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tower of fantasy best characters tier list tower of fantasy best characters tier list

Tower of Fantasy Best Characters Tier List

Shortly after Tower of Fantasy’s launch, players have been able to get their hands on the game’s incredibly intriguing roster of characters. With so many options already- and with so many potential playstyles- we have created a list to help you build out your team and prevent you from wasting money on characters that don’t necessarily require it.

Let’s get into the list, but before we start… make sure to also check out our frequently updated list of gift codes for Tower of Fantasy here, there’s some evergreen codes in there as well that give nice rewards!

The Best Characters in Tower of Fantasy

S Tier

S Tier characters are great for every playstyle, and rank above most of their category in playstyle, effects, and combination potential.

S Tier

KING – Scythe of the Crow – is a melee-focused character focused on slow, heavy attacks, large combos, and an extensive level of damage over time. Along with a wide weapon reach- allowing you to hit multiple enemies at a time- finishing combos and breaking shields triggers the ignite effect, allowing you to keep doing damage even while preparing another volley of attacks. With good advancements included, King is an excellent starting character.

S Tier

Meryl – Rosy Edge – is a shield breaker able to induce constant damage on enemies while buffing herself. A useful spin attack allows you to build armor while remaining entirely safe from melee attacks while breaking shields at later advancements will heal you in massive increments. Combined with useful AOE attacks, Meryl can be a nearly unstoppable character when played in rhythm.

A Tier

A Tier characters are excellent picks for team composition and are nearly perfect in combination with others.

A Tier

Cocoritter – Absolute Zero – manages to be both an excellent healer and an advantageous debuff prevention character. Using a mixture of healing over time and debuff discharges, using Cocoritter well requires players to master the flow of her abilities. That being said, in exchange for the time spent familiarizing yourself, you will gain mastery of both an excellent healer and a team-saving machine.

A Tier

Samir – Dual EM Stars – is an incredible ranged damage dealer. With an excellent ability that allows her to rain damage while staying out of reach of enemies, she can be an instant advantage once an enemy’s shields are down. In addition, her advancement levels are incredibly effective, allowing her to be a great long-term option once players get used to playing her.

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A Tier

Nemesis – Venus – is a support character that places electrodes in the environment. Using volt damage, she can provide background damage over time while her own attacks add to the overall damage field. She also has excellent healing capabilities. Venus is the only current character with the Volt Resonance advantage, so she is essential for volt focused teams. If not focusing on volt damage, experiment with some other options, as others may fit into the category better for you.

B Tier

B Tier characters are good picks for specialized purposes or eventual upgrades.

B Tier

Shiro – Chakram of the Seas – is an excellent shield breaker and chip damage dealer- with one exception. While she can become an excellent asset, it takes a long while before she’s able to receive important upgrades and reach her maximum potential. Players will have to grind to the third advancement level to utilize her maximum damage output, making this an excellent choice should the investment be made. Her short cooldown period combined with her strong attacks also makes this a great choice.

B Tier

Tsubasa – Icewind Arrow – is one of the stranger characters in the game. As a ranged damage dealer, Tsubasa focuses on swift pecks of damage. The strange part is how damage builds up- her attacks charge over time. With the first advancement, dash attacks build up damage output over time. While strange in playstyle, Tsubasa is still a good option for support roles. She can also double as a shield breaker if played in a more aggressive manner.

B Tier

Huma – Molten Shield V2 – is a shieldbreaker with a strange playstyle. With the ability to shift her weapon between an ax or shield, she can effectively focus on defense or damage dealing. This allows her to block attacks in shield mode, while the ax is a slow but effective melee option. While this sounds advantageous, Huma does have a downside- unlike other shieldbreakers, she receives no extra effects for breaking shields. This makes her slightly less useful than the higher options on this list.

C Tier

C Tier characters are fine picks, especially in later advancement upgrade paths. However, there are far better options.

C Tier

Pepper is one of the only starter characters to remain relevant in the early to mid-stage game. Despite similar strength and ability to other starting characters, she has one major advantage- her status as a healer. This makes her a major asset during multiplayer gameplay and coop.

C Tier

Zero – Negating Cube – is useful against standard mobs while exploring the world, he’s very weak overall. Zero acts almost like a shield, focusing on damage prevention for himself and your allies. This sounds great on paper, but it comes at a catch. To unlock his most potent abilities, plays will have to work their way up the 5th advancement level, taking a very long time to unlock defensive abilities that are mediocre overall. Not a terrible choice, but there are far better support characters available elsewhere.

C Tier

Crow – Thunder Blades – is a melee-centric damage dealer focused on aerial raids and agile mobility. While he is an excellent damage dealer capable of strong moments of rapid attack, his best abilities will only unlock at advancement level 5. This makes him an extremely payment-centric option, and even then, there are better options in the game. Overall, Crow is a fairly weak proposition unless you get lucky in the gacha.

D Tier

D Tier characters are bad overall, only to be used in the early game or to fill out an empty slot in your team roster.

D Tier

Echo – Thunderous Halberd – is one of the first shieldbreakers you will unlock during your Tower of Fantasy journey. As a shieldbreaker, she has excellent capabilities in her organized niche. However, as a starting character, she soon pales in comparison to other SR shieldbreakers. As such, she is a lesser option compared to the others.

Bai Ling, Hilda & Ene… similar to Echo, these are all starter SR characters pulled early on in the gacha system. As they are meant to be introductory units, they all become outclassed by other characters. Use these only in the early game to get your bearing before switching to later pulls.

Remember, there are no truly bad options in Tower of Fantasy – there are simply less viable options and better options. Use this list, look at the units you have, and determine your lineup from there.

In short, look at the kind of playstyle you want to pull off and go from there. I’d recommend at least one damage output character, one shield breaker, and one healer. Due to some character pulling double duty, this makes for a great chance to experiment. Want a heavy damage output team? Combine Nemesis, King, and Meryl. Going for heavy defense? Cocoritter, Huma, and Samir make for heavy defense with a good splash of damage. Using this list will help you maximize your playstyle, and prevent you from unnecessary trial and error as you being your Tower of Fantasy journey.

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