mighty party best heroes tier list april 2023 mighty party best heroes tier list april 2023

Mighty Party Best Heroes (Tier List) Ranked (April 2023 Update)

There are loads of heroes in Mighty Party and you know how hard it is to level them up. With this tier list I picked the currently relevant ones in the meta and give you a priority which ones are worth your effort and which ones are rather not – hopefully this will help you invest your time and resources best and maybe save you from investing in the wrong heroes.

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Might Party Heroes Tier List

Here’s my ranking with all heroes:

ATTENTION! The heroes within a tier are ordered alphabetically and are equally strong as it’s impossible to say this A Tier hero is stronger than another one, they are all very good to use (just as an example)


It shouldn't come as a surprise that Blair is up here and she's more viable at lower levels compared to Eostre. Her kit is just so strong and able to deal with ranged enemies so effectively that you will find her basically in every top player squad..
eostre the dawn glow
Eostre the Dawn Glow
Eostre is the one hero in Mighty Party with so much utility, including her silence that comes in very handy at so many situations plus her turn zap makes her a hero you want to run almost all the time. The difference to Blair here is that you need to level her quite a bit to really be able to use her full benefits..
angelia the lightbringer
Angelia the Lightbringer
Please mind, this rating is only for running her inside an order team so she can deal incredible damage and be good with it. Within a regular team she is only average, and doesn't contribute that much to your team. She deals damage, she has block ad flight but that's it and i'd like to see more synergy for the team..
charon soul catcher
Charon Soul Catcher
Charon is also one of the very strong heroes that excel in most situations with his end-of-turn change and the random attack that also applies to all allies.
dead lord
Dead Lord
Dead Lord is really nasty to deal with by summoning all the zombies, turning enemies into zombies and even buffing their attack up at the end of the turn. This can easily snowball through the enemy team and is absolutely strong..
Ghosta, when used in a Warlord team, deals a lot of damage but also needs to run against Warlord setups, In that situation, she is top.
legion god of war
Legion God of War
With Legion you have a hero that will buff up allies' attacks and health plus the extra turn that can mean in a the right team setup to change the outcome of the battle entirely. A hero you want to run, for sure..
mosura wind breath
Mosura Wind Breath
Mosura has her summoned copy with a pierce and a small attack buff. Overall ngreat.
shadow shaa-moona
Shadow Shaa-Moona
Shadow Shaa-Moona has the shard summon and also a good area of effect damage, that make her already solid. But what really makes her stand out in Mighty Party is her counter attack that will basically hurt the enemies trying to deal with her a lot and are a great help.
void jewel
Void Jewel
Void Jewel is a versatile building that will not only deal good damage but also heal for the amount of damage dealt which makes it double as effective..
aharin gods will
Aharin Gods Will
Nice mechanics with evasion and decrease attack when he dies..
dandy croc
Dandy Croc
Gains health equal to attacks and makes it possible that enemies below 25% health can be executioned .
grace of rocketfleet
Grace of Rocketfleet
Grace can snowball with her kit that will buff attack on enemy death and her random attacks can help target enemies you want to take down. But, she has the same rng issue as Frost with the random targeting that can also not be in your favor..
groot silent guardian
Groot Silent Guardian
poison flos
Poison Flos
Poison Flos is hard to rank, to be honest. I like the mechanics and the healing and summoning can be effective but becomes not that good once you encounter setup of enemies that can clear debuffs..
shao lin
Shao Lin
Shao Lin is cool if he can give your Order allies the silence immunity and the attack buffs also is nice and a good amount of damage on death..
tani windrunner
Tani Windrunner
End of turn swaps attack and HP + enemy death gives evasion make her one of the best anture heroes in Mighty Party.
Alexandria is very helpful, especially with her ability to remove debuffs from allies that will give your team a nice boost. I'd rank her higher if that would also include removing silence, but it's still really strong. Also, she applies silence herself and give the enemy team a hard time with that..
Aphrodite can be really squishy, depending what target base health she takes for dealing damage. Also, her random healing makes her so rng and you can be lucky or not with her..
Well-balanced control hero actually.
arthur frost blade
Arthur Frost Blade
Arthur with his kit that sumons Caladbolg with the extra charge plus giving allies health at the end of the turn is a hero you don't want to miss and that will be a great addition in many teams..
cabas wasteland lord
Cabas Wasteland Lord
With the block he gains for ally he is really great, also some decent damage.
coba temple keeper
Coba Temple Keeper
Lots of health, summons on death and several other little traits make him quite useful.
Gets resistance when he kills and can slash quite well with his mechanics.
diana amazonian queen
Diana Amazonian Queen
Can snowball to ridiculously high attacks with her kit.
frost the snow queen
Frost the Snow Queen
Frost can freeze random enemies, which is really good, and also sets a random enemy's health low at the end of turn. She also has the extra health buff that can stack up, but doesn't affect all. I'd rank her higher, but as her freeze targets random enemies she can be a little rng and results may vary depending on what enemy she will target for her freeze..
Works overall pretty fine.
hanako lady banshee
Hanako Lady Banshee
Summons and the way her attacking kit works is really nice overall + freeze.
jaxy the thunderfist
Jaxy the Thunderfist
Evasion, extra attacks and block. Just plain good.
justia law goddess
Justia Law Goddess
Justia can apply random miss to enemies and has a strong attack buff plus her end of turn health benefit (but only apply to Order ally). Also, the random targeting for the miss can be great or unfortunate so a little rng with her, like the other heroes that use random targeting in Mighty Party..
kong monkey king
Kong Monkey King
With spike counter damage that is quite high a useful hero.
koschei the immortal
Koschei the Immortal
Quite survivability if he won't get wiped out in the beginning.
life palace
Life Palace
Life Palace has actually decent healing and shield.
mina hellsing
Mina Hellsing
Extra attack, avasion and accuracy make her pretty good.
morgan the sea tusk
Morgan the Sea Tusk
The whole reduction for enemy in line makes him quite strong with his counterattack, too.
mr. flap
Mr. Flap
Mr. Flap is strong as he gains immunity when attacked and overall has a beautiful kit.
myrddin caer
Myrddin Caer
Really good with the silence.
regardus diplius
Regardus Diplius
Summons and Silence really nice.
Sheer-Shah has this weird damage on enemy death surrounding and the wounding pre-requisite.
strik the fiery heart
Strik the Fiery Heart
Strik has area damage that should work well..
super mary
Super Mary
Useful with shield.
tnt crazy demolitionist
TNT Crazy Demolitionist
TNT can kill runes which makes him a very niche counter but his area damage is enough to rank him here.
tortulus the wise one
Tortulus the Wise One
High HP and very annoying to deal with.
triton the bottom herald
Triton the Bottom Herald
Triton has silence when attacked and some healing and self-attack buff.
ysh'tmala the old god
Ysh'Tmala the Old God
Ysh'Tmala freezing ranged enemies is nice.
yuri shadow dagger
Yuri Shadow Dagger
Yuri only work well if there are multiple ranged enemies.
airavata heaven's fury
Airavata Heaven's Fury
The resistance is nice and allied water attack skills and immunity to silnce is nice but nothing outstnading overall.
kai the fiery soul
Kai the Fiery Soul
Debatable and I had many discussions about him - I like his kit but his stats just seem not to be good enough to sustain against freeze or atk steal. Kai is a good unit, but you can't play him in any situation. He's an assist hero like Jormun with a bit less universal utility..
apep aspect of chaos
Apep Aspect of Chaos
Apep plays back and forth with an ally death but also rely on that. So, if you run a setup that is strong enough and has synergies that prevent your allies from dying, he becomes pretty useless..
arioch nemesis weapon
Arioch Nemesis Weapon
Arioch has an interesting kit that I actually like, with the bleeding effect and the stealing of attack from the enemy (remember, stealing means they lose it and Arioch gains it). The invulnerability can also be useful but the overall output of damage is not that great compared to heroes in the A Tier..
bravi deadly blade
Bravi Deadly Blade
Nice mechanics here and there, nothing outstnading though. Can be situational good for tank, blocks etc..
Chernomo has immunity and heals Warlord allies and has the extra attack. I ranked him here as his overall effectivity is not that crazy and his heal is only for Warlord allies..
dominus the swarm king
Dominus the Swarm King
Dominus has a cool extra attack and self-heal, but doesn't contribute much more to your team than that. He's okay, not more and not less..
Draggara is cool in the way how she buffs her attack up. But that's also all that she does, buffing her own attack up and if the enemy team deal with her well (and without much support on her they will), she's can be pretty useless..
evil santa
Evil Santa
Evil Santa has his funny reward box transformation of enemies that is useless on enemies with evasion.
general zor'ma
General Zor'Ma
Loads of HP and decent mehanics plus summons.
griffius the celestial
Griffius the Celestial
Griffius has a decent attack and can work okay in a team that gets wounded, but other than that no hero I'd recommend too much..
hanzo sama
Hanzo Sama
Good at the start but falls off later, the mini summon tesla is debatable so I ranked him a little higher.
Pretty high block.
jörmun grand
Jörmun Grand
Freeze before attack which can be useful.
marquis de sat
Marquis de Sat
If healing and poison falls into place he can be quite good.
mjolnir lightning god
Mjolnir Lightning God
Damage on heal and evasion on death to ranged ally makes him a solid pick.
queen ananta
Queen Ananta
Nothing good but can make a poison team better.
scrap the king of garbage
Scrap the King of Garbage
Scrap is the king of garbage and that's most of the time how he performs in Mighty Party... Steals attack on enemy death which doesn't occur too often, the extra attack won't pack a punch as well as his surrounding target attack. Also no sustain and goes down quickly..
sly the forest guard
Sly the Forest Guard
Good in a poison setup.
toxic mantas
Toxic Mantas
Steals attack but nothing specialm the secondary skill can be debatable.
vixen the storm lord
Vixen the Storm Lord
Vixen has freeze but only on Warlord attack, can only steal from frozen enemies and overall just not viable in many situations to rank him any higher..
amaterasu eternal sun
Amaterasu Eternal Sun
Amaterasu buffs melee allies, debuffs enemies' attack and has the Mental Shield. She is good in what she's doing but you need a melee heavy squad and counter a ranged setup of enemies. For that reason I have ranked her in B Tier as this doesn't apply overall..
Mental shield can be nice overall not a good hero that's worth it.
ball'zt the warden
Ball'Zt the Warden
Nothing special or outstanding.
chuba cabras
Chuba Cabras
Chuba Cabras has solid abilities but I kind of don't like the prerequisites of them. The attacks ebuff only applies to Order enemies, the healing on damage dealt only applies in line and in the wrong setup he becomes pretty ineffective. In the right team, though, can be strong..
count vlad
Count Vlad
Has extra attack and vampirism (obviously) but overall doesn't stand out at all.
Discordia has this great extra attack for random allies (can be rng but is overall pretty good), but depends on a Chaos team to really shine. It was a borderline decision but I feel she can be strong and would be good for the A Tier in some situations but pretty unreliable in others, so I ranked her in the B Tier, especially compared to the other Mighty Party heroes I have in the higher tier)..
enlil wind of change
Enlil Wind of Change
Protects warlord and useful attack mechanics.
freddy lord of terror
Freddy Lord of Terror
Fine with curse but nothing special but useful damage.
Gremory has an interesting kit, inflicting with curse and dealing damage, Overall the flight ability paired with the extra damage only applying to enemy Warlord make her a little niche for me..
Quite disappointing performance overall after some testing.
Hoodoo is one of my favorite hero visuals in Mighty Party, but his overall performance is a little niche with the healing only for melee allies and his spikes that can turn tides in a battle or do not much. Needs to be used with melee team and versus melee-heavy teams..
kung fucius
Kung Fucius
Nice immunity but nothing special more than that.
lady medusa
Lady Medusa
Useful freezing but that#s about it.
leader nilen
Leader Nilen
Useful freeze.
loath spore loser
Loath Spore Loser
Loath can, theoretically, have an effect against an enemy setup that can't clear the debuff. But in reality, this is not happening too often..
madam agony
Madam Agony
Madam Agony can pack a real punch against teams that use healing a lot and apply wounds to your team so you can counter attacks heavily. This makes her quite a niche hero in Mighty Party, but one that can be really effective in the right setup..
madam lo'trix
Madam Lo'trix
Madam Lo'Trix is interesting mechanics with her puppets and can snowball quite effectively unless you run into a setup that will deal with her puppets as she really heavily on making her puppets attack and health..
matriach eona
Matriach Eona
Spalsh damage and everything is average.
mother owl
Mother Owl
Mother Owl has okay buff and debuff but nothing other heroes can't provide and not much in addition to that..
mr. devil
Mr. Devil
Kind-of a better version of Bastet.
ogrok the leader
Ogrok the Leader
His whole mechnics make him average, nothing more and nothing less.
ondine the foamborn
Ondine the Foamborn
Freeze is alright but nothing outstanding.
Extra attack to ally is nice but overall not any outstnading hero.
Prince has this wild summoning coming up, but it never really get started making a great effect and the Archers he summons are too easy for the enemy to deal with..
prince nod
Prince Nod
High HP and spikes, but that's about it.
red woman
Red Woman
Red Woman has a nice vampirism on allies and can pack a punch against Warlord. What i don't like that much is her death buff that can be good but also requires her to die and I don't like mechanics where you need your own hero to die to have an effect that much..
serket sen scorp
Serket Sen Scorp
Serket attacks Warlord and gives toxin to random enemies and regenerates health on any hero death. Sounds overall really viable and powerful, but it's not. Not much damage and dies too early most of the times..
taeral kelhorn
Taeral Kelhorn
Nice bleeding mechnics, nothing more.
tai ling dragon dance
Tai Ling Dragon Dance
Tai Ling is similar to Madam Lo'trix puppet mechanics but doesn't sacrifice her Mushu's. Still, I always have the feeling that she misses something that make her really effective so I ranked her here in the B Tier..
Evasion but other than that just average.
villano mad genius
Villano Mad Genius
Villano has a solid debuff and some healing but that bases a lot on Warlord. Overall there are simply better options to have in your team..
all prince of sands
All Prince of Sands
The enemes he gives miss is very useful earlier when there are fewer heroes on the board .
deep maw
Deep Maw
The evasion and a lot you read in his kit sounds great but in reality doesn#t play out that well.
el mariachi
El Mariachi
El Mariachi has lovely spikes buff on allies and self-healing but overall that won't do too much and you can use that spot more efficiently..
erik the grey
Erik the Grey
When attacked gets extra ttack but nothing special overall.
fury the great warrior
Fury the great Warrior
Fury has a lot of extra attacks, but they are not very useful as he needs to kill to buff his own attack up and there's nothing he will provide for the team..
king taurus
King Taurus
the healing is okay but nothing outstnading.
melia forest's daughter
Melia Forest's Daughter
Melia needs to be combined with ally that has poison and spikes, making her a not-universal hero at all..
mi the ten-tailed fox
Mi the Ten-Tailed Fox
Performance depends a lot on the opponent + RNG.
miss lapin
Miss Lapin
Miss Lapin requires good line positioning and you can find better heroes for what she does..
morgen von stern
Morgen von Stern
Very average in everything.
necro master lich
Necro Master Lich
Nothing really special.
snake the lizard prince
Snake the Lizard Prince
Nothing special about him.
Vanakauri has some counter-attack but a lot of Warlord prerequisites and the heal only happens when an ally dies (a horrible moment to provide healing)..
Athena doesn't stick out much and don't do that much, also because her prerequisite for her attack buff is quite picky..
grand ma reaper
Grand Ma Reaper
Grand Ma has quite a picky kit and doesn't do much. I'm not a big fan of her, although I like her artwork and naming as one of the coolest in Mighty Party..
high tinker
High Tinker
High Tinker has very specific prerequisites on abilities that make him not a great hero in most situations..
mizu the sea foam
Mizu the Sea Foam
Mizu works similar to Madam Lo'trix puppets and also requires allies with freeze to be effective. Overall, not a great choice..
Stormrage with his damage happening when he dies and Warlock damage is no hero that will work in many team setups and won't provide any synergies to your team..
tengu ravencrest
Tengu Ravencrest
Tengu only buffs nature allies, only extra attack against Warlord and the attack buff for all allies is just not enough to make him really useful..
yorik the risen one
Yorik the Risen One
Yorik can be naughty with the revive and the damage all in line, but the problem is that I'd rather have him survive longer than revive, he's simply too squishy..
d'arc iron maiden
D'Arc Iron Maiden
Immunity and block won't make her a good hero in Mighty Party.
tesla x
Tesla X
Not really worth wasting a slot for me.
Nothing special about her other than evasion.
anak princess dragon
Anak Princess Dragon
Damages everyone, including your allies. Sounds like great against summons but overall does more harm than good..
cernun archdruid
Cernun Archdruid
Stals enemy attacks but nothing special.
Nothing special.
sir lancelot
Sir Lancelot
Just not good.


That’s the current eir list of heroes sin Mighty Party and if you have questions or think that I miss-graded any of them horribly, please drop a comment below and I will do my best to answer it.

Tier ist for similar games:

  1. Hi, while I think it’s great you’re helping out with the Mighty Party tier list, I would HIGHLY recommend checking it again as either you are a low league player (which would be my guess) or you really need to start learning Hall of Fame.

    More than half the list is horribly wrong, Tani is F-tier for example and Bastet is way better than Mr. Devil. I can list dozens of other examples (note: I’ve played MP since pretty much the beginning and have written most of the online guides for it).

    I recommend joining the MP Discord and seeing how people there play to readjust your list (or check out my card guide there, it’s a sort of review of every hero).

    In case you’re not sure I’m legit, feel free to visit me there (my nick below is the same in the Discord) and I’ll show you why.

    1. I could not agree more with this and recommend you joining Discord.

      Lonewolf is a community leader and arguably the leader of those leaders. This list feels like it is around 2 years out of date – for example Eostre has been nerfed in this time. Blair has actually had a boost, but fallen behind other heroes that are simply broken.

      All in all, people seeing this post are likely to make bad choices – please amend. Join us on discord and you can see why quite easily – hundreds of expert players on hand to help.

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