rise of kingdoms troops guide rise of kingdoms troops guide

Troop Guide For Rise of Kingdoms

There are four different kind of troops in Rise of Kingdoms and I know that many players struggle in handling them right.

What are the best troops for rallies or defense? How to build a long-term army training priority? How to adapt your commander pairing?

Those are all normal questions and also questions that I did suffer to answer for quite some time when I started playing Rise of Kingdoms, so I decided to write a full guide on that to help you out of this misery and make your troop composition become a no-brainer 🙂

General Troop Training Advice

Before we will encounter the topic about what troops you should train or take I’d like to give you some general advice to make your troop training/healing and handling better – this is the long-term foundation of your strength and there are several things you need to keep in mind.

Never Idle Training Facilities

Always have troop training or upgrading in progress and prevent any idle time for your training facilities at any cost.

Think about the training of troops as the lifeline for your village and this should never fall dry!

rise of kingdoms training troops

So, with one training building for each kind of troop, you will always have the same amount of troops in Rise of Kingdoms, right? Well, when talking about prioritizing troops we talk about speeding a certain kind of troops up.

Just to prevent any confusion here, always keep all of them running and use your speed up tokens according to the troop setups I show you below in the second half of this guide

Upgrade Troops Or Train New Ones?

If you reach a new tier level of troops you have the lower ones that you should also upgrade step by step. The only important thing here is, you don’t want your training facilities to be idle at all. This is your primary goal.

So, let’s say you can upgrade some troops and it will take 5 hours but you know you will go to bed and won’t be checking in before 8 hours, the Siege Workshop will do nothing for 3 hours.

upgrade troops

In this case you rather want to train new troops and wait for a situation where you have about 5 hours offline time that you can use to upgrade your lower-tier siege troops.

What Tier Troops Should You Have?

Normally it should be clear that your highest available tier troops are the best option in Rise of Kingdoms, but there are some exceptions:

Siege Units Tier 1 – they are perfect for gathering and T2+ Siege Units will have a decreased move speed and only a slightly better load capacity. If you’re gathering, and most of you are, then you should also have a decent amount of T1 Siege Units that will get you faster to the gathering nodes.

Cavalry Units Tier 1 – If you need to pick up runes or get to a point on the map fast, those are the fastest units to use for, especially combined with a commander that boosts movement speed.

train troops event

Events – There are events where you need to gain a certain amount of power and Tier 2 troops have the best Power/Second ratio when it comes to creating them. If such an event is going on and you’re short on time and budget, train those units to upgrade them later.

How To Select The Best Troops?

There are 4 differnt kind of troops in Rise of Kingdoms and they all work in the typical rock-paper-scissors way – this means each one is strong against another one but weak against a third one:

  • Archers are strong against Infantry but weak against Cavalry
  • Infantry is strong Cavalry but weak against Archers
  • Cavalry is strong against Archers but weak against Infantry
  • Siege is strong against watchtowers but weak against all other ones

I think you understand that it’s impossible to go a way where you say “Oh, I’m going to do all Cavarly and this should work out”. Getting catched be the wrong army can lead to losing everything and this is nothing you want to see happening.

Also, if you’re not a big spender in Rise of Kingdoms, you can’t simply create a ton of other troops just like that if you need them – it’s a long way to build a full army and you want to start it the right way because this is the way that will have a huge impact on the rest of your life in Rise of Kingdoms!

Here are my personal recommendation how you should prioritize your troop training:

Step 1 – Cavalry, Cavalry, Cavalry

In the early stages in Rise of Kingdoms, there’s only one troop that is all over the place – and that’s Cavalry. If you’re new to the game go with Cavalry for several reasons:

  • Great march speed & commanders buff cavalry march speed even more
  • Great for Barbarian hunting
  • Great to move on the open field

So, there’s no real alternative to train all troops simultaneously but use your training speedups primarily on the cavalry to keep your armies running.

Goal: Have 5 full marches of Cavalry Units available

Step 2 – Infantry

At the early stages, you will see that most of the other players of your level will have Cavalry all over the place and this is the point where you should start shifting this and counter that – with Infantry.

At the point where you get commanders like Richard or Charles Martel, it’s time to shift your focus from Cavalry to Infantry. Prioritize Infantry now until you have 2-4 full marches of Infantry units available (you’ll keep training the other units during that period as well).

Goal: Have 2-4 full marches of Infantry Units available

Step 3 – Prepare For Meta

Now if you have completed the first two steps you should now, obviously, start to catch up with the other troops so you can shift gears and follow the meta and what your alliance and rally leaders expect you to send.

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