best gear build in best gear build in

The Best Gear Builds in (Allround, Ender’s Echo, Chapters, Extreme Challenge)

Are you stuck in although you have actually good gear but you seem to have hit a wall? Well, the secret also lies in combining your gear pieces in ways that make them gain strength from each other and there are several builds for different game modes that I want to show you to help you push your progress to the next level.

Also, I have alternative gear setups for all gear in case you’re missing a certain gear item.

So, if you don’t want to do the deep dive into the best weapons, the best gear pieces, what Astral Forge Effect is good and so on, you can take the builds here and, I promise you that, will see a significant boost in your progress in the game.

What Are the Main Builds in

Below I have the 4 main builds that you should aim to build, including some alterntive versions if you’re missing a gear piece or two that will still get you on track:

Best Allround Build

This is the first build in you should aim to finalize as it will perform well in Chapters and in Ender’s Echo as well. Every build that specializes in game modes builds off ths build so it is really important that this is your start.

This is the universal build that most players probably aim for in the first place – or at least in my opinion should aim for. This build works in chapters, events and of course in Enders Echo. The reason why this is the Allround build is that it works good in all modes, although you will find builds below that work better in certain modes in, if you’re not in the position where you will build multiple loadouts well it’s better to fully focus on this one.

Not all gear, yet?!
If you don't have all gear items or you want to learn more about the details why these gear items work well the way they do, please check out my full guide for the build here:

Best Ender’s Echo Build

This build here focus primarily in performing well in Ender’s Echo against the bosses. It’s important to first finish your Allround Build before you start working on this or you will end up with two half-working builds

It has some minor but important adjustment and primarily takes a lot of strength from getting more move speed and let that scale as your target are slow bosses.

Not all gear, yet?!
If you don't have all gear items or you want to learn more about the details why these gear items work well the way they do, please check out my full guide for the build here:

Best Extreme Challenge Build

This build is not a cheat but it tricks a little bit with the Bounce Ability you get with your legeld-level Shoes of Confusion. Still this is a top end-game build so average players normally don’t have to mind it too much unless you either have pulled randomly a lot of copies of the Shoes of Confusion or you have the other builds finished.

With the Shoes of Confusions built, you can become immune to death through the bouncebacks that help tremendiously in Extreme Challenges. Attention again! DO NOT USE THIS BUILD in any other mode .

Not all gear, yet?!
If you don't have all gear items or you want to learn more about the details why these gear items work well the way they do, please check out my full guide for the build here:

Best Deathwalker Build

And last but not least the build that end-game players use for the highest chapters – the Deathwalker build. The Deathwalker build is what endgame players in use for the highest chapters as it has the chance to make you invincible and cheese through chapters. Do NOT NEVER EVER use this in Ender’s Echo, though – you will fai miserably with it. This build is designed to let you go through chapters that you normally wouldn’t pass.

It has some minor but important adjustment and primarily takes a lot of strength from getting more move speed and let that scale as your target are slow bosses.

Not all gear, yet?!
If you don't have all gear items or you want to learn more about the details why these gear items work well the way they do, please check out my full guide for the build here:


I hope this overview gave you a good insight in the directions you need to take your builds in and I highly recommend that you start with the Allround Build before you get into the Ender’s Echo build as you need to focus your merging efforts and should not go into different directions at once. If you believe I am missing something important here please drop a comment below and I will be happy to reply.

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