afk arena voyage of wonders midwinter wonterland guide afk arena voyage of wonders midwinter wonterland guide

Midwinter Wonderland Guide (Voyage of Wonders)

The new realm in Voyage of Wonders is coming and it’s called Midwinter Wonderland and it’s themed in the winter theme I actually expected for the one we had for the Christmas season. Anyway, here you will learn everything about the rewards and the walkthrough for this Voyage of Wonders.

Midwinter Wonderland General & Rewards

As always, I won’t spoil anything about the storyline of Midwinter Wonderland in my guide so you can read through everything, including the walkthrough, without giving away the chance to experience the full realm and the storyline.

The whole story about Midwinter Wonderland is basically sending a sledge through the realm by making sure the path is clear and then picking up parts of the storyline along until you reach the final Crystal Chest with the main reward.

Speaking of the final Crystal Chests, the main reward is 10x Stargazing Cards along with the shards, coins and event items:

I know many players are desperately in need for Time Emblems to work on the awakened heroes, but Stargazer Cards aren’t that bad either, at least in my opinion.

Important! Don’t miss out on the latest gift codes in AK Arena and check back my frequently updated list of active codes here.

Please mind, this Voyage of Wonders expired – you can find the new one, Glorious Dawn, here

Midwinter Wonderland Walkthrough

As always, you will find a full walkthrough for the realm here. With that being said, let’s not waste any more time and jump right into the walkthrough for Midwinter Wonderland.

By the way, if you have problems please also check out my bi-weekly updated tier list of heroes (with Signature Item, Artifact, Furniture and Engraving recommendation) here that could give you some hints what heroes are good or maybe also my guide on the best teams in AFK Arena here.

Step 1 – as always, you will start off with a short conversation that introduces the storyline and Midwinter Wonderland is no exception here. You start that by clicking on the sledge (1) and after Mishka and Morael finish you need to send it on its way (2):

of course, the slege will get stuck at the first obstacle but now you know the mechanics of Midwinter Wonderland – you have to make sure the path between the stopping points is clear before sending the sledge. So, in this case, use the red lever (3) to unblock the path and then send the sledge on its way again:

Step 2 – the sledge should now have reached the next checkpoint and you can follow it. Make sure to collect the chests on your way and clear the camps there (and also mind that you will slide over the frozen tiles). Once you collected the two chests, make sure to talk (1) to proceed the story line before sending the sledge to the next checkpoint (2):

Step 3 – following the sledge now you will find yourself in front of more ice tiles and you need to cross them in a certain order: first go to the left (1) and clear the chest and the camp there before going to the right (2). Then go down and use the blue lever (3) before going the whole path reverse:

Back to the original point you now go straight (4) and then you can send the seldge to the next checkpoint (5):

Step 4 – once the sledge has reached the next checkpoint, talk (1) to proceed the storyline of Midwinter Wonderland before clearing the camp/chest above it and then use the lever so the stone next to you is in the top position and blocks the path (2):

then send the sledge and it will take the top path to the ice tiles (3) and get stuck there. Once this happened, use the lever again (4) to lower the stone and step in the ice tile yourself. The sledge will let you stop next to the next house (5) where you can proceed with the storyline:

Step 5 – now walk downwards (1) and clear the camp there and collect the chest and then take the top entry to the ice tiles to cross it (2):

There you need to use the purple lever (3) before walking back over the ice tiles and then back to the point where you have to re-send the sledge once more (4):

The sledge will now cross the ice tiles in the open direction and reach the next checkpoint.

Step 6 – follow it and don’t forget to collect the chest there at the left side of the map (1) and then walk straight on the ice tiles (2) for the other chest:

Once collected (3), go the same way back and then use the lever to set the stone next to you back up (4) so the upper one is lowered and you can walk up to the house next to the checkpoint (5) and collect your next advice where to follow the storyline of Midwinter Wonderland further:

Step 7 – go to the gate (1) and you see Mishka proceeding with the storyline conversation and open the gate for you. Then walk to the first chest you see there and turn it into the enemy camp (2). There’s no need to fight it, you only need to transform it.

From here also transform the other chests and activate the carousel as well. The last chest on the right side then will turn into the final Crystal Chest with the main reward (5):

Congratulations, you just solved the Midwinter Wonderland. If not, please refer back which regular chest your forgot and you can now collect it. Thanks for reading my guide and have a great time.

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