marvel snap zabucula marvel snap zabucula

ZabuCula Deck Guide – MARVEL SNAP

Incredibly powerful with loads of options that Zabu provides here and with Enchantress you can’t just block your opponent’s ongoing effects, you can also play high-power cards like Red Skull and Typhoid Mary without negative consequences. Similar to ZeroCula but more reliable.

Card Strategy

Sunspot is a great early or filer card for any turn you have, gathering more and more power over time. Great synergy with Armor so he can’t be destroyed once gathered a lot of power (Killmonger and Shang Chi are out there on the hunt).
Zero will remove the ability for the next card played so don’t play him early in a match just because he is low-cost! His purpose is to not let Red Skull have his effect happen that will benefit your opponent or in the cheaper version block Lizards self-debuff if you don’t go into Red Skull in that match.
Armor is played only to protect Sunspot or to mess with your opponent if you see him on a Destroy Deck (Bucky Barnes, Deadpool etc are clear indicators that you can mess with a location)
marvel snap zabu card
Zabu makes Enchantress and Typhoid Mary incredibly powerful once reduced energy cost and gives this deck so many additional lines to play.
Dracula will have several benefits in this deck. First, as a 4-cost card you can get him down to avoid any Leech, Leader or Aero moves of your opponent that are quite frequent these days plus you can get him to take over Red Skull’s power without the negative effect or Infinaut while you can still play on Turn 5. A little RNG but normally you can play your hand empty enough with all the cheap cards to be able to gain a lot of value for that Turn 4 card.
Shang-Chi can get you out of some trouble against high-power cards, but reduced through Zabu he becomes incredibly valuable plus with Red Skull you can buff enemy cards up and then destroy them.
Enchantress can not only block enemy ongoing effects, you can also use her to get rid of the negative effects that playing Typhoid Mary or Red Skull have – and with Zabu reduced to a 2-cost card incredibly strong with some power, too.
Typhoid Mary is already a nice card, but reduced by Zabu to 2-cost or blocked her enemy buff by Enchantress give her great value in this deck.
Red Skull looks amazing already but with 2-3 opponent cards you will effectively see him at 9 power and your opponent can overtake easily on the last turn with low-cost cards so be aware of that. Although playing him into Zero will remove his extra power for opponent cards and give him a great boost or just keeping him in your hand so Dracula can take his power at the end without the self-debuff. Or simply use Enchantress to get rid of his debuff or use his debuff to make enemy cards strong enough so you can target them with Shang-Chi.
Infinaut is not really a card you will actively play that much, he’s more in your deck to provide power for Dracula as skipping Turn 5 will tell every opponent easily what card you’re up to. Keep in your hand and let Dracula take his power while still playing Turn 5 is the best choice in 95% of all cases (although some situations you can use him actively, you decide situationally)

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