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castle clash walla walla build castle clash walla walla build

Best Walla Walla Build in Castle Clash (Talents | Insignia | Enchantments)

Building Walla Walla in Castle Clash can become quite a hustle with all the different talents, insignias and enchantments available int the game (and not even talking about the ones that get frequently released). We have tested all different builds for Walla Walla and continuously update this guide here to make sure you can always find the most-recent talent build here.

Current Ranking – is Walla Walla S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

See how Walla Walla is ranking in the different modes of Castle Clash in my frequently-updated tier list here. Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Chests, Boosters and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Castle Clash here.

Let’s get back to the build…

Walla Walla Build

Walla Walla is still a helpful hero as he will debuff many targets randomly on the battlefield and also cleans conditions from allies so building him correctly will be a huge help in many situations


Sacred Light boosts Walla Walla’s survivability by increasing his HP and providing damage reduction to make him more durable overall and should be something you should always consider.

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Alternative Talent – we spend a lot of time and effort testing all different setups on the heroes so the alternative builds. Please support us on Patreon to see them on the website. Also, supporters on Patreon will not see any ads on the website anymore. Support us on Patreon


Blood Barrier can enhance his survivability by providing an additional layer of protection with a massive damage taken reduction and the occasional immunity is also not hurting.

Alternative Insignia – unlock alternative Insignias for Walla Walla that we tested to work really well by supporting us on Patreon. Support us on Patreon

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We spend a lot of time and effort testing heroes with different Talents and Insignias in Caslte Clash which takes a lot of time and effort. Please support us on Patreon to view alternative builds for this hero and remove all ads from the website.
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Specter’s Instinct works well with Walla Walla as you can inflict Inhibit and Confine to random enemies whenever he gets attacked so you can add some more debuffing to random enemies if you get in the tough situation where Walla gets actually attacked (what you want to avoid but sometimes it just happens).


I hope this helps you building Walla Walla and I try to keep this guide here as well updated as possible – if you have any other talents, insignia or enchantments that you believe should be listed here, don’t hesitate and drop a comment below.

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