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rise of kingdoms gem farming guide rise of kingdoms gem farming guide

How To Farm 1,000 Gems Per Day in Rise of Kingdoms

I’ve been coming over this strategy shared by one of the top players I know and actually I couldn’t believe it at first – he told me that he frequently farms 1,000 Gems every day in Rise of Kingdoms. Sounds pretty much, right?

Actually I didn’t believe him so he shared his strategy with me that I replicated and tried myself for a couple of days and it really works. Surprise. Yes, this is no scam or any 3rd party stuff – you can really make 1,000 Gems every day in Rise of Kingdoms if you use this strategy.

And I will share this strategy with you here in this guide.

Farming Gems Through Gathering

The secret is actually not that much of a secret – it’s actually farming the Gems through gathering them. So, this is no one-click-no-time-invest-strategy that many scammers out there share. You actually have to be able to get online quite frequently in Rise of Kingdoms if you really want to get the 1,000 Gems but you can also use it less and do like a couple hundred Gems every day as well.

So, let’s go through the strategy briefly and then I will show you the important things at each step.

Gathering Gems – The Strategy

So, basically you will start gathering the Gem Tiles full time with your gathering armies. As Gems can’t be transferred from one account to another you will not be able to gather resources anymore and that’s why you will need a farm account to do that (I have a full guide on that here with a lot of strategies how to build and run it properly).

I told you, it’s not complicated in theory but the devil is always in the details, right? 😉 So, let’s walk through every single step that you need to do to actually get the 1,000 Gems Daily Milestone.

Step 1 – Research

The first and most obvious step is unlocking Jewelry in the Academy. You will need this skill to actually be able to gather the Gem Tiles in the map.

rise of kingdoms gem farming research

After that you should also get Cutting & Polishing to get up to 35% more Gems from gathering the Gem Tiles. It’s optional but 35% of 1,000 is 350 Gems – it’s really useful. Also, you will need it anyway when getting towards Tier 5 Troops so getting it now won’t hurt you in the long run 😉

rise of kingdoms gem farming research 2

I know it’s only speed but gathering 35% faster means you can gather 35% more 😉

Step 2 – Commanders

Now let’s have a look at the commanders – you want to use the ones that have “The More The Better” unlocked in the gathering tree for obvious reasons – you will get more Gems once you cleared the Gem Tile.

rise of kingdoms gem farming commander talent tree

You can also see this as optional point but, as I said, we’re looking at the strategy that can get you those 1,000 Gems in one day as I told you in the headline of this guide 🙂

Step 3 – Scouting Gem Tiles

Now look at the map and search the Level 2 Gem Deposits. The Level 1 Gem Deposits are not really worth the time because traveling time and the time to gather Gems (plus the percentage extra) simply will make it only half as efficient.

rise of kingdoms gem farming scout gem tiles

There are plenty of them around so don’t mind traveling a little further and get double the Gems than wasting your time and commander for only 10 Gems!

rise of kingdoms gem farming gathering report

So, let’s do the math here real quick – it takes about 45 minutes for a commander to travel to the Gem Deposit, harvest the Gems and get back. Even without any of the bonuses mentioned above that will be 80 Gems for an hour and up to 140 Gems with 5 armies marching

The Downside Of This

There are two big things that make this strategy a little difficult:

  1. You need to be able to get online every hour to send out your commanders to gather the next Gem Tile
  2. You need a farm account to gather resources if you do only gather Gems on the map

Overall, this strategy still works great and if you do it constantly you will get your 1,000 Gems over the period of one day, or with less armies and less bonuses and less time online 5,00 Gems.

How To Use It

I personally stopped using gathering only Gems and rather send out one or two commanders to gather Gems to still have commanders left to gather regular resources because handling multiple bases can be time-consuming. I always balance that depending how much time I have and what I need but you’re also perfectly fine doing it once every while for a nice amount of extra Gems that you can really use without spending your money 🙂

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