There are quite a lot of different troops in Island War and not only have they different rarities, they also cost quite some invest not only to level up, also to pick which ones you’re using. In my tier list I will give you some advice which ones you should focus on as well as what game modes they’re typically doing best.
Also, the best army is worth nothing if you run it with the wrong hero! So, I have just updated my best heroes in Island War ranking & guide here, make sure to check it out!
Best Troops in Island War (Tier List)

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Congratulations, you made it through the whole list (I know it was a little much). I hope it helped you gains some insights to the different troops in Island War and you might have taken something away from it. If you have further questions or think I ranked a troop wrong, please write a comment below and I’ll be happy to answer.
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Some things are a bit wrong such as the gale riders sine they can counter almost everything. Drakes are also way better, if the other team has no archers it just can immediately win the match, they also counter the ancient dragon.
What about target guards (legendary)??
This information has been very helpful. Do you know anything about PRIESTS? I just received one and am trying to find information about them but it is limited. Thank you again for all the helpful info
Thank you for taking the time to make this useful post. The game’s community is quite small right now so it’s difficult to learn about the game if not by experience. Your experiences is saving me a lot of time and possible errors.
Have a wonderful day !
Thank your for that amazing feedback! I really appreciate it 🙂