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rise of kingdoms ragnar lodbrok best talent build and skill order rise of kingdoms ragnar lodbrok best talent build and skill order

Best Ragnar Lodbrok Builds (Talents, Skill Order, Pairing & Equipment) In Rise of Kingdoms

Are you planning to or already running Ragnar Lodbrok in Rise of Kingdoms in one of your marches and want to see how you should invest the talent points, what equipment works best and what other commanders you should pair with? Well, then you’re in the right place, below you will find answer to each one of those questions and this will help you make your Ragnar Lodbrok perfrom as strong as possible in all situations.

Current Ranking – is Ragnar Lodbrok S-Tier, A-Tier, or D-Tier?!

ragnar lodbrok
Ragnar Lodbrok

Important! Don’t miss out on free Gems, Keys, Boosters and Speedups and frequently check my list of active gift codes for Rise of Kingdoms here.

Skill Order

Skill 1
Skill 2
Skill 3
Skill 4
Skill Order Finetuning
Below you will find the best order to unlock and level up skills by how useful they are so you don’t have to level the skills up one by one and spend a lot of extra sculptures on it. This will let you use this commander earlier and also saves you important Universal Sculptures in the long run!
Your sweetspot of skills to make this commander useful is: 55/0-- and this is the recommended way to get there:


You can save a lot of sculptures and resources by smartly upgrading your commanders in Rise of Kingdoms. Unlock the perfect skill upgrade order by becoming a supporter on Patreon.

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Not sure how it works and what you get? Check out guide for Aethelflaed here that will is completely unlocked to show you how the skill order works. Preview here.

Best Troops

Ragnar doesn’t care much about troop types, so you can use whatever march you want. Especially in the earlier stages that’s what is the reality anyway.

Best Commander Pairing for Ragnar Lodbrok

Sun Tzu
Sun Tzu

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Saladin is a nice pick here, especially with the Support Tree that generates a good amount of extra rage. The best thing to do is combining Ragnar with a secondary commander who’s able to provide more rage so Ragnar can roll his primary skill more frequently and get his buff uptime high. Minamoto as the primary commander and Ragnar as the secondary. You will generate good rage and also work out some damage. Constantine as the primary commander with Ragnar as secondary commander will also generate extra rage. The only downside of this pairing is that it heavily focus on tanking and sustain so you will not deal significant amounts of damage. Richard will be similar, only you get the healing but will very likely lack the damage needed to make a good impact. Sun Tzu is also a setup you can run that will give good rage and also deal some damage, also a good invest into the future.

Find out more about the most useful commander pairings here.

Best Equipment Forge Order

In terms of equipment, here’s what I recommend to use as the route for Ragnar Lodbrok. I have tailored this priority order that you can follow step-by-step to prevent forging and running equipment that is not useful or only provides a very small improvement. Follow the equipment path step-by-step and you will have the best and most economical gear:

White equip the white gear as it will be useful. This depends what commander you use as secondary commander and therefore also what troop types you will use with the commander. You can technically also use all white equipment if you have it lying around but I#d select them more how you need them
Blessed Blade
Blessed Blade is a good gear piece, unless you run this commander along cavalry marches, as you will get solid stats for infantry and archer troops
Helm of the Phoenix
Helm of the Phoenix also offer quite broad stats that I find the most helpful of the choices you have at this point
Milanese Plate
Milanese Plate also offers broad mix of stats that work, generally, the best here
Leather Gloves
Leather Gloves are my recommended gear piece now
Ranger Trousers
Ranger Trousers are, unless you run with a cavalry only march, a great gear piece to use
Edged Boots
Edged Boots are then the last green equipment that makes sense
Blazing Axe
Blazing Axe has attack for all troops types and is the perfect gear piece at this point and the one you probably rocking the longest time altogether
Sentry Breeches
Sentry Breeches also offers stats for all troop types and are, in my opinion, the most useful gear piece to swap in now
Windswept War Helm
Windswept War Helm has no stats for all troop types but the march speed bonus that every single march appreciates


Save tons of Gold and Blueprints by following my recommended item order and don't waste your time and resources on items that are not worth it. You can unlock the full path by supporting AllClash on Patreon..

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How to unlock

For the artifacts you will simply have no great options at the short period where Ragnar is a viable commander:

Call of the Loyal
Call of the Loyal

Call of the Loyal makes most sense here for the simple reason that you will not have viable artifacts available when this commander is great and once there are better options available, you will normally use other commanders already so everything beyond this would be pure theorycrafting.

Best Builds For Ragnar Lodbrok

Below you will find the talent tree builds for Ragnar Lodbrok that make sense when running as the primary commander in any march in Rise of Kingdoms. Please also refer to the description below each talent tree as I explain a general route on how you should spend your talents there + some additional background for each talent build that I very likely will appreciate.With Ragnar you can run 3 possible talent builds – the first one is optimized for open field and probably the one most will use. The 2nd one is for Sunset Canyon and the last one is more like a bonus build for attacking other player’s cities (which will only work with Ragnar if you’re on a new kingdom).For using Ragnar in the open field I recommend you to run this talent build here. Here’s the best order how to build this setup:Attack Tree – would be your first step here and getting Effortless and Fight To The Death are really helpful bumping up the damage that your and your troops deal.Leadership Tree – is your next step here and Strategic Prowess should be your primary goal here. You will pick up some nice march speed and also some extra rage here on the way. Then go after Armored To The Teeth.The last points are actually spent in the way you feel it. I’d spend them in the Leadership Tree first (as shown above), then in the Attack Tree and then the last ones into Buckler Shield. In my opinion this build will give you the most out of Ragnar in the open field.If you’re using Ragnar in Sunset Canyon, this is the talent build you want to use. This talent build is really similar to the open field build above (please read through my description), the only difference is that you don’t need Buckler Shield in the Conquering Tree in favor of getting Close Formation, this will be really helpful in Sunset Canyon in many situations.Please mind that you should only use Ragnar in really new kingdoms to attack other player’s cities, in older kingdoms this will fail miserably! This is the build to use. You would go deep into the Conquering Tree and spend your last points in the other trees. The longer I think about this build, the less I want to recommend it. Not because the build is bad, more because the only situation when you can hit other cities with Ragnar well is when a new kingdoms starts sorting things out and you will not do yourself a huge favor running around hitting other cities… but, yes, if you want to this is the build you want to use.


I hope this guide for building Ragnar Lodbrok helped you investing without wasting much time and resources. If you liked it or you further questions (or maybe also annnotations that you believe should be added here in this guide), please don’t hesitate to post them below in the commen section. Thanks for reading and have a great day and see you out in the kingdoms.

  1. Thank you for all the guides you made and still make. Could you please add Björn Ironside and Trajan talent guide?
    I like how you explain why the talent points should go in that specific three, and not just a screenshot.

    Take Care

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