afk arena rancid forest full walkthrough guide afk arena rancid forest full walkthrough guide

Rancid Forest Guide (Peaks of Time Realm #8) – Full Walkthrough

Congratulation on unlocking Rancid Forest, the 8th realm in Peaks of Time. Here you will find a full walkthrough through the whole realm from start to end to complete this realm  as fast as possible

Recommended Hero Levels: 160+

Rancid Forest is kind of a puzzle, but by knowing the path to go it’s actually pretty straightforward.

This realm will require you to build a bridge to reach the end boss but there are two possible bridges you can build. Most of the tiles needed to finish the bridge are hidden and with each one you use the end boss will get stronger.

So, your balance here is not to make the boss stronger than you need to to reach him (by finishing the bridge) while collecting as many relics as possible to get strong enough to be able to beat the boss of the Rancid Forest.

Sounds easy, right? No, honestly, it’s actually not that difficult if you follow my guide.

If you have troubles with your team, please refer to my frequently updated guide on the best teams in AFK Arena here or the tier list of the best heroes (including their best build). Also, don’t miss out on the recently new gift codes that I posted here.

Let’s go right into the guide.

The main strategy I recommend you is to complete the blue bridge because you can collect more relics by building it and this will make you stronger. Let me show you how to do it.

Every ambush point means that there will spawn several camps that you need to beat to get a relic (I marked them on the screenshots of the map, just wanted to tell you what the ambush actually is).

Step 1 – in the beginning section you will activate the green tile and that’s one that you need to pass the bridge, no matter if you use the blue bridge or the green bridge.

So, after stepping on the green tile you will step on the blue tile and also do the three ambush points that will give you a relic each. As I said, ignore the green tiles to not make the boss stronger than you need to.

Step 2 – from the last ambush point of step 1 you will go straight down (there’s a Gold Chest) and walg straight to the right to get the next blue tile. Behind that there are more Golden Chests that you want to collect but prevent stepping on the green tile there at any cost and walk around it!!!

Bonus Step – if you’re not strong enough to take the boss out, you can use one additional green tile to get 3 more relics. This is not needed but if you have problems and some luck with the relic drops you can use this 🙂

Make sure to walk the same way back!!

Step 3 – Now it’s time to finalize the blue bridge and get the last relics that should prepare you for the battle.

Follow the line in the image and make sure to also check the empty spots outside the forest, that’s normally where the Golden Chests are hidden and you don’t want to miss them out, right?

Step 4 – now you walk over the blue bridge and go for the boss fight. If you didn’t clear more tiles than needed and got some luck with the relics you got from the ambushes you should be fine beating him, although it’s no piece of cake.

After you defeated the boss in Rancid Forest, it’s time clear the other tiles and collect the rest of the Golden Chests which shouldn’t be a problem. If you clear the boss those fights are easy as 1, 2, 3 🙂

Ready for the next realm in Peaks of Time? Check out here for Viper’s Marsh.

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