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marvel snap best hulk decks marvel snap best hulk decks

The BEST Hulk Decks + Synergies in MARVEL SNAP

Are you looking for a deck that you can play with Hulk in it in Marvel Snap? Hulk can open up some interesting possibilities so I feel you will like this guide here – please mind, this guide here is getting the good decks directly from my popular meta decks list and gets updated each time I update my meta decks (at last once or twice per week), so you will never find any outdated decks here that are not flagged as old and outdated.

Is Hulk A Good Card in MARVEL SNAP?

Hulk has no special ability but 12 power for 6 energy is a fair deal in case you need it – still you can combine him with cards to increase his power or get him on the board cheaper to get more value out of him. If you run him along High Evolutionary, he can unlock his evolution ability that let him grow power whenever you have leftover energy..

Hulk in current decks that do well in the meta: Is in many decks so you have the 12 power to place on the board if you need that power, espcilly for players that haven’t unlocked too many other power cards..

Good Synergies with Hulk

High Evolutionary
will give Hulk the evolution ability that he will gain +2 power (ongoing) for each turn that you had unspent energy, scaling him up pretty well
can work well with Hulk, too, when you play all your cards and leave Hulk in your hand so you get the 12 power additonally on the board (well, technically for 4 energy as this is what Dracula costs)

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can get Hulk on the board cheaper than the 6 energy you regularly have to spend. Doesn't work everytime but can be very useful
can be a great combination and you can play a cheap card into him and then hope to draw into Hulk through that
can target Hulk with his +2 power effect as Hulk has no abilities himself. Sunds trivial looking at the 12 power Hulk has but opponents often times only embrace for covering 12 power so this can be a great surprise to your favor
through High Evolutionary profits with a cost-reduction each time you have unspent energy at a turn so you can double-synergize with her

The Best Hulk Decks

The decks here are ranked by how well the decks perform in the current meta. As I said earlier in this guide, the table will get updated every time I update the meta deck tier list here automatically!

Evo Skaar – Tier SS

Pairings High Evolutionary along Skaar seems to crush this season so far along a few other decks and is on top for me in MARVEL SNAP right now

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Evo Infinaut – Tier S

A very classic deck that is sticking around for quite a while now as new cars continously seem to support this archetype. Evo Infinaut is among others this season really doing well, even better than in last season in marvel SNAP where they already did good.

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Shuri Sauron Slam – Tier S

Shuri is back, ladies and gentlemen! Several Shuri Decks work well this season and while Shuri was viable last season, this season she is back very strong!

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Shuri Skaar – Tier A

Build a lot of power and at the same time grow your caler cards

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High – Tier A

Classic High Evo deck that is also doing quite well right now

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Big Green Meanies – Tier B

Big Green worked better previous season but is still here in the meta as a solid deck to run.

Auto Skaar – Tier B

You might have encountered this deck in the previous season in Marvel Snap and this season this deck still works with the discard line along the other cards that make it less predicatble and give you more flexibility

Leech Evolved – Tier B

Evo Leech did work in Conquest last season and it has now swapped over to ranked mode as well. Not the top deck but one that works in the right hands and can be really devastating to deal with

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I hope you liked this overview of the best Hulk decks in Marvel Snap today and find them helpful to run one of them this season – I’m sure they will be one of the strongest and you can push your rank quite well with it. If you have questions or annotations to the decks, please don’t hesitate to write a comment below and I’ll be more than happy to reply.

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