marvel snap deck variation marvel snap deck variation

Marvel SNAP Hela Discard Deck Variations

Are you interested in playing the Hela Discard Deck in MARVEL SNAP or you’re playing it already? Great, it’s a very interesting deck that many players play successfully and here you will find some more information about it + some variations of it if you’re missing some of the cards or if you want to switch things up a little bit when you see this deck over and over yourself and want to be less predicatble for your opponents in Marvel SNAP.

Please make sure to check out our weekly updated list of all decks that are viable in the current meta of Marvel Snap to make sure to play the decks that actually work. You can find the list of all meta decks in MARVEL SNAP here.

The Hela Discard Deck

Not too easy to play and the only discard deck that can really keep up with the meta in Marvel Snap right now but also a deck where you have to know when to retreat when your lines don’t work the way you want them to. Snaps are your bread and butter here so know when to snap and retreat when you#re behind is a key skill to have with this deck.. Here is the main variation of the deck that works best in the current meta:

You don’t hava all the cards or looking for a different variation of this deck?

Many players have the problem when they see common meta decks that they are missing some of the cards as they often feature very new cards or cards that only players that spend quite some money on the game have access to. I know that many websites only show you the top decks in a ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ way so what I wanted to do here is give all players the chance to play the deck.

Below you will find different version of this deck that still do well in the meta and I want to be disclaim it very openly here – if you can’t play any of them as you’re missing cards, please don’t try to get funky as this will normally lead you to create a deck that is simply not winning long-term and you should rather pick another deck here that you can use than trying to force something that is not meant to work for you.

Hela Discard Deck Variation

This variation works without Gambit Jubilee Black Cat Giganto.


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