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the best power ups in boom beach the best power ups in boom beach

The Best Powerups in Boom Beach: Frontlines

So, with all the recent changes to the latest version of Boom Beach Frontlines, I have totally reworked by guide here for the different power ups to give you a good overview which ones to use and which ones might not be the best fit for you.

By the way, also make sure to not miss my posts about the best vehicles here and the best troops here in Boom Beach Frontline!

The Best Powerups in Boom Beach Frontlines

Alright, let’s jump into the best power ups available in Boom Beach Frontlines right now.

The Grunts army spawns a small army of grunt characters. This power-up is better than the typical grunts you can summon throughout the game because it includes several medic-type grunts that will heal you and your teammates in addition to the offensive grunts.

The best way to use this power-up is to activate it just outside of the battlefield and then use the wall of grunts you’ve just summed as a barrier while you charge in and take aim at the enemy. Your opponents will automatically target the grunts in front of you while the medics heal you from any damage you take.

The Grunt Army can also be dropped on a control point to serve as a distraction while damaging the enemy slightly.

Flame Strike is a power-up that puts up a circle of flame that is harmless to your team, but deadly to your opponent. It is conveniently just slightly larger than the control point, so it is possible to drop a Flame Strike right over a control point to keep enemies out for as long as the ability lasts.

Flame Strike is also useful when pushing your way into an enemy’s territory to take over their control point. If you activate the power-up in between a set of defenses and the control point, the fiery orb will damage everything it touches and give you a safe path to the control point.

These tiny mobile explosives are super powerful and very helpful in a number of situations. They can be used to counter-attack enemy vehicles like APCs and tanks because they do a ton of damage, even to these armored vehicles.

Minefield can be useful to defend an armored vehicle push of your own as well since you can stay close to the vehicle and they’ll target attackers automatically. Even at enemy control points, the bomblets will target buildings and defenses, allowing you to be able to do a kind of hit-and-run attack where you drop the bomblets off and take cover.

Repair Laser. Don’t overlook this handy upgrade. This handy turret fires a beam that repairs buildings and vehicles. The repair laser will always target the vehicle or building that has the least health in its range, fix it up, and then look for a new target. It repeats this cycle until the timer on the ability expires.

If your match enters overtime and you think you might be headed for a tie-breaker, the repair laser can be summoned to fix up your power core and clutch out a victory. Placing a repair laser down outside an enemy’s control point as your teammates roll up in a scorcher or tank is another great way to utilize this power-up ability.

Boom Bundle. This next power-up is widely known as the most overpowered one in the entire game, and for good reason. This volatile bomb package has only one goal: deal an extreme amount of damage instantly. The primary way to use Boom Bundle is to drop it off at an enemy control point once it’s been built either on foot or by jetpack, and then defend it until it detonates.

It is possible for the enemy to disable the boom bundle if they do enough damage to it before it has a chance to go off. Thankfully, it only needs three or four seconds to detonate. It can also be used on enemy troops and vehicles, though those are more difficult targets to hit.

So, with all the recent changes to the latest version of Boom Beach Frontlines, I have totally reworked by guide here for the different troops to give you a good overview which ones to use and which ones might not be the best fit for you.

By the way, also make sure to not miss my posts about the best vehicles here and the best Power-Ups here in Boom Beach Frontline!

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