brown dust 2 dalvi bright moon costume best build brown dust 2 dalvi bright moon costume best build

Best Build for Dalvi (Bright Moon) in Brown Dust 2

Building the Bright Moon costume for Dalvi in Brown Dust 2 is really important to make the full kit of the character work and there are some smaller pitfalls that you want to avoid to make sure you will get the best performance. I have below everything you need, including recommended gear pieces for all rarities and the substats you should focus on.

Also, make sure to check out our frequently updated meta tier list about the best heroes in Brown Dust 2 here to make sure you invest in the good heroes and don’t waste your resources on heroes that might not be worth it. Attention! This is the build for Dalvi costume Bright Moon not universally apply for other costumes (if available).

Best Costumes for Dalvi

Here you will fidn the costumes ranked which ones are worth it and which ones are not to give you an idea how much differently they perform. You can click the ‘Show More’ to see the best gear build for each costume, too.


Best Build For Bright Moon Costume for Dalvi in Brown Dust 2

Alright, before we start I want to clarify some things so espcially new players will understand how to gear Bright Moon right and use the right stats… Every hero in Brown Dust 2 has different base stats that enhance by level and get used be the ultimate skill which makes the overall impact of the hero in battles for most of it. This also means we need different stats on the gear in order to ramp up the important stats (can be HP, ATK or Magic ATK) but also improve them the most. As an example, a hero with high ATK base stats benefits more from putting percentage ATK on his gear and scales more with that than flat ATK, a hero with low base ATK who needs ATK for his kit needs more flat ATK to grow as percentage will not give that much ATK as it will have less base stats to improve.

When you gear items you have different things to keep in mind, so you will first of all pick a gear piece that has the best main stats, max it out and then refine the sub stats that are randomly assigned to stats that you want to have (you find all this info below). Of course you have not all gear items available right away, so I made you an priority order where you can see what is the best gear item available to you for each gear slot.

So you have the main gear item with fixed main stats (some have alternative random main stats) and the sub stats. The sub stats can be changed through refinement so you can have the perfect stats on them (see below).

Best Gear for Dalvi Bright Moon Costume in Brown Dust 2

Below you will see the order of gear items you need to equip for Dalvi Bright Moon Costume to get the best main stats on her. The main stats are, with the exception of Rare and Super Rare gear fixed so you don’t have to mind much there. I do not recommend going too deep into fine-tuning the secondary random main stats for those items as you won’t be running them too much, just keep them the same as the first main stat.

Best Weapon Gear

Here are the best items for this slot ranked by overall performance in our tests:

Thousand-Year-Old Hairpin 2
Thousand-Year-Old Hairpin 2UR
Eye of the Destroyer
Eye of the DestroyerUR
Demons Forbidden Book
Demons Forbidden BookUR
Thousand-Year-Old Hairpin 1
Thousand-Year-Old Hairpin 1SR
Knights Staff
Knights StaffR
Mercenary Staff
Mercenary StaffN

Best Armor Gear

Here are the best items for this slot ranked by overall performance in our tests:

Deaths Shroud
Deaths ShroudUR
Hellfire Robe
Hellfire RobeUR
Monster Guard
Monster GuardUR
Hero Robe
Hero RobeSR
Knights Robe
Knights RobeR
Mercenary Robe
Mercenary RobeN

Best Head Gear

Here are the best items for this slot ranked by overall performance in our tests:

Solar Brilliance
Solar BrillianceUR
Crown of Galaxy
Crown of GalaxyUR
Radiant Wisdom
Radiant WisdomUR
Hero Circlet
Hero CircletSR
Knights Circlet
Knights CircletR
Mercenary Circlet
Mercenary CircletN

Best Necklace Gear

Here are the best items for this slot ranked by overall performance in our tests:

Warmth of the Brazier
Warmth of the BrazierUR
Venomous Touch
Venomous TouchUR
Pinnacle of Aesthetics
Pinnacle of AestheticsUR
Hero Necklace
Hero NecklaceSR
Knights Necklace
Knights NecklaceR
Mercenary Necklace
Mercenary NecklaceN

Best Gloves Gear

Here are the best items for this slot ranked by overall performance in our tests:

Shackle of Teachery
Shackle of TeacheryUR
Dragon Scale Protection
Dragon Scale ProtectionUR
Ring of Fury
Ring of FuryUR
Hero Bracelet
Hero BraceletSR
Knights Bracelet
Knights BraceletR
Mercenary Bracelet
Mercenary BraceletN

Recommended Sub-Stats:

Sub Stats (and secondary stats for R and SR items) are randomly assigned and can be changed in gear refinement. Here is the priority of sub stats you should go for this item:

Core StatMATK%>MATK is the center core stat for the Bright Moon costume since it enhances the the kit the best and should be on every single gear item as much as possible.


We test all combinations of stats rigorously with all heroes - support us on Patreon to save yourself the time and resources and unlock the full stat priority for all heroes in Brown Dust II..

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I hope this general guide here helped you picking the gear that will help you build this character right and get the most out of it. If you believe you have more questions or annotations, please post a comment below and we’ll be happy to reply.

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