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best weapons in knights edge with builds best weapons in knights edge with builds

Best Weapons & Best Builds in Knight’s Edge

We all know that the choice for a weapon in Knight’s Edge is a pretty important one as it will not only determine your performance in the game, it also consumes a lot of time, effort and resources to actually build the weapon and choosing the wrong one and/or building it wrong can have dramatic results and throw you back weeks or even months in your progress.

For that reason, I have written this guide here to give you a good overview about the different weapons, including my recommendation what weapons are working best right now in the game plus also some good builds for those weapons to make them perform at their best.

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The Best Weapons in Knight’s Edge (incl. Rune Build)

So, there’s more than 20 weapons but there’s no use to list them all as you are after the best ones and the ones to focus on, right? Here’s what you should put your effort in.

Void Axe

Of course, the weapon of choice for some many Knight’s Edge players and absolutely one of the strongest in the game – but what do you do with the strongest weapon in Knight’s Edge if you put the wrong runes on it?

So, the best way to build this weapon if you want to deal tremendous amounts of damage, is this:

  • Offense
    • Vexed: a great way to ramp up your damage output with more critical strikes as it will get triggered enough
    • Critical Escalation: adds more flat crit chance which performs really well with the Void Axe
    • Strength Tonic: increases the auto power and ramps up damage well, too
    • Called Target: one of the heart pieces of this build for the Void Axe as it will trigger the called target a lot and increase your overall damage well
  • Defense
    • Managing Anger: nice additional health bonus that is useful in all situations using Void Axe
    • Magic Potions: the automatic refills can be really useful
    • Void Wake: useful and suits the mechanics of Void Axe really well
    • Charged Armor: increases your armor automatically and is also useful in most situations

Staff of Ember

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Has been catching up in popularity to the Void Axe a lot recently and, although I don’t want to get into the detailed and sometimes overly excessive debate which of the two, Void Axe or Staff of Ember, is better in Knight’s Edge – they both are outstanding strong weapons.

If you run this weapon, you want to use:

  • Offense
    • Stoking Fire: with the burn you will add a lot of frequent additional damage and give the Staff of Ember quite a boost
    • Critical Escalation: adds more flat crit chance which performs really well with the Void Axe
    • Strength Tonic: increases the auto power and ramps up damage well, too
    • Elemental Application: the cooldown reduction is also quite vital when running the Staff of Ember in Knight’s Edge
  • Defense
    • Managing Anger: nice additional health bonus that is useful in all situations
    • Magic Potions: the automatic refills can be really useful
    • Pulsing Elements: the pulses will compliment a lot, considering that this is a ranged weapon
    • Persistence: increases your cooldown and works really well

Royal Bow

Is now really viable with the update it got some time ago! It used to be a weapon that players used at the very start of Knight’s Edge and then never touched again.

If you want to build this weapon and run it at its best performance, you need:

  • Offense
    • Close Quarters: this bonus damage is absolutely fine and goes well with the mechanics as you want to be ranged and enemies approaching and suffering more damage
    • Critical Escalation: adds more flat crit chance which performs really well with the Void Axe
    • Strength Tonic: increases the auto power and ramps up damage well, too
    • Called Target: one important rune here as well as you will lock on the target well and then get the additional damage
  • Defense
    • Managing Anger: the bread-and-butter defense rune that you will run on all weapons
    • Magic Potions: the automatic refills can be really useful
    • Power Draining: basically lifesteal that will safe your live in more than one situation
    • Persistence: increases your cooldown and works really well

Zappy Chopper

Not just fun to play, also effective as you will zap everybody with static. Overall, I’d say that you have more damage output with the Void Axe or the Staff of Ember, but it absolutely viable and you will enjoy using it.

Here’s the best way to build it with runes:

  • Offense
    • Critically Charged: is a must rune here as you will get guaranteed crits when killing a target with static. Just insane in some situations and a rune to focus on
    • Critical Escalation: adds more flat crit chance which performs really well with the Void Axe
    • Strength Tonic: increases the auto power and ramps up damage well, too
    • Called Target: one important rune here as well as you will lock on the target well and then get the additional damage
  • Defense
    • Managing Anger: the bread-and-butter defense rune that you will run on all weapons
    • Magic Potions: the automatic refills can be really useful
    • Riding Lightning: with the rolling you will get a lot of damage boost for the Choppy Zapper, eh, Zappy Chopper
    • Charged Armor: increases your armor automatically and is also useful in most situations


I hope this helps you choose the right runes for your weapons and each of those builds will give you a powerful boost and damage output in Knight’s Edge.

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