Builder Hall 5 Base – December 20th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base has the main structure of a diamond base but with smaller compartments around that help a lot by distracting troops as well as dragging them into the traps and splash defenses and will give you great protection against the attacking setups you see at Builder Hall 5.
Builder Hall 5 Base – December 6th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
A modified version of a base style we see more and more for BH5 as it counters standard attacks quite effectively. Two open entry points along with the open dead ends in the perimeter that will get attacking troops stuck and I can tell you that most attackers will have problems dealing with this base at Builder Hall 5.
Builder Hall 5 Base – November 22nd, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
Large open core with double-layered walls will give the attacker a hard time funneling troops right and once entered the core there’s no way to give any additional orders. This works great against most attackers since they do deploy their troops without thinking much or adapting at all, especially at Builder Hall 5.
Builder Hall 5 Base – November 8th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
I really like the open core section style bases right now as they seem to be capable to deal with the current meta attacking strategies at Builder Hall 5 quite well. I enhanced it with some double-layered walls to make funneling even more difficult for the attacker.
Builder Hall 5 Base – October 25th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
I created this base along with a base I did for a higher Builder Hall with the general setup of the two open entry points along with the open dead ends in the perimeter that will get attacking troops stuck and I can tell you that most attackers will have problems dealing with this base at Builder Hall 5.
Builder Hall 5 Base – October 11th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
Intercepting the perimeter with wall segments is working really well for confusing the attacking troop’s AI and protecting the inner of your base a lot more effectively than a plain perimeter. Otherwise, this BH5 base has all the defensive features you can expect to defend well against the popular strategies you see these days.
Builder Hall 5 Base – September 27th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
Yes, this base is the evolution of a base that worked extremely effectively in July and tweaking the traps and perimeter design as well as some other things made this base super effective again and a hard thing to beat with most BH5 attacks that I tested it with, really worth using.
Builder Hall 5 Base – September 13th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base is really interesting as it has the double-layer walls on the backdoor that will prevent troops to break through there and force the troops to walk around the outside to the bottom side of the base.
Builder Hall 5 Base – August 30th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
You’ll notice that this layout here is quite similar to the last one but it has several tweaks in defense placement and also how the sections are designed to improve the defensive capabilities against common BH5 attacking strategies.
Builder Hall 5 Base – August 16th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base is a tweaked version of a base I had a couple weeks ago, with better structure, defense placement and also trap placement that makes it more effective to stop the popular attacking setups you have to deal with at BH5 these days.
Builder Hall 5 Base – August 2nd, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
Super open base design but really effective because it forces attacking troops to take the paths you created here and where the traps will beat the attacker. You might recall this layout from a previous one a couple weeks ago, but it got tweaked well so it will back you up well for your attacks.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – July 19th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This layout here connects the open sides layouts with ring-style and works extremely well for BH5 with a perimeter that groups up attacking troops really well and then smart trap placement and defense arrangement that will beat all attacking compositions that you see frequently at Builder Hall 5.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – July 5th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This split-style base is really effective at BH5 as the attacker has to break through the outline the right way, otherwise he will get the Builder Hall and even struggle to get the 50%. Many attackers fail here, giving you a really solid base that will help you defend the victory.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – June 21st, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This flower-shaped BH5 uses a technique that works really well, although symmetric bases aren’t that popular these days anymore. You have the cores that stand out, forcing the attacker to clear it all wide will breaking walls will become nasty. With all the strong defenses in the core the troops will be under fire all the time.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – June 7th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This is a base with a super effective setup for BH5 with the perimeter and the outside layer of walls that really mess with attacking troops’ AI well.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – May 24th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
I had a very similar layout a good time ago and used it with some improvements in the perimeter and defense setup to give it an update and it worked really well. The results work pretty great against attackers that are also BH5 (and also rushed BH6’s as well).
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Builder Hall 5 Base – May 10th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This split-compartment defensive style is working really great recently at BH5 as you force the attacker to burn troops to get to the core but eventually fail getting the Builder Hall or getting the Builder Hall and losing so many troops from the frontside attack that he won’t get the 2-Star due to percentage.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – April 26th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This BH5 base has a split core that will divide troops and make them go around and lead them away from the core, working really effective against most attacker that miss building a proper funnel.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – April 12th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base uses maximum space and makes time also a more critical thing for the attacker as he will need to break through two relatively large compartments that do anything to funnel troops off track and lure them into the traps and splash defenses – super effective at BH5.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – March 29th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base layout doesn’t look like much but will tackle the attacker harder than he thinks. He will need to fight brute force through all the defenses and traps at once so you can play all the defensive power at once with very little space for the attacker to do anything but watch the attack. Works really well against attacker unless they are a lot higher than you. Give it a try, you won#t regret using this base!
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Builder Hall 5 Base – March 15th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
The ring base approach is getting more and more viable and also at BH5 you can now use it for defending your base. The attacker will have a hard time building a proper funnel and getting the Builder Hall, and so many will fail that it makes it a lot easier winning Versus Battles.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – March 1st, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This kind of extra-core layouts that have been evolving recently in the higher Builder Hall levels can also work at BH5, with this base. This makes it hard for the attacker because they need to clear the perimeter and with the grouped up troops your defenses and traps will have an easier job to take them out.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – February 15th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This is a fresh approach with a center cross-section around the Builder Hall and open spots for the traps that will get the attacking troops without mercy. The pathing is really annoying for the attacker and the perimeter will group attacking troops together so you will get maximum value from splash defenses and also the traps.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – February 1st, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This BH5 base worked really well for me recently with the smaller compartments and the offset Builder Hall, giving the Mortar the biggest protection within the base. The trap placements will hit the attacking troops hard and give you the best protection you can get against Builder Hall 5 attackers.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – January 18th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
We’ve seen base styles like this frequently in higher Builder Hall levels but it now starts to find glory at BH5 as well. The basic concept is to have all defenses in the center in a large core with a perimeter around to group troops for the splash defenses. In the inside, the attacker has zero chance to do anything but watch how the troops trigger traps and get full DPS from all defenses.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – January 4th, 2021
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This diamond-style base uses multiple compartments to protect the backside of the base, forcing the attacker to choose to either go all-in from the front and straight into the Crusher or from the backside where troops will have a hard time finding a straight part towards the Builder Hall. Worked really well in my tests.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – December 21st, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This week I wanted a more compact base for BH5 that also separates the Builder Hall from the rest of the base. The ring has multiple smaller compartments to mess with troop AI and also make it harder for the attacker to get the troops into the core area of this base.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – December 7th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
I had a similar layout lately in the higher Builder Hall levels and wanted to modify it to test if it will also work at BH5 – and it does. In fact, it worked so well that I want to share this layout with you here as no other BH5 attacker was able to 3-Star this base.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – November 23rd, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This BH5 base here uses a different approach compared to what you normally see at Builder Hall 5 with lots of smaller compartments. You have the outside perimeter that requires a bunch of troops to actually funnel and then slow down attacking troops by the walls. This worked really well when I used this base lately.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – November 9th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
I know this kind of base layout dominate the defending meta at BH5 for a long time but the reason is that it’s simply that effective in eating away troops for building the funnel and forcing the attacker to play it really well to have a decent chance for the higher percentage 2-Star. I tested this base and it really worked well unless the attacker was a lot higher Builder Hall, but there’s no BH5 base in the world that can save you from that… Really enjoyed this one here.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – October 26th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base here features a nice outside perimeter that is designed to distract ground troops from getting into the core, giving Bombers a bad time and ultimately eating time from the clock while attacking troops suffer more damage before they are able to get inside. On the inside, there’s a Crusher waiting for them to make it even more complicated to go for the 2-Star.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – October 12th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
We’ve seen such layouts at Builder Hall 5 a lot and that’s because they are so effective against most players that, for whatever reason, not seem to be able to find a way to break them efficiently. You have basically two bulkheads on the frontside and the backside of the base that takes time to break through and by the time these sections got cleared, the attacker normally lost that many troops that he won#t be able to get the Builder Hall anymore.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – September 28th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Diamond base? Lame? Well, not the most creative defesive approach at BH5, I admit. But the results are good because so many attackers at this Builder Hall level simply spam their troops in and hope for the best – and in this case the best is a 1-Star, nothing more. The outside perimeters keep the troops off your core long enough to get most troops down and the Battle Machine won’t be able to get far enough into the base to get the Builder hall because of the Crusher and the leftover defenses.
Builder Hall 5 Base – September 14th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This is a slightly fine-tuned version of the last BH5 base with some minor tweaks I made during the past week to get the results even better. I didn’t wanted to actually design a fresh base when this one is still working so well.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – August 31st, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
Front open bases like this are getting more and more popular at BH5 for the reason that it’s really hard to break into the base. The attacker needs to deal with a load of buildings and defenses on the frontside and then needs to get through the Crusher while basically all defenses will let their damage rain on the troops to get the 2-Star. Attacking from the backside makes it easier to get the Builder Hall but normally lacks in percentage to reach the 2-Star.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – August 17st, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This BH5 base here has a really interesting approach to deal with attackers with open sides that will give the attacker a hard time to think which one will work best. The back entrance looks easiest but wll funnel troops to the outsides, the fron entrance with the Crusher is not really attractive and the corner open wall section is really nasty to funnel. Overall, most attackers failed against this base miserably.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – August 3rd, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
This base here uses a more practical approach which is basically letting all defensive power rain down on the attacker so it’s an all-in attack that invites the attacker to spam but will end in troops going to the sides and failing on the DPS your defenses have.
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Builder Hall 5 Base – July 20th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – July 6th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – June 7th, 2020
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – May 25th, 2020
This is the Builder Hall 5 version of a layout structure that became more and more popular because working really effective and consists of wall paths leading towards the Builder Hall but using the poor AI to soak troops into the Crusher and the Spring Traps there and not let them directly attack the Builder Hall.
Along with the outside compartments that make it also hard to funnel all troops into the core area and a well-covered area by all defenses make this base absolutely worth using.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – May 11th, 2020
I really liked that base layout that is different from what you normally see and tested it with good results. The problem with the diamond base styles is that people start to know how they can beat it and an unusual layout always challenges them on another level. Here you have the Builder Hall in the middle but two sections on the sides.
The Crusher protects one entry point and the trash buildings always funnel troops away from the straight path towards the Builder Hall and there’s no chance to avoid the traps in there. Results have been pretty well with this Builder Hall 5 base.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – May 1st, 2020
Here’s a Builder Hall 5 layout that did quite well recently while testing it and defended effectively against ground attacks with Archers and Barbarians and also Baby Dragons.
The Builder Hall is in the center and for ground troops the Crusher position is really nasty to deal with, especially with the traps around it that makes it really frustrating to even deploy troops in waves into it correctly. Baby Dragons had problems to get enough trash buildings to get the air defenses and lost already so much of them that they couldn’t get the Builder Hall, especially with that Crusher position.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – April 13th, 2020
The bottom part of this base is working great against ground troops because they get soaked into the funnel and land directly in the Crusher there.
Baby Dragon attacks can get critical at BH5 but the Air Bomb at the bottom side is pretty expensive to clear with the Elixir Storage on the side and the Firecrackers are loaded on the other side so even there you have plenty of defensive power against Baby Dragons.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – April 4th, 2020
This BH5 base here holds up pretty well against all kinds of Barbarians or Archer attacks that come for the annoying attacks that take ages but are hard to defend at Builder Hall 5. There’s not many buildings they can reach so they will have to start making them walk longer distances and this will cost them so much time that they will time out in the long run.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – March 27th, 2020
This Builder Hall 5 base here has a really cool way how the traps are set up to make sure that the attacker can’t avoid it and the compartment structure is also nice to hold back any attack with mass troops easily plus the Crusher funnel on top of the base is really handy and will give the attacker a hard time.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – February 2020
I used this base here for quite some time now and found it to hold up well against most attacking strategies, unless the attcker has a higher Builder Hall, but in that case no base layout in the world can save you the victory… Builder Hall 5 can be brutal sometimes and the best you can do is to focus on the battles that are in your hand and try to not get demotivated too much when a BH6 attacks you and crushes your base, you simply lack of the defenses to defend that.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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Builder Hall 5 Base – January 2020
This BH5 base s a diamond base (don’t roll your eyes, these bases are so common because they simply work best at Builder Hall 5…), so you have an open-sided core area covered by two lines of walls.
This layout works nicely because you give the attacker a hard time to funnel troops to the core. and control where they will hit the traps. Most of the time you will deal with Giants combined with Archers/Barbarians and occasional Minions, a mix of Barbarians and Archers without Giants or the classical mass Barbarians or mass Archer attacks.
Let’s start taking a closer look at attacks featuring Giants. The nice thing here is that the attacker will either come from the side or the top with their Giants, sending them into the immediate death at the Crusher with the Spring Traps. Attacking from the bottom is only possible with Bombers, otherwise, the Giants will ignore the walls completely with the double-layer and also run towards the sides.
But using Bomber will reveal one problem for the attacker (if he’s BH5 as well) – he is missing forces to crush the core area towards the Builder Hall with all the Cannons, Archer Towers etc. and chances are good that he will run out of troops before he can reach the Builder Hall.
So attacking without Giants… Still a similar problem. Attacking from the top is plain too risky and will often fail dramatically for the attacker so he needs to open up the bottom of the base with Bomber to send in his Barbarians. The problem here is that he also needs to clear the Clock Tower and Star Laboratory (costs at least 10 Barbarians) to send troops into the center of the base. The problem here is that this won’t be enough to get the Builder Hall and percentage for the 2-Star so some troops have to clear on the sides as well leaving this a pretty risky move for the attacker to take.
Last but not least the Baby Dragon attacks that are pretty strong against Builder Hall 5 bases. Haven’t seen that much but when they attack they try to avoid the Air Bombs at the top and approach either from the side or the bottom. Both options aren’t that well as the sides will make them run into the Air Bombs pretty soon and this will cost them too many Baby Dragons. Attacking from the bottom will send the Baby Dragons into the Firecrackers all the time so they barely make it to the Builder Hall. The attacker’s only option is to try getting the Builder Hall with the Battle Machine but most of the there’s not enough trash destroyed so the Battle Machine will get soaked into the Crusher while getting hit by the Archer Towers.
This base got popular so people developed a strategy against it. Don’t use it anymore…
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It says new layout in the first 7 days is only for Patreon but now it’s been 10 days. Release it please
So it’s been 12 days.. Will you unlock it the first base layout please?
click the link, it will be public available after 7 days 🙂