target although not the greatest damage output individually but the knockback can do great stuff.


I hope this list helps you decide and see what costumes are worth investing and running for every character in Brown Dust 2 and if you have more questions, please write a comment below and we will be happy to reply.

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